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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. As always Kurt excellent work, the trick to a good mod is to make it look like it is a kit or factory. You certainly do that. Ive always liked the Sundowners livery and added to the cannon paint mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Just to ask are those DYRL hands on your Valk ?
  2. Just looked at the site. Which resin are you using as there a quite a few, some of them need vacuform to work. most of the work i want to do is eaither two piece casting or open casting.
  3. It's a behind-the-scenes look that will air before the winter season starts. 354790[/snapback] Any chance someone could host this as Itunes wont let you download it if you are not American it just bumps me back to the U.K store which says its not available. probably because we are so far behind you guys. Odd when I can watch films that are not schedueled for release over here but cant watch a documentry about a t.v series. Go figure I may be able to help with storage if neeed.
  4. kanata You are a mine of information as usual, gonna check them out. Mechtech I am waiting for a reply from a posible supplier who`s based in Cornwall, so when I do I will let you know, they supply many many different types of resins and RTV etc
  5. Woah !!! read my mind.
  6. Well I dont know how much you have seen of this project but check out :---- Web blog Sorry if you have already seen this one
  7. Thanks for the info. I think I have found a company in the U.K that supplies the "proper" Urethane based resin. When Ive run out my current large tin of RTV I will look at the newer urethane based alt.
  8. earlier this year... before he sold his 1/55's to me to buy 1/48's... golden age for both of us . Seriously... akabob is a great guy and he helped me out a lot. now I just want to see bandai re-issue the o and seeker... I would be so happy. How much do you want to bet that the week I spend 20k having a injection mold made is the same week they decide to re-issue them 354363[/snapback] Yup if you look closely you can see Murphy and his law waiting out side the injection mold factory for you.
  9. Well thats IT now Ive seen the spoiler picture its spoilt it for me. No point in watching it ever again as I now know whats going to happen in the end. As if.... Kind of obvious that was going to happen sooner or later afterall they did it in the original series and that was with 1970 haircuts and disco music.
  10. Firstly I hope this is in the right section. Well the time has come for me to start making a few casts of model parts in need duplicates of. In the distant past I worked for a company that made stuff like jewllery when we wanted a duplicates for making casting molds we used RTV silicone for making the low temp molds for our destroyable duplicates. when it can to the actual resin we used one particular brand, I can t remember what, i suspect that this was what our suppliers had. No I never paid attention to the type brand and cost as at the time these were unimportant to me, If I ran out I just went to the stock room and got more etc. Now I want to do stuff for myself I need help on deciding which type of resin to get. I already have some RTV for the molds. which type of resin works well for making resin model parts ? on eBay I found this resin Is it any good also what sort of release agent works best, again this was a subject I never cared to remember at the time. On a side note after I have made my molds Is there someting I can use to test them rather than waste resin, (in the old days this also was not a problem) I was thinking of using wax or something like plaster of paris. Any info from someone who has tried it would be most appreciated.
  11. O.k Well thats a weird one I have the yellow box version bought from Mandrake Shibuya by me this year still sealed but had the plastic parts in it. OOOHH !! do I have something rare or did some Japanese person swap the bits over and re seal it without busting the seal ?? Well as I want one preferably in the same scale as the rest of my valks ( for continuity sake) looks like I may be looking a scratch built/casting my own one. Well it Chrismas and there is nothing else to do while Im on holiday.
  12. Just wanted to know Does anyone know if there was ever a 1/72 scale kit made of the VF-17 in fighter mode. I know that there was a Battroid kit made by Wave ( I have one) What Im looking to do is the same as I have done for my Vf-1 kits - 1 in fighter, 1 in Battroid and 1 in Gerwalk . If I can do this it would balance up my display. Then I can move onto the next Valk on my hit list. If this has been covered else where please point me there.
  13. big F

    1/55's revisited

    I wouldnt sell my collections but if my decendants want to sell my 1/55`s and 1/60 /48 Yammies then thats their bag. They`ll probably have real ones by then anyhow.
  14. big F

    1/55's revisited

    That is one of the major pitfalls in collecting collectables or toys. Its all about deciding what will be collectable and what you like vs whats affordable and what everyone else wont be collecting. I have just been reminded about a case where Starwars toy from the first time round ie the 80`s were dumpped by Pailitoy/kenner/Hasbro as rretailers would no longer buy them as Starwars was over and no longer the kids choice. There is a land fill site in the U.K filled with 20,000 figures and assorted spaceships etc, as they were no longer needed and it was not the done thing to recycle things then. If only someone had forsight and kept them in a warehouse somewhere now they would possibly be worth millions to collectors now who gladly pay £40 - £50+ for mint on card figures. The point is collect what you want because you want it, not because some speccy nerd says it is/is going to be valuble. keep them in vacumsealed boxes in humidity proofed rooms, or on a shelf in the spare room or in your shed at the bottom of the garden, it doesnt matter just collect if you want. I have without much though (at the time) got some really collectables that are now worth a lot more than I paid for them. Am I going to sell them Hell no! If you are into collecting plastic Robot toys as most people reading this probably are toy shops and walmarts etc are your friends. They sell of poor selling lines or discontinued products cheap. most of the time tese are the best time to stock up on future classics. Take Transformers when each line is superseaded by the next they sell em off at silly prices. I have had one guy offer me 100 time what one cost new just because its mint in its box with the original recipt and now vintage store bag. I bought it at less than half price in a sale. I bought two one to show and one to put in the attic. If I collected everything I really wanted to I would need a warehouse to put it in. As it is I might need a new house soon
  15. big F

    1/55's revisited

    While looking at my boxes for the joon's story and space fighter story I noticed my joon's style 1/100 and my robotic jet have identical box backs. The fact that the back was the transforming directions from jet to giant moth makes me think they were released similar to the space fighter and the joon's. Did joon's aquire their 1/55 and 1/100 molds from a different korean company? How many korean valk producing companies were their? 353316[/snapback] Could it be that joons is just part of a bigger plastics company. Like for example LG (lucky Goldstar) who own serveral smaller branded companies. If this was the case you may find that they were just "given" the molds or that there is a whole untapped 1/55 or 1/100 collection out there thats another way to reduce your wallet to shreads and make the wife happy.
  16. Well Agent no ones gonna argue with you!!
  17. Very valid points Lindem. You could say that even if they had some vast production plant churning out centurians 24/7 that they would still not have the massive of force they would need. We have seen that the ships and obviously the infiltration cylons are organic. Even delving in the relm of sci fi organic matter takes time to grow. A simple bacteria takes hours to duplicate its self even when the conditions are ideal for it. So a whole body or control organisum for a ship could take months. The only way you could get round that would be to devote massive reasources to the task. Even if you tasked all your metal cylons to the job as they came off the assembly line you`d still be running up hill. Lager work force requires larger reasources and power e.t.c. I think Its safe to say that the Cylon Organic force is smallish. The tin Cylons may be a different matter thay are cannon fodder after all. Production line tactics and limitted intelligence is advatagious when building something like that. You could say that the 40 years thay were away the first 10 years was probably spent gathering numbers and research into new models the old 80`s style Centurions would have been rather busy. Hopefully they had something like a Lucifer to help them as they always were a bit dimm.. So say 30 years to bulid factories and gather raw materials make prototypes refine the designs and build mass armies and huge BaseStars would be kinda hard They could of cause have some all fixing nano virus that turns carbon based humans and other carbon based stuff into silicon based orgaincs. They did that sort of thing in Star Trek a few times. The simple injection or airbourne nano insersion and et voilla que special effects department and a few hours later you have oven ready Cylons which could be a whole ship worth. (think borg tactics). Might be way off the mark but I think the writers have a few suprises up their collective sleves, we will have to wait and see..
  18. Well I will leave it to you guys on the other side of the pond to let me know which one I should go for. well looks like they may double dip it but thats o.k as long as the posible planned box set with all the episodes on has everyting the box set with the first 10 episodes does. Eaither way us British type will have to wait till 2099 till we get a release over here.
  19. Proof if ever I needed it that I NEED to go and work for a decent company. Our company wouldnt get a special guest they would be to worried that it might cost them money. I bet you have perfected the art of kicking your own ass now..
  20. Ive not long had some of these myself so cant really add anything definative. One thing I have found is the removerpen is quite good at removing (obviously) I did use it to clean the tip of one of the pens when it had cack on it. It did how ever take a bit of time to then clean the remover pen so it was usable again. Not had any problems with drying out yet, but in the past I have had pens like these that almost overnight turn into usless dried out sticks
  21. Well we know that they can translate the songs quite well. It was done for the Dynamite 7 OVA as you can hear in the background of some scenes. May be It is an area they dont want to goto for fear of making a hash of it.
  22. In the U.K we are for the most only able to get shows that have first been aired on the U.S T.V networks ( except for may be Red Dwarf and Doctor Who). We in the U.K are then at the mercy of what the American public and ultimately the networks think is good. So many times in the past shows have been canned in the States whilst still very popular in the U.K. Im not complaining but it shows how different countries have different tastes. Half the reason Farscape went on as long as it did was because the BBC threw money at it to get Henderson and Fox to keep doing it. One things for sure If you dont like Roslin, no prob she`s got terminal cancer, everyone Ive ever known with terminal cancer has died sooner or later, so why should she be different, unless she turns out to be a bloody toaster. If the story followed the original series too closely it would have bombed by now even if it was polished and slick. It would be akin to watching Starwars for the 57th time expecting Obiwan to kill Vader this time round. If you dont like the way the series is going dont watch, If your not sure the think of it as like a Robotech version of the original series similar but not the same, but with no Carl Macek and bad dubs. Personally I take it as it is If you pick holes in all the T.V you watch then there will be not much if anything left that isnt open to some form of critic. If you have a really good idea about the script then write it down and send it in you never know they may use it or give you a job eaither way you may be contributing to a great show.
  23. just wat size boot's does a car wear? damn brit reminds me I need to get my benny hill stuff out of storage where ever the heck in england it is now... who knows where "sarisbury green" southampton is? Could be a comission in it for you 351347[/snapback] size 15 by 45/195 actually. Sadly I know where Sarisbury Green is as I used to live in Locks Heath which is next door to it. I can totally understand why you moved from there. There are only two good things in Sarisbury Green. The pub and the Onestop (7-11). the bonus is its near the motorway so you can drive to somewhere more interesting.
  24. Well if 1\55 sudenly went back to a $1000 a peice then we would all be going to the bank of kanata67. The golden age is when ever you were most happiest collecting. For me it was the eighties and early ninties. So many kits to build in the 80`s and shops selling them off cheap as the RT boom had started to wain. Macross was on my radar at the time but RT still had all the toy and model power in the shops. Then came Mechwarrior from FASA ( now Wizkids) Macross/Robotech mecha and a game and lead figures you can paint YAY!! Then the dark times no macross the internet was devoid of eBay and Macross mecha cost a months wages. Then oneday at a car boot sale yes (I used to go to them they were good for Transformers I had to divert my mecha adiction) I Spied a vhs case with a Vf1 on the cover and the SDF1. I pushed people out of the way and ran over leaving my girlfriend behind. I bagged the 3 vhs this guy had for £5. He didnt know what they were. That was a golden light at the end of the dark times. modles got taken out of the attic and repainted properly and lead figures got cast of VF1`s and other Macross mecha. Then along came the ebay revolution and you could buy macross and not have to sell kidneys to get it. Now we are in the middle of the second Golden era with new improved golden light and my macross collection takes a whole room almost. while the futures this bright I `ll keep my shades handy.
  25. The one awesome saving grace that is DVD. Watch it keep it Trade it simple. I really wanted the original Dvd issue but due to living in the U.K they (at the time) were at the time not shipping out side the U.S and Canada. Row-boat-Heck has its place ( I have all of them) but now they are more suited to the kids I think they are grat at getting the little ones interested in Macross. I watch the dvds I have in Japanese with subtitles and only in english if it has that on the disk. The only thing that bugs me is the piss poor translation on some of them. Watch enough subbed anime and you start to pick up on words and fraises so you notice it more and more even when the subtiles make sence If HG make a cart load of money (im sure they will) from this. If they pile the money back in to a new self writen series of RT then hopefully this will do two things. 1. As a byproduct the intrest level in Macross will go up and maybe some new Macross stuff will get made zero 2 or something new maybe. 2. The other series may get the restoration and dub treatment which will also increase levels of intrest. All in all if 1 and 2 are acheived this is good news for us.
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