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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. It's okay. He's awesome enough to punch through and become the Napolean conquerer type of french. 348329[/snapback] It isn't actually revealed by Kawamori, but I suspect Max is probably French, in keeping with the international character theme of Macross. The French have very good relations with Japan as opposed to the US. There are many shows that have featured French characters... 364516[/snapback] I remember somewhere that he was Austrian. But cant remember where. Bear in mind as most of us were brought up on Rowboatheck any nationality would be better than the somewhere in the middle accent he had on that show.
  2. Next week should be good
  3. Kinda like a certain VF1-D Minmay loving future Skull leader we all know. Seeing that Lee Adama has a life out side of his flight suit was great we need to see more of this type of episode. I agree they sometimes seem to be trying to cramm to much into every epispode. OMG there are more than 3 ships in the fleet. Well to all you Roslin haters just remember she can still die (hopefully) once her agenda has been revealed. She seems to have a big picture plan up her sleave and knows much more than her school teacher apperance lets on. Maybe the nanos will get her or she will be turned into a Cylon........
  4. You still can get them at The Right Stuf for $40 per box. Limited quantities left. I might have considered the ADV new version, if I hadn't got the Animeigo version already. 364921[/snapback] I think that Robs Anime Corner Store still has them. He`s good I have used him many times and has a wide selection and good shipping rates
  5. Ahhhh We are ALL Macross geeks.
  6. Very scary. One method could be only have say 6 editions of one clone before you resequence the dna by crossing it with other dna samples. Therefore youd have a bit more genetic diversity when it comes to actual proper breeding. Also a policy of not putting Identical clones in the same geographic location. It would be one way of avoiding the "didnt I just see you at the Mall ??
  7. It doesnt actually do anything other than make it look ok when you scroll through the menus etc.
  8. My bad sorry
  9. O.K for all you budding Macross artists out there here is the two files you need to create your own PSP backgounds PSP template 01.psd PSP template 02.psd You will need to get both of them to do the layer thing.
  10. The Flat top has been shown in a couple of episodes I cant remember which but Im sure it was season 1 and possibly the Miniseries AS for the weapon batteries they look kinda like the TOS Galacticas Turbo laser turrets.
  11. LOL Bad toy guys !!
  12. Because with all of the other choices available i want to make the 1/55's look unique with the mods, like the fighter mode i am planning on eliminating the swing bars from the battroid mode, along with a few other mods to make it more poseable. I have a soft spot for the 1/55, and a pile of old jetfires , so when i get the time i just want them to be as cool as they can be.... 363976[/snapback] I Think it goes without saying when you have the time to do these mods you should post pictures and a build diary here. It would be nice to see even if you intend to sell castings and other bits for a DIY kit for us to do the same.
  13. Well toys are for playing with and models are for building. if its MISB so what. It still comes out and gets displayed and the box put in the attic just in case its nedded ever like for house moves or stuff.. If you have a love for un made kits or still boxed toys well its your bag you fill it how you want. I personally am sortta in the middle. I have some toys and models in boxes still but I will be building most of them and displaying the toys. There are only a few I wont display because I already have one on display or that they were so ultra rare or damm expensive Im scared of devaluing them. Where ever that is the case Im always looking for a duplicate to display. Im as proud of my Macross as my parents are of their bronzes and china. Current score is 10 macross kits eaither part finished or still boxed, 9 1/55`s all displayed some factory fresh others modded except one which is in need of cosmetic surgery. several 1/60 and 1/48 Yammies ALL out of the boxes and strutting their stuff in my display cabinet in my lounge room. Between them and my Transformers computers, Bonsai trees and cactus theres not much room left. Collect how you like................... Just collect Macross thats all....
  14. You have a PM 363674[/snapback] O.k lets throw this open. If some one can send me the template or what you use to make it I will post it on my webserver and everyone can down load it and give it a go.
  15. Yeah I like what I see Count me in for at least one set If the price is good. Does the 1/55 necromancer know about this post ??
  16. big F

    1/55 Models?

    I'll second that. I never understood that about the 1/160 Monster kit either. Why 1/160? Is it a popular scale in Japan? 363328[/snapback] Yeah. Do them in scales that items can be grouped in. I mean I love 1/72 so im not really wanting a kit in 1/60 because it will be out of scale on my display shelves. That said I do have 8 1/55`s and a couple of 1/100`s Cars should be collected in 1/24 imho unless its really special then 1/1 scale or failing that 1/48 or bigger.
  17. Nice pics kinda makes it more like the Yammie 1/48 in detail. Good work.
  18. Seems that some of the toy folks get a bit shitty if GK conversions don't arrive looking like they were punched out of yamato moulds. 363216[/snapback] As somone who likes both the toys and the model scene I can see where your coming from. Most of the toy types would much prefrer that the Garage Kits not only look like they were made in Yamato`s molds but also that they look like they were packaged at the Yamato factory and while your at it could some one build and paint it for them. Me personally if it aint built right I dont buy it. If it is built right it probably isnt painted right. If its not built its a kit. Most of my toys have eaither come under the knife or have had the painting finnished.
  19. Looks good to me. We will all have to get more Roys and paint em up now. Next stop Kakizaki.
  20. Im intersted to see what you have done. Any chance of a picture or two ?
  21. Oh no another thing to collect. dag nabit!!
  22. Yes file them down and put a small bit of bondo filler to extend the point sand it down and you have it a "propper" Macross nose. Oddly Jetfire toys on eBay in the U.K still fetch a big price. It`s still cheaper for me to buy them on U.S eBay and have them shipped to the U.K. Anyway on with the mods.
  23. Wow
  24. A 1/72 SDF-1??!?!?! YES!!!! 362345[/snapback] Yes !! Just over 700 meters long and 250 tonnes of resin. I can see it now
  25. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to cobble together a custom-dune buggy and have Roller-type vehicle... 362214[/snapback] Well You could do its body work in GRP and Metal sheets the extra wheels would nessesitate the use of a custom tubular chassis. Not to hard for a competent Engineering type person. after all If my friend can build full chassis for his comp spec 4X4 in his yard then Im sure you could knock up a roller chassis after a session with the ruler and a set square.
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