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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Just thought you all should look at this a groups guys in Japan have built themselves a life size Gundam Mecha. Mecha How long till someone does a VF1 ?? At least I think it is gundam I may be wrong as I try and stay away from Gundam as it will only lead to more collecting and wallet cruelty. Ah!! just found out its a Scopedog Votom is that still gundam ??
  2. Yeah, they have lots of stuff there. I used to go there all the time while I was working in Battersea about six years ago. There are two blokes who run that shop, a balding guy and a guy with a tache. The bald one was cool but the other guy was always a bit of a bastard. He seems to hate Macross and when I told him Yamato and Toycom were making new valk toys he laughed in my face. Regardless, he kept trying to sell me this bloody overpriced Orguss/Macross model kit book. Man, sweet memories. I'm planning to go back for Christmas, so I'll see what they've got there in the way of old-school merchandise. I bet you that book will still be there. Honestly they've got stuff they haven't been able to get rid of since the time of the original broadcasts, I'm surprised how they ever managed to remain afloat. 331405[/snapback] Man Ive have been going through Battersea every day for the last two weeks while working in London Maybe I should take a detour and have a look. Should i reserve that book for you
  3. yeah Probably get run over by a bus anyhow I `ll just get my mother to shout at it she scares most people that way.
  4. There is a comic shop just off the end of tottenham court road ( Center point end ) its on the edge of Charringcross Road The place is called Orbital Comics if you stand with center points fountain behind you its left from there just accoss the side road (Andrew Bordes) and onto the street on the same side its sign posted and is in the basement. Nice guys who own it very knowledgeable. they have Transformers and Gundam and of cause Macross and tonnes of comics. Prices can be a bit high (maybe Im used to paying Japan prices) but they will get anything you want. They have buyers in Japan. Lots of there stock comes from Mandrake. Worth a look if your in that area.
  5. Wouldn't know what those are like 330943[/snapback] HMMMMMMMMMMM Vf1`s are a lot tougher than Barbie though.
  6. Yes, by the end of this year 330549[/snapback] Sweeeeeetttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Well It`s a shame the worlds gonna end, I was just starting to like it. Just enough time to go to the shops and buy some bread and a quart of milk and then I best get packing.. Large Transformer farts not the end I`d wish for....
  8. big F

    1/48 VF-1S

    Well I ordered mine from an eBay shop in August ( I know it was a pre order) , but I havent recived mine yet even though It was shipped nearly two weeks ago. Hope its a legitt site otherwise I will not be happy. It is insured so all is not hopefully lost.
  9. says it all I think
  10. Rob seriously If you are in posetion of one I would be interested. If not keep us informed.
  11. Well my copy of Homeworld 2 is installed. not bad but would be better With Macross ships and stuff. Cant wait untill I can convert it
  12. Now if only you could apply logic like that to Women and Macross collections
  13. They are the easy choice especially as 1/48`s are not cheap and it kinda worries me when I put the decals on one let alone paint it.
  14. Very nice great work and only your second resin kit build.
  15. big F

    1/48 VF-1S

    Well all those Rare item auctions on eBay will be hard hit if they do reissue all the popular 1/48 and 1/60 valks
  16. Just can't help having much love for these stone-cold, brick-form, valkyries. Customizing these is/was one of the best parts about them. Many people on these boards still seek parts to, at least, do their very own 1/55 custom. Don't hate, , give support, , and extend an olive branch (advice) to all those seeking a bit of mad-chunky-monkey-madness of their own. *I can still remember, there were some pretty awesome customs back in the days, and even to this day. NB4M Long live the 1/55!! 327568[/snapback] Yeah If anything they are a cheap form to use as a custom. Try your ideas out on a cheap Jetfire of Vf1. If they work do it again on a 1/48. If it doesnt youve only lost a few bucks instead of potentialy a couple of hundred. Yove goto remember the roots of the Macross toys. For us thirtysomthings the Bandais and the glue to gether kits were all we had for years so some of us are still sentimental about the old chunkies. Fulcy Your translated guide is right there very informative and I have a copy on my computer for reference. Do you still have a link to your hip mod guide I saw somthing about it once but cant find it now
  17. Wow you are the master. I stand in the shadow of your greatness..
  18. Well I would be interested in buying some. as I live in the U.K shipping costs would be important so thinner bases would save on shiping, but I like what I see.
  19. As I have the exact same kit on my desk at the moment I feel that I should be doing a build along with Ido. I does make me want to open the box....
  20. big F

    1/48 VF-1S

    Well Ive had one on order for almost 1 month now the supplier says hes going to ship it this week. so I guess he has stock. If thats the case I should recive it next week just in time for the supposed release date of 17th
  21. If your like me you cant get Mr. prducts where you live, and Tamiya stuf is also hard to find. Well the other day I found this ebay shop, they sell all Mr. and Tamiya paints and loads of finishing tools and supplies. All the prices are in £££ but they ship international for the same price worldwide. they also do multiple deals so you can buy in bulk. They also sell Gundam as well.. I am in no way getting bungs or any finacial gains from this shop I just thought you`d want to know about it. My local shop wanted £10 per bottle of Mr.Color which is outstanding value NOT.. Mr color and Tamiya bits
  22. Dont supose your still making the 1/55 hip and feet part conversion kit.
  23. Never a true`er sentance said..
  24. True I was more thinking of the future when they are not available and may be for custom stuff.
  25. Sorry I just thought that people might want to know. On a par with this we could possibly get the models from these other games. I know that some of them are using Milkshape to make the mechs. and for instance ther is a way of removing models from Freelancer maybe there are similar ways for the other games. I know that there are a great number of very talented Macross devotees that are doing models and environments for the HomeWorld engine. All I mean is that it may help get this mod ready or provide some working models to enable trials etc of the game. I didnt want to upset anyone and I say sorry to all again for this.
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