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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Found these for sale on ebay. Ive been thinking about getting one for some time, but I know nothing about the product. Does anyone know who makes them or has anyone bought one. Glaug Anyhelp would be great.
  2. Isnt it a small monkey .... oh sorry thats macaq
  3. Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE. Seriously Captain you are right looking at the pictures there are quite a few differences.
  4. The 1/72 Zentradi soldier, I must admit, takes up very little space. And what's more... No Valk collection can be complete without some bad guys to balance-out the decor 361745[/snapback] True. I was thinking that the 1/72 Glaug and asorted badness in all its variations would make me have to rethink the storage. Obviously I would need a few soldiers to look after them. I was thinking it was posted that you should consider doing different heads. now everybody was thinking the dead Zentradai who was holding the Minmay doll or the one that Hikaru shoots in the Vf-1d but all soldiers need a commander so you need to do a Quamjin head. I hope im not putting to much work your way or indead giving to many people to many ideas. I know that scratch building can take an age to do ( well it does for me anway )
  5. Bootleg, using Animeigo art. 361556[/snapback] Yup bootleg same poo I have just different boxing 12 episodes missing. Youll have to watch your Rowboatheck dvds to fill in the blanks.
  6. 361633[/snapback] Sorry It was the way I read it. Guinea pigs are cool furry funny little fellows. Well I like em anyways couldnt eat one. Truth is If it has eyes Im not too keen on eating it. Even more so if its something I can keep as pets.
  7. Yeah you do need a good printer I tried the print you own stuff a while ago they work ok as long as you can seal them afterwards as they can get dammaged by water (the ink runs). You could try a local reprographics company design your own on your computer. Save them in a format that they accept. Usually something like .tiff or .png or an Adobe type file. they could print them onto transparent or white sticky back so you could cut them out and apply. Might be worth finding out if anyone here has that particular Vf-1 sticker set unapplied. They could scan it for you and it would make your set just a simple re colour.
  8. Your ideas sound interesting My idea is to fill the wrist (sliders) and remove the hands I am playing with a method which would allow you to attach them and move them through 360 and possibly put some custom cast versions on instead like ones made to allow you to have one that is open. they would simply pop on and pop off. You could also put on covers on when in Plane mode. If my method works it could be done for a few pennies More news when I have had more time to play.
  9. Well there are several methods that I know. 1. There are members here at M.W that make transfers profesionally you might be able to get a design made by them or they may already have one. 2. You can buy printer adhesive sheets in A4 that you can use your favorite graphics package to make your own. 3. I think you can also get waterslide paper you can print on your computer. There are advatages to each but Im sure others have had better ideas. I hope this get the ball rolling.
  10. Based on purely theories and other SciFi Huge gravatational shifts and masvie electromagnectic energies mabe even radioactive gammawaves etc could all be detected by ship based systems. That added to the known vector and lack of transponder would trip friend or foe security systems. Im basically backing up previous posts here. The Adama and more Cylon "humans" would certainly spice up the story some what. Could be like lightinfg a powder keg. If it got out that say someone know what the other undiscovered models (I know we have seen more than the crew on Galactica and Pegasus and the other ships) that sort of news would light up the already suspicious nature of the fleet now into a conspiracy laden nightmare, all good viewing for us.
  11. Good work so far I may have missed it but what was your starting point. I mean was it Jetfire or an original Bandai or reissue or a bootleg. Also the feet are different to any I have in my collection, did you make them or are they available on a version that I dont have
  12. I am seriously looking into collecting the 1/72 Zentradai kits to go with my 1/72 Valks so Im gonna watch this space as I will need two things 1. more shelf space and 2. some Zentradai`s to go with them.
  13. Looks like Lego to me.
  14. If the Raptor was destroyed earlier in the battle its debries could have continued on the path the resulting explosion would have taken them. This could have been right into the path of the ressurrection ship. It is likely that Apollo was running Passive Radar to avoid detection so he wouldnt have seen the wreckage until it was almost on him, by which time it could/was too late.
  15. Guinea Pig supplies do you eat them or something. I know that you can buy them toasted in South America.
  16. I have seen a couple 1980 Kenworth cabs over here in England so If they can be used to haul at our gas prices then you guys over the otherside of the pond should be o.k Hell if you could get the Tractorcab and the trailer you could mod the trailer Winniebago style and live in it.
  17. Well this post proves there is still interest in the ol` Chunkies. I have many links to pages about customing them in the joints and styling areas. May be we should post them here so that anyone wanting to experiment with it can follow them. I for one will probably get around to a super posable 1/55 soonish. I expect the 1/55 Necromancer (Kanata67) will to, as soon as he manages to climb out of the big packing case full O` 1/55 parts hes got. I have an idea for more possable hands which would be simple, the method might lend itsself to the other non mobile joints too. I will try and give it a go and obviously post here my results.
  18. Now If I remember was not there something similar to this done to Macross. Cant remeber which series but I know i read it somewhere. I would explain a lot. I mean. You write a good story someone starts making a film and then the money givers start to change things, sooner or later your story is not yours, add to this a production team who know they are out of a job as soon as they are done, if I was one of them I`d hardly be bothered about doing my best work. I know that storylines get changed in films as they are produced anyway but there comes a point where it is no up to the writers and all down to the bean counters. Lots of good films both animated and real have bombed due to money cuts and excessive medling with scripts.
  19. IIRC, there are 2 tanks and each holds 150 gallons. Back then gas was about $1.25 and I was paying over $300 to fill up. So you figure its double that now, so about $600 a fill up. OUCH! 360986[/snapback] Yeah everytime I see any vehical that was used in Transformers (old and new) I think about it transforming. Jet fighters are always awesome, I love the F14 the Phantom and the Tornado. Exo suits would be cool even just for the construction industry alone. Technology is not that far from them now. A huge Kenworth truck on ya drive in red with a silver stripe would kick ass though. A freind of mine used to have a yellow VW beetle with a Autobot logo on the boot lid. kids always wanted to know if it could transform and wanted you to take their picture with it when he was at the supermarket. The closest you may ever get to a "real" transformer Themichaelsmith.com click the vw transformer link $1.25 a gallon I wish... The U.K prices would make you need to see the bank manager everytime you filled up. Currently nearer $7.50 a gallon.
  20. Twins serparated at birth. Agent you need to get that flash light out of your spandex pants. Maybe you could get Everready to sponsor you for batteries. What is it with Blue people in Xmen movies. Mystique and Beast mmmm Little furry blue shape changers running all over the place. It dosnt matter what they look like we will all still go and see the movie when it comes out.
  21. Oh my god Where I live you can get a one room studio flat for more than that. A house of that size (without the land) would cost you well over a million $$. Well I spend my money on in no particular order. My pension Going to Japan My computers My Bonsai Trees My Golf Gti Transformers (binaltech) Music and dvd`s going out (occasionally) Trying to get a house, single person in the U.K yeah right!! When my parents die At least I will get theirs.
  22. HLJ I think do them. They have pages of custom parts for kit bashes. I will probably go that route to do a custom I am planning.
  23. Thanks for the heads up There is a general lack of any Zentradi kits available. I think it has to do with the Japanese dislike for Baddies. 1/72 Zentradi troops would be nice. One the size of an ActionMan (G.I Joe) figure would kick ass (12 inches) but I think that would be asking too much. The GBP should not be forgotten as only Arii and I think Revell attempted to make them in 1/72 scale if I am correct. There are so many projects you could start but not enough time to do them all.
  24. True !! It`s safe to say now that movies have been going for over 100 years that you probably couldnt make one that truely does not pull any ideas or rips from another movie or movies. Think how many 1000`s have been made. It must be getting hard for the film producers to get that new idea type thing and the risk of being sued nowadays must ad to it.
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