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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Just found this page on the internet. Take a look not to difficult to do I think how to photo etch
  2. Well I use my sidewinder for all my compatable games. Still good. M$ have improved them slightly recently, so my money would be on a new Sidewinder. On a side note has anyone got Mechwarrior. I belong to a clan (combat group) in that game There is a healthy modding scene for it also. Recently a lot of macross mechs have been added the one that fasa had copyright isuses with and Microsoft didnt put in so as not to upset BigWest. Worth a look if you can you will need Mechwarrior Mercinarries as a base though to make the most of it Its coll running arround in Destroids and Glaugs. Im just waiting for someone to add VF1`s
  3. Keep up the good work Sorry for the double post
  4. looking good
  5. Great work Which Optimus Prime is that next to Jetfire
  6. If you have a need to cast your own parts but are not sure how to go about doing it have a look at this link. Its not Macross parts but you`ll get the idea. Hope this helps How to make resin parts
  7. Nice pictures Star Dragon Gives a real display of scale. On a side note thats using the Freespace 2 engine am i right ?? If it is where did you get the mods from ?
  8. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to the shops right now I can hear my copy of HW2 calling to me.
  9. Yup chalk me up for one of those. Chris You are awesome man make sure you keep that bateries fresh in your Wacom tablet pen That things gonna need its own zip code.
  10. So they are only any good for Gerwalk or fighter then ? If they are just as I thought just peiced of photo etched electroplate how come nobody has thought of doing copies. I mean there must be someone amoung us who works with printed circuitboard manufacture.
  11. HAHA! Yeah I just read that. I typed sh!t but I guess the "think of the children!" auto replacer on the board chose "poo" !! I kind of like it now that I read it that way, but anyhow. Now how do I turn that thing off again? 324696[/snapback] Ha ha you could have some funn with it lol poo poo poo poo bottom etc
  12. Thanks for that I saw them originally when I was In Tokyo but wasnt sure what they were and if I really needed them. Well now I think I do well my fault for not buying them. Well I will keep an eye out on eBay and failing that Im back in Tokyo in April so I will sort it out then , the shop I get my Hasegawa stuff in has a whole section on macross but they are way more busy selling Gundam and Final Phantasy stuff. May be I will be in for a chance.
  13. I dont mean to be a dummy but what are Hasegawa Photo etched parts. I have a few 1/72 Hasegawa kits so im interested in getting the Photoetched bits as well. Any info would be great.
  14. Wow your attention to detail is great. I have the same kits and looks like I might have to start them soon I was gonna leave them till winter. Does anyone know if you can get Mr. color products in the U.K ? I have seen lots of websites refer to it but never seen it in any shops in England
  15. Well I have an orginal Jetfire from the first issue of this Transformer all of the transformers are sacrid as far as Im concerned I have mixed feelings about modding these two but there are a number of bits missing namely the strike pack parts. I do have some of the parts to make on up but Im thinking i should keep them for my original one just in case. I remember that somone on this forum was making replacement heads and cockpits is there anyone who makes taka type noses ?? If not like you say I should restore them to original Transformers spec. a little paint and new stickers ( i can do the stickers ) a few detail upgrades and some more armor and bingo. one better than new Jetfire. LePoseur and kanata67 you are right really they are Macross of a sort in their own right, after all Hasbro had to pay much cudoss to Bandai for using it. Marvel and SunBow couldnt use Jetfire in the Comics or Cartoons so they invented Skyfire similar enough to sell the Jetfire toy but not enough to upset Macross owners and interested parties. Fasa got sat on quite hard for using the Vf1 and Spartan, Raider X and a few others in Mechwarrior BoardGames. So I should do them the honor of keeping them original. When you say reissue do you mean the ones that are available still now in the shops ?
  16. Well at the moment im looking for a gun. but im hopefully gonna take delivery of a Jetfire and another one that is incomplete so i will probably need a few bits to make it whole again. These two Jetfires are gonna be customs possibly a cannonfodder and a twinseater trainer if I do get to make them I will need to get the proper heads for them.
  17. Us mere mortals are in awe of your talents. You should do a few how to become a model maker classes then we could all try and be as good as you.
  18. Thanks to everyone for your replys when it arrives i will check to see if it has the missles and make sure that it still has everyting else in tip top condition else it will be a prime candidate for a subtle mod. On the side of the Bandai reissues. All you guys are in the U.S.A right ?/! The prices for these things are insane. Its the one thing that annoys me about collection Macross/Robotech stuff. Recently I was in Tokyo for two weeks. I couldnt belive the prices of some of the stuff. Those reissues are selling for 3000 Yen wich when i was there was about £20 the only place that I have found in the U.K that sells them charges £60 as for the 1/48 scale Yamoto well get your self to the bank for those babies. The DYRL Hikaru 1/65 is £18 over there and recently I know some one who sold one for £65. The shop I go to actually is owned by two Japanesse guys. They regularly go to Japan to buy stocks and actually go to the same shops I do. They have a service where you can ask for a particular item and they have buyers in Japan look for it for you. Its the postage and import taxes that kill it for us all. Im going back early next year and comming back with a case full of Macross. I have a friend who lives in Tokyo who is seriously thinking of giving up his job just to export Macross Gundamm and computer games to the U.K as the demand is massive. I am seriously thinking of joining him. I m gonna write a guide to macross in Tokyo as soon as I get time.
  19. I have just picked up an 80`s VF1S complete in the box except the gun. Now finding a gun could be hard so I thought of doing a resin cast of one. I have the Jetfire gun already on my Jetfire and that is practically the same. But before I go out and make a mould and resincast has anyone else already done this, if they have do you still have the mould and would you be willing to make one for me. While Im at it has anyone made any of the armor for the same model, as this one has no armor I was thinking of making some for display is this a good idea or should I run away now and just keep to the Hasegawa kits.
  20. Thanks Grayson I will copy the post there.
  21. Firstly I hope that this is the right place for this post. Secondly please direct me to the right place if this has been discussed before. I have just picked up an 80`s VF1S complete in the box except the gun. Now finding a gun could be hard so I thought of doing a resin cast of one. I have the Jetfire gun already on my Jetfire and that is practically the same. But before I go out and make a mould and resincast has anyone else already done this, if they have do you still have the mould and would you be willing to make one for me. While Im at it has anyone made any of the armor for the same model, as this one has no armor I was thinking of making some for display is this a good idea or should I run away now and just keep to the Hasegawa kits.
  22. Well just registerd for this forum. Dont know how ive missed it all this time. WOW WOW !!! is about all I can say makes the 200 scale look dinky. Hell why not make a 1/1 scale one then I could sell the house and move into it.
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