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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. The best thing Revell have ever made IMHO. In the summer I can work in my outside workshop but in the winter I have to work inside in the office. this sucks as all the dust, paint and glue fumes get round the house. Mostly I just glue stuff during the winter as this doesnt smell so much, but come the summer and its full steam ahead. I must get round to sorting some heating and better insulation for the workshop.
  2. The series is still trying to put to much into an episode. They are it would seem just stumbling around in the dark when it comes to story direction. We need to see more of the cylons and what they are up to, more of the snipets we got when Sharron, Starbuck et al were on Caprica. The show had more substance back then. They are focusing on peoples neurosis too much, as a by product of this the show is getting to dark, and could start to loose its viewer base. Sharon obviously has an agenda other than, have baby bring up baby live long and prosper. The amount of camera time they give her for the long mornfull stares and purposefull fixed looks makes it obvious that they are trying to tell us that she is planning something for the long term. Earth is still the long running plan as it is still mentioned in the start credits. They are I would have thought some way and many jumps away from Caprica. It was mentioned in an episode in season one that it was jump 100 and something, if they were jumping each time to put distance betwwen them and the 12 colonies then thats some distance. If however they are just jumping arround and just trying to evade the Cylons they could be just a jump or two away. Maybe the furthest they went was to Kobol. I agree that going back just because Starbuck wants to would be lame. How many times in the T.O.S did they pick up Humans they came accross on the exodus to Earth. Presumably as the Cylons were following they`d just wipe out any humans they came across. As the T.O.S was all nicey nice and friendly this is strange that the big badass new series even goes there. When I was 7 and the original series film came out I asked my Dad what was going to happen to the people they found and left on the planets each week.. If a 7 year old can work it out......
  3. You could try smoking the glue
  4. ok what you need for your window is ( this will require some handy work on your part but your a modler so it wont be a problem) ans extractor fan the type you can get from the builders merchants or diy store they are meant to go in Shower rooms or laundry rooms they are about 7 -8 inches by 7-8 inches with a lkong flexable hose on the end. they are supposed to be fixed in the wall or into the glass of the window then the flexable hose is routed usualy through the ceiling void to where you want to suck air out like above the shower. you can make a box area to sit on your work bench with the fan pipe attaced tot hte back of it and the other end can be at the window. the flexable fan pipe can be bought separately so you can make it quite long if needs be. Put some thin foam spunge in front of it and you have a solids fillter for spraying with. It is the sort of thing that is used all over Japan you can buy the proper thing made for the job but its cheaper to make it your self. I`ll try and get some pictures for you.
  5. OMG !!!!
  6. Looking good so far.. I always wanted a dark blue Valk eversince I saw them on the start credits of Rowboatheck. Then came Macross 7 and there were some more dark blue valks ( the diamond force) My blue Valk fixation has been quiet for a while but it may be starting up again.
  7. LOL yeah we could take over Europe. Oh someone already tried that....
  8. A garage in near Cambridge tommorow the world.
  9. Yeah It would rock the house.
  10. Wow what part of southern England do you live in. I may have to steer clear if you have that sort of armament in your garage. my neighbours think im mad because I paint little robot models and planes, but If i bought a tank Hmmmmm!!! better than my 1/10 touring cars it think.
  11. Yup looks like he ate the things that look like pineapple chunks too.
  12. Oh no does that mean you wont send it outside the U.S.A or just that the price would be different for us non U.S types
  13. Nice picture of the Vf-0
  14. Yeah that would kinda win you the Battlestar Poker hand, for this round anyways. "Thinks now someone will come up with pictues of nakedness and cylons......."
  15. John has it covered. Thats where I would have gone with thoughts of the armor.
  16. Well I would want strike armor for old school 1/55`s only as I dont have any new ones. Im not planning to get any new ones unless I see em at rock bottom prices in Japan while Im there in April. What sort of price are you looking at ?? Thats the cruncher at the mo as I keep spending money on Macross stuff and Star Wars figures, its getting hard to find excusess all the time. If the price is good I would be looking at several sets.
  17. Well if thats a 1/1 scale human arm the monster is big. Small dog sized I think.
  18. Great logo. Give me a few days and I will see what I can come up with.
  19. Battlestar Galactica poker.... interesting..
  20. All round to your house for beer and women then.
  21. i got a friend that can make geocities quality websites.... ill ask him when he logs into yahoo.... im not promising anything though 368097[/snapback] Gah... geocities... eek I'll do it if I have to... 368119[/snapback] What sort of thing are you after ?? Would you like template pages and a basic structure done so you can put your own data on or are you looking for the full site build ??
  22. I have used car paint on my 1/55 customs to paint the main colours and then added acrylics to the smaller details. seal them in a good lacqure and add on your weathering etc and they are good to go. Once dry you can play with em and they take the knocks. The only problems I have had is:- You have to spray in light layers if using masking tape as car paints are really good at creeping on small model/toy parts. Also make sure you dont add to much or in some places any paint to joints and such that have clearance tollerences, as this can lead to a modle/toy that wont transform or that the paint gets worn off or chips and makes your custom look naff. Most of that is common sense but its all stuff you forget when your madly painting trying to get it all done over the weekend before you have to go back to work.
  23. Well now you say it I will have to look at modding my 1/100 scale Bandai Max
  24. First time I've heard of it... so no... 367613[/snapback] I had a Rowboatheck conversion for FS, it was o.k but this new thing looks o.k Lets not try and steal this thread though...
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