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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I looked at blue bricks too a while ago, I agree it's like they don't want you to have any. I remember back in the 80's you could buy assortment boxes of one colour brick. I always ment to buy a box or two of light Gary and Blue, I just never got round to it.
  2. Back in the 70's those were the Lego figures. I/have had several sets before Lego Space came out in 78. All my other mini figs prior to 78 were the old no arms type. Im building up my Lego sets as I type this.
  3. At least she's not ginger, looks ok, the original was all glitzy show and singing so, I guess this one had to be he same.
  4. LOL cant we have that as some sort of auto post on this thread ?
  5. I appreciate that but even master class stuff is far off bat, and we all know Hasbro don't really think you buy that for your 7 year old.
  6. Point Break is a total classic, a remake is wrong on so many levels.
  7. Me too, now I want to get all the bits to make my president business into Lord Business. I am so going to enjoy this when it comes to blu ray. Frame by frame shots to help me construct the models not produced by Lego. Man beats all that filler and styrene that it would normally take to make screen accurate props. Plus they'll all be 1/1 scale
  8. I saw it last night with my wife, I was worried that she wouldn't get it. She only had a fleeting childhood experience with Lego. But she loved it and got most of the in jokes. She has also been singing the theme tune almost nonstop since. I really liked it. Made me come home and get out my Lego Space from the attic and build up some sets. The best part of thirty years stored in a purpose built wooden case has been kind to them. I intend to build up all my sets to see what bit are missing and then buy those bits to complete them. I gusse the marketing department at Lego intended all us 70's kids to do that.
  9. I guess the marketing department at Lego have got what they want. Parents buying kits for their kids, and nostalgically buying kits for themselves. How long till we see a relaunch of 1978 kits to tap that market ?
  10. I guess unless you are 5 years old the figures are gonna suck. Here's hoping your parents are buying you leader class figures. Also am I to understand the only Dinobot to keep its G1 name will be Grimlock.
  11. Back in the day I got a Sheet of them from Lego to do just that, I remember that there went enough to go round, and I couldn't get another one. They had a clear back ground and worked on all colour figures. I checked in with the space guys in my parents attic over the weekend and all the stickered ones look minty, 20+ years on. Reprolables would clean up. Just a thought if enough people here want some a friend of mine owns a signage company he could easily do these in maybe an A5 or A4 sheet with the LSS decals/numbers and anything else we could dream up.I would be happy to send them out to all at cost of print and postage. I guess if you are interested PM me or post here. If enough people are then I'll start up a buy thread.
  12. I never realised they were that "rare" only eight sets, I have 3 or 4 of them, dang I guess I should have bought the other 3 / 4 sets. I checked at the week end still have all mine including the train Lego. The instructions are all there
  13. Yell yeah, I remember going into the store with my brother while my mom look at some mom appropriate stuff, we were "yellow, spacemen. Seconds later we both were in the cashiers line with a kit each Already got one of thoses. Ever since I saw a guy on the Tube (subway) dressed as a Lego spaceman, I wanted one.
  14. Could this be his last film ? Looks interesting.
  15. I have several Blue Spacemen, I was there at the beginning of Lego space so, I had to get Blue ones when they came out. So kits were bought because of the bits they contained and also the colour of the personnel included. I still have all of mine, and the instructions, sadly only a few boxes remain.
  16. Having just seen it over the weekend, I have to agree with Kanedas Bike. I may well read the book/s to fill in the gaps.
  17. So are you trying to recreate the scene in Gravity just before the Explorer buys the farm ?
  18. Is Humungey Gauwd floated on the stock market ? If it is maybe we could all scrape up some cash and buy it. I'm guessing £150 may just do it. That way we would have a say.
  19. Well I always assumed that Cybertron was a bit bigger that our Moon, and Unicron was a similar size. So I was thinking if he came knocking on Earths door he'd be big enough that you'd see him comming.
  20. I'm hoping that if we don't get a Macross Lego set, that someone takes a very good look at all pictures and works out how to make one. That way we can just go along to Lego.com and buy the bits and build our own.
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