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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Last few post were very informative thats everyone. With the current remake phenomenon in the cinema and on tv ( Spiderman/ Kojac etc) how long will it be till we see Buck Rogers again. I for one hope to se a more modern version of Wilma Dearing mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
  2. Hopefully HG will disapear up its own ass and leave the Macross/anime market which it is doing so much harm to. I feel I should post on the Row-boat-heck site I recon I could get two posts before they ban me. Took Micro$oft 3 days to ban me from the Xbox forums when I posted about modded xboxes, pointing out the pros and cons to it, the flame war from all the idiots who called me a pritate was fun. I did point out to them that I was working for Micro$oft , but they were too dumb to notice. That sort of behavior is unfortunately all too obvious on many forums except this one thankfully In a similar way HG have this sort of attitude that we here you all but F*!CK you we want our dollars. When you buy a DVD in the shops, for example lets say you bought the Xmen DVD now when it first came out It had extras and was full to the brim on the DVD it cost you say $25, six months later they brought out Xmen DVD 1.5 as a prelude to the new film get s you in the mod for the next film at the cinema it costs you $20. You buy it anyway as it has some unseen footage of the first film and some scenes from Xmen 2. You know that when Xmen 2 came out on DVD it would probably do something similar when Xmen 3 was due, but you still bought the DVD. My point is that you dont feel cheated by them as you only paid say $40 for those disks and they do have different extras and are not too expensive. So when HG or whoever say Row-Boat-Heck or Macross on DVD never to be repeated get you copy now buy it before we stop printing it, you run out and get it as you kinda think I gotta get it before I cant anymore. Then they sting you $300 for it and you buy it coz its Macross and Macross it cool and your passion. Then the A-holes go out and do a turn around and say new remastered and improved DVD never to be released again get it while we still make it, oh yeah and it s $300 thanks. After a while it will be like the boy who call wolf, and you`ll all say yeah watever and go and download it via bittorent or rent it from Blockbusters and copy it or something. My point is that they are only doing themselves harm, not only are they cashing in on it all they are stopping new audiences from seeing it. In a world where you can buy your kids toys from the latest 18 cert films in toys r us why cant we see Macross and other anime in the way it was writen in japanese or in faithfull english translations. Rant over but you get my point (hopfully)
  3. Nuff said
  4. Sorry I was a bit busy so didnt get a chance but I will get on it now
  5. Ok looking at my Aternator Silverstreak and others. I asume you mean the silver pins that hold the top arm parts to the lower bits that have the hands atached to, or the pins that hold the seat backs in and also the larger type in the leg knee joints. These are the easy ones if you set up right. What you need is some stiff wire you need to use it as a drift to push the pin out, once it is out far enough you can use some pilers to pull it out and then remove the wire. You could also use a small drill bit inserted the shaft end first. The leg pins are a little more dificult as they are stronger. Most of these type pins can be reused. I dont think that they have anything other than a Knurled shaft to help them grip the parts they are pressed into. In the past I have replaced them with piano wire bought at my local model store or wire bought from a hardware store. The Alternators are more detailed and better built than their old Gen 1 and Gen 2 bretherine, also are a whole lot easier to take apart and put back together.
  6. Good job looks factory to me. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  7. Well the insomniac goverment agent returns. Cool we should see it in the U.K by arround 2008
  8. Hmmm could be interesting..
  9. Well I will be interested in what others have to say about them. I never got the Animeigo versions mainly due to the fact that they were not sending them out to the U.K . Their loss. Well I have the Row-boat-heck versions but I also have the orginalSDF Macross Perfect editions. The subs are ok but in places they miss it a bit ( probably notice this due to learning Japanese), as long as its authentic and not row-boat-hecked then I may well splerge the money for it. Hopefully HG will disapear up it own ass and we can all buy a copy with out having to pawn our Grannies.
  10. Yeah I agree I paid less than £20 for areally good tripod for my camera my video camera also fits it nicely. great for photoing stuff on my workbench or photoing the birds in my garden It stands over a metre tall and packs down to 30 cm. Looks cool too as its silver and transparent plastic.
  11. big F

    Some Advice

    Well I know the micron pens work on Yammies. You can also use Gundam pen. These come in more colours than are really sensible. I recently did my 1\48 Roy with thinned down Tamiya Flat black. That works I used it also on my custom 1/55`s The Gundam pens sometimes blead a bit when you use lacquer well at least mine did on my Millia conversion. Burnt Umber would be a more realistic colour to use but at the end of it its your choice on the colour. Im looking at posibly using eaither water slide or Anasazi's stickers. But Im also not sure which to go for. Mines not a toy and is locked in my display cabinet so longevity is not a problem.
  13. AS seen Briefly in Macross 7. Always liked the GBP so any natural progression of that gets my vote. I want one !!
  14. Dont use nail varnish remover to get rid of the paint you put on a model, only later to realise its the wrong colour. Nail polish remover gets the paint off including Humbrol enamels and can leave you with a nice clean model. A few weeks later it will fall apart and become totally useless. Mind you the gap between aplication and disintigration gives you time to save up for a new one.
  15. Bondo works well Basically any type of automotive 2 part fillers are good not much heat is generated by the curing proccess and they are highly sandable. I use it to convert 1\55 Jetfire nose cones to proper Macross types. also a large blob of the stuff can be sanded and cut and filled etc to make custom parts and then crazy glued on. Dont use Blu tac in the nose cones of your models as it too can react in a similar way to Fimo on some plastics, rendering a nice model into bin food.
  16. Ouch!!! Didnt you know that small children can levitate and open child proof caps on pill bottles and will always find felt tip pens wherever you hide them. Hope you get the chance to rework it and fix it up.
  17. How about Luicifer, could be another organic Cylon of a type we have not seen or something unique. Well they should hurry up and form the council of 12. Also Apollo needs a love interest so he can get some of his pent up fustration out (not Starbuck).
  18. I have seen it somewhere as an animation gif. I will look for it for you What file types does your phone take ?
  19. YAY!!!! looks like the second series has some more episodes to come too ( if I read it right) I hate cliffhangers so Im not sure I can wait to the middle of next year to see whats gonna happen.
  20. All valid points I was thinking the same as JBO
  21. Me too
  22. Is that better red traffic signals and red and blue cars
  23. Venom would be great as a Villan but the trouble with Siderman is the same with all the Marvel/DC comic heros there are too many good badies that should be in the films. You only have to look at the Batman Franchise to see that, two badies perfilm etc. They all are skating on the edge between good film series and bad T.V series with poor stories etc. It would be nice to see the Spidey frachise run and run. how bout an Xmen Crossover Film or tie in with the Fantastic four etc, they did it in the comics.
  24. ok I prefer to look at it like this. Your Traveling down a road. Now weather you choose to run, walk, crawl, ride on a pogostick, drive a car or a truck, go fast or slow you will get to the end of the road. The timeline is like that. In T1 we are told that the machines will take over the world and that in 1997 the supercomputer Skynet will start a nuclear war which will wipe out most of the humans. In T2 we are told how a computer company finds a crushed robot in one of their factorys and develops its technology to eventually build Skynet. along comes the second T800 telling the connors this and filling in story for us. So they kill the T1000 and get rid of Cyberdynes facilitys junk the T800 and the arm and chip. So now the connors think game over lets live happilly ever after Sarah is still paranoid though and keeps worrying about the future. Now lets say Cyberdyne is a big company If they are developing the Neural net proccessor then its obviously going to get used by the military they are the only organisation that would have the money to fund something this expensive. so the Military already have thier fingers in the pie. Blowing up the LA offices of Cyberdyne is not going to kill off Cyberdyne the military would have prototypes to play with and the data would be backed up serveral times and stored in different places. Those of you who work in I.T will know how OTT some companies can be about data back ups. Why back it up once and store it off site in a fire proof safe when you can back it up four times and store at four different places (I worked for one like that). In T3 we are told that Sarah lived long enough to see that Judgement Day does not happen. So killing Dyson and distroying the facilities has merely slowed down the future events as we know that it just happens a few years later in T3. So my point is the journey starts in a car and half way down the road they get out and walk the rest of the way. They still get to the end of the road. How bout this for an idea John is somehow responsible for various events that help the story along to its T3 point. Being in the right place at the right time or computer hacking this or that etc, which in ways plot writers can only think out helps the timeline. to it enevitable T3 conclusion. What if Skynet knows that it must send the first T800 and that it will fail. It knows that the first T800 is in effect it`s own ancestor/creator/mother or what ever you want to call it, and that this Terminator must be there. What if after the failure in T2 other Teminators are sent back to infiltrate the Cyberdyne systems and the goverment to help along the creation of the Neural Net processors etc. After all we know that it couldnt trace John Connor as he went off the grid, so wht if it just diverts it interests in some sort of attempt to hurry up the timeline. In T1 they are refered to as infiltration units. Dosnt mean they have to kill they could just gather info etc. What if in the post T3 future that other T units are sent to help build skynet up while the Humans are too busy dieing of radiation sickness to notice. Skynet`s computers will also suffer in a world half nuked to death. It may have connections to powerstations and factories etc but it would need help to establish itsself properly. Oh yeah and the T1000 is a poly mimetic alloy so it can mimic skin at an atomic level hence the ability to pass through the time travel porthole.
  25. Well as this will undoubtably be released in the USA long before its out in the UK so Im relying on you guys to let me know if it rubbish. Could be good if they follow the existing timeline storys and IF they have Guns and Terminators. Hopfully it wont be some poofy 90210/Superman the early years crossBreed with Degrasi Junior High. It will probably be pants though.
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