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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. looking good so far.
  2. Trend`s system is supported by a lot of mother boards at a bios level if your board has this then you are on to a winner as it also checks the low level stuff on the harddrive that other systems dont see as the y load after that info is loaded to memory. There are three areas you need to address for a happy computer life. Viruses, Spyware, Intusion. cover these areas and you should be o.k
  3. You obviously rate the Tamiya Chrome markers do you think they are beter than the MR Hobby Gundam marker equivalent ? If they are I may have to get me some
  4. Running any application on Windoze eats system resources. It is computer suicide not to have some sort of protection while on the internet.
  5. Post it up on 4chan! 343633[/snapback] All it really needs is the BigWest or Bandai logo crossed through in the bottom of the picture. That is the level of ability of most of those picture steelin scum!!
  6. AVG is very Stable and we have used it a work now on most of our net work for arround acouple of years. We did have one problem with one workstation a while ago but it was due to someone meddling with the o.s. I use Norton on my system at home have done for years there have been some issues with the updater mucking up the o.s, but touch wood the last year or so its been o.k. It is a bit resource hungry but set it up right and it hardly bothers you. Mcafee is bollocks IMO I hate it every call out i have that is virus checker/virus related you can alway say it a Mcafee installed system. I used to work for a company that were main agents for it and it was still crap then. If you want free and easy AVG is cool. Get yourself a firewall as well though like say Zonealarm (also free) they work very well together.
  7. MUPPET!!! If you did a Robotech version with the correct SDF1 he probably couldnt see the difference.
  8. Ha ha I have the whole set of them somewhere in my loft. I`d forgotten about them. gonna have to find them now. My mum also thought they were the tools of the devil.
  9. Years ago when I still raced radio controlled cars we used to use a dye kit that Tamiya made to colour gears and other parts. They only did la few colours but you just dyed the parts in a pot or old bucket. Cant remember what it was called, it was about 10 years ago.
  10. MY EYES! 342713[/snapback] Back in the eighties every toy shop in England had one of those.
  11. Well I have that very same set. The discs are all printed properly the box/and intenal gatefold thing is printed properly and wax laminated, the subtitles are ok, some times they do get a bit lost in translation. Mostly when it happens you know what they are saying anyhow. Watch enough subtileed manga and you cant help pick up some Japanese. The video quality is far from rubbish some of these compressed onto less disks things are really dire but this is o.k. Incidently this is the same version I have seen for sale in Tokyo at various DVD sales places.
  12. Nice work. welcome to the Forum
  13. If Jackson dosnt pull off a good film renditon of Halo he may well have to disappear into his Hobbit house never to be seen again the shame of doing so well in LOTR and then doing a turkey could be too much. Also the Film rights to Mechwarrior have been bought ( cant remember who by ) and a script is being writen. This is a bit close to home when you consider its roots arnt too far from Macross.
  14. I have too many to list but basically the same as everyone else, apart from singing girlfriends and bedroom antics. Well my top one has to be walking round Tokyo for the first time and finding a shop that sold Macross I just stood there for about five minutes trying to work out how I was going to fit an entire shop in to my suitcase.
  15. OH!! DEAR!! How bout a film about a dude who runs arround small coridors munching on pills listening to phycadelic music whist being chased by Ghosts. maybe they could do a computer game of that.
  16. Could it be that WE are now gonna see a fresh load of modded 1/55`s with 1/48`heads ??
  17. It does look reallly good. I am now seriously thinking about putting some 1/48 heads on my shopping list.
  18. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Yeah I think the Yamoto`s are great but you gotta remember your roots. 1/55`s may not be as detailed but they are cheap and plentyful and ideal for custom paint jobs. I love my Yamoto`s but I couldnt mod them as I would be scared I`d mess one up. I`55`s are so forgiving and I know a lot had/has been done to them over the years but I would like to try somethings my self. Maybe I can bring some new ideas. Eaither way we have our own section so at least if your interested you can look without anyone saying bah!! chuck em out and buy Yamoto`s.
  19. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Well it probably helps that firstly some of my Jetfires have come from the U.S.A and some from Europe. Secondly I found them one day while trying to work out which ones I would do custom paints on. I didnt want to do it to the really nice and white ones. I also considered breaking them all up and building some good ones and then modding the rest. As it stands at the moment 3 are staying as is and three are getting modded, two of them already were by the previous owner. I just dont like the way they were done. The ones that are staying as is are reciving a full restoration to original condition including stickers. I will sorce a box as well as I want the original one to go back into its box.
  20. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Well I found the differences in the rear wheel covers on the legs. Ok this is the more common type I have This is the less common type I have only two of mine have them out of 6 Jetfires Again there is no relation to any of the other parts to determine which you get. I think I have found a way of putting the trapezoids into the legs. Im gonna have a play and then I will post IF its successful.
  21. Yes there is certain problems with ports on some routers basicllay I have switched off port forwarding and this seems to work better. there are issues with D-Link router modems locking after 500= hours of connection. They will still appear to be connected if you browse them the control pannel says connected but if you call a web page you get not found in your browser. The simple solution is click reboot on the routers control page. I think before anyone can help you with your problem we need to know some basic info. who is your isp. how do you normally connect on your pc the current setings on the D-Link and any other network hardware you have. all of these questions can help us to workout whats happening/not happening.
  22. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Yeah I kinda like the trapezoid bits I am trying to work out a way of getting them onto the legs that dont have them. As far as the bars on the legs go that s easy just introduce them to the needle file and cut yourself the groves.
  23. I use a D-Link DSL-504T if thats any help I will be happy to give you some pointers if you need them.
  24. There are some isues with certain service providers. I am not exactly sure what it is but some I.S.Ps do a sort of status check on your connection every little while. This can have problems with the Xbox where as your P.C would just ignore it. Halo 2 can have some connection issues mostly when you play against large groups. The only issues I had with live is that ---- 1. after not renewing my subscription for a few months ( I was away ) They wouldnt let me use my old gamer tag even though I could connect to live and it just asked me to renew my contract. 2. now I have renewed it I cant get my Credit Card details off of it (they recently charged me for another year). 3. as the Live servers ar all connecting back to the servers in the U.S.A everyone in Europe is slightly dissadvantaged as there is a lag for us when playing gamers in the U.S This has led to some Clans banning U.S players. overall its not bad i just wish they could polish it up a bit and get rid of that voice mask thing I hate playing little kids who insist on using the heilum voice mask. Do you connect using a router or is it just straight into the phone socket. Using a router you may find its a little better (works for me) also what speed it your DSL If its bellow 512 then you may be getting issues with your speed vs other players speed (not to be confused with lag) The Xbox can be really funny about some connections to DSL. Neither of my XBoxes will connect straight to the phone socket but are quit happy to do so if I put a simple hub in the way. the hub has no software on it and costs about £10. Running through our house network with 4 pc`s and two Xboxes is no poblem. Like everting made by Microsoft its Querky. You could always try Xbox Connect its free and just as good you can also play link games over it.
  25. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Thigh parts Some of them come with the little trapezoids some dont. without with Canopies Some are clear some are clearish some are almost smoked Clear Clearish is just somewhere in between clear and smoked Smoked All of the ones I have importted fromthe U.S have had clear canopies where as all the U.K ones are smoked Other than that there does not seem to be any fast and simple rule. The other Bandai type Any more info wil be added to this post if and when I get it.
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