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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I'd like to see a Macross representation of the HG offices get stomped by a Zentran in Armor, as a nod towards the true believers.
  2. OMG I am so glad I got banned from that site, for talking about "real" Macross. They really are like the dumb ass cousin that nobody wants to have visit during the holidays.
  3. I guess it's down to cost of development, Hasbro can soak up the dev costs as they'll get a big return from world wide sales, these small guys have higher costs due to size of runs etc. But I stand by their work 99.9% of it is better than Hasbro.
  4. You know he gets a Dollar for each post.
  5. He knows his place
  6. It's a painfull fact that some films were filmed in such a way that conversion to HD makes then look shite, even before some bright spark tinkers with it. I too have some stuff that is on HD and the original DVD or VHS is better. Sadly most of it seems to be anime.
  7. I'm sure that regardless of what we all think, this film will make Mr Bay a whole hill of money and reaffirm to him the he is the greatest producer/human being ever to have lived, we as far as he thinks anyway.
  8. What's next a film version of classic WWII Sit com Ello Ello, a classic BBC comedy that does not translate at all out of English. My French friend did not get it at all even when we explained it to him, he just said but that is how you say that in English. It would only work in native English speaking counties.
  9. Ask and Ye shall have The Wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rear_Guard Not quite and episode but a clip from some soft of documentary.
  10. Not so much a remake as a Tv series to move make, though they probably shouldnt anyway. Dad's Army the 1970's comedy about the home guard in the U.K is being made into a film. Now the U.S version was a car crash in comedy, so i can only imagine the film will also be a wreck.
  11. Count me in
  12. I'd like to see either something from the Mac Zero to SDF Macross era, how the UN war changes after the use and knowledge of recovered alien tech, how the world eventually unites just in time for Bretai's fleet to arrive. Or a reboot that focuses on new characters in the original SDF Macross series. Maybe as others have previously said focused on the ground troops and Destroids and other bullet magnets. I guess all this is unlikely and we will see something in line with Frontier. Or may be the Space Whales will get their own spin off series.
  13. Any Macross is better than no Macross. Are you saying it never aired in the U.K ? May be not in 1984, but in 1989 it was on the Sky network, that's where my college buddies first saw it. They were all over it, one said have you seen it yet. I told him I saw it back in 1984. He was so disappointed that I'd beaten him to it.
  14. Oh yes There has got to be some sort of homage to the Animated film, after-all this is the first time the Dinobots have been on the big screen since 86. There were a few nods in previous films so I'm hoping there are going to be more, when it comes to our favorite pre-historic wrecking team.
  15. Ok so after seeing that I feel less like I want to buy a Quart of Gas and some matches, and see if he will burn in hell Looks good so far. bonus is Megan Fox is unconscious for most of the trailer.
  16. I thought they were one in the same film.... Shows how much attension I paid to it. What's with the current Biblical stories doing the rounds? Has Holly Weird decided to plunder that barrel again. Stand by for Ben Hur remakes, and the story of Sparticus, or maybe they'll just rewrite the whole thing. I mean Jesus getting nailed to a tree is a bit harsh, maybe he should just get a telling off from the Romans, be imprisoned where he can promptly escape, whith the help of his crack team of Deciples.
  17. The superstore near me had most everything, and now they have removed it and are re-ranging for something else ?? Go figure every time I went in there someone was buying movie Lego.
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