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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Well The Vf-17 my second favorite Valk Over the Vf-1. Come on Yamato Build me a VF-17 in 1/48..
  2. MMM She-Ra!!
  3. Find em block their accounts and ban their IP`s. HG shall not prevale
  4. He did have a few cuts and scrapes If I remember. But yes in the real world Baltar and Six would have been sliced and diced. I ve seen the mess a glass window can do to you. Im my experience it was a low speed impact which threw the shattered glass over everyone in front of it. There were a lot of small cuts and fragment wounds. Compare that to a high presure sonic blast then they should have recived fatal wounds
  5. You scored as Babylon 5 (Babylon 5). The universe is erupting into war and your government picks the wrong side. How much worse could things get? It doesn’t matter, because no matter what you have your friends and you’ll do the right thing. In the end that will be all that matters. Now if only the Psi Cops would leave you alone. Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 88% Serenity (Firefly) 81% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 75% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 75% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 69% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 69% SG-1 (Stargate) 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% Moya (Farscape) 56% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 50% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 38% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 31% Well Hey I always wanted to fly around space in a B5 Fighter and live on a spacestation that looks like a Coke can with wings.
  6. Good episode. The Six Baltar Imaginary friend thing is great. Both of them are Antagonistic towards their "real" Partner and I love they way imaginary Baltar is sarcastic and constantly bad mouthing Six for being involved in the whole attack on the colonies. The whole Cylon perspective thing is something I want to see more of. They just seem to want to pretend to be humans. Kinda emulating their creators. On the subject of models of Cylon not yet seen. There was one at the coffee shop which I did not recognise. It had Short blond hair and was female. The focus was never sharp on her so I couldnt see clearly but I kinda thought she had a similar hairdoo to Starbuck. Im not saying it was Starbuck just that the hair was similar.
  7. You sound like you speak from experience. Another thing I use now (after seeing a Japanese model master using them) is a girls padded flexable nail file/polisher. The type that is dispossable it two bits of different grade wet and dry type material pasted to a hardfoam center. They are flexable and can be cleaned out in water they sand Tamiya filler really well and can also be used to polish up the surface after sanding best of all a pack costs a couple of bucks/pounds.
  8. LOL
  9. Off topic, but what are those in your avatar? It know I've seen those before as a kid... 372787[/snapback] Well over here in old blighty they were called barbapapa they were a strange kids cartoon thing from the 1970`s I remember watching them as a kid in the late 70`s and there were books at my school with them in. O.K so I looked them up in my The Encyclopaedia of Cult Childrens T.V. It says they were a family of shape changing blobs that did stuff. One liked animals, one was self obsesed and Barbapapa was the father who kept them all in line. It was a French thing originally, translated into english and spawned a whole toy and bookline. A lot of kids T.V arround that timein England came from France and was translated into English e.g The Magic Roundabout and Dogtanian and the Three Muskerhounds, there were others. I`d Google it if you want more info. And yes I do have a book on kids T.V. You dont know how many Arguements in the Pub it has ended. The book in case your are interested
  10. I wait in anticipation of your next post.
  11. The only thing I can comment on from your list is the Hasegawa Scribing tool. It is very comprehensive there are shapes and curves etc from very small sizes upwards you`ll need a very fine scriber to use some of the 1mm size shapes but so far I have found it good for the larger sized squares and round shapes etc. As far as the other products you mention I use different makes of these so I cant give you any feedback.
  12. You are forgeting HG owns it all so they own Mr Tuna head too. Poor Mr Tuna head. A change is good every now and then.
  13. My brother used to work for the Goverment deisgning reactive armor. I know that one of the systems he helped design was for aircraft to help them survive missile hits. and by placing the non esential things in areas where missles might damage helps absorbe the blast while keeping the aircraft and crew alive. Also not directly related but.... He also worked on a system of ammo storage where the ammo is stored in containment systems that are designed to self sacrifice when they are hit by weapons fire. They blow out ward and save the Aircraft from being destroyed by it own ordinances. As far as I know this stuff is now used by NATO. He also has pictures of him firing a matchstick through a peice of Chobham Tank armor. Its amazing what you can do a hypersonic speeds.
  14. Well which ever way you look at it theres still a lot of bad feeling between the crews, add that to the whole religious/Roslin/Baltar power struggle its gonna start getting interesting. Let the fur fly.. It was nice to see other parts of the ships even if it was just a snipett, and the inverted decks on the Beast got some air time, cool.
  15. Sounds to me like the stuff draftsmen use when doing the fancy artist drawings of buildings. If it is then it would make a great masking tape. Nice avatar by the way havent seen those guys for years, brings back the 70`s man.
  16. Well I remember getting Starwars stuff by clipping the names on the cards they came on. This was back in the days of Kenner and Palitoy, before they died and gave birth to Hasbro. You could get weapons sets or special figures and vehicals etc. I got some weapons packs and the Palpatine figure. I also got a Chebacca bandolier to wear, Come to think of it half the weapons packs were full of GI Joe bits. I never did get and GI Joe figures as I was too into Starwars and BattlestarGalactica.
  17. I wouldnt say hot water just luke warm. You dont want to pop the cans, how many of us as kids put spray cans in fires to see what happens. Yes the idea is to help with atomization of the paint. Warming the parts to be painted is to help with the setting of the paint. Its a method used in the Automotive industry. The window sill method works well on a sunny day just takes a bit of time to get them up to temp.
  18. Yes that makes sence. If you lightly heat your model parts before painting this can also help. In the past I have done both and it works. In the summer time just leaving the parts in the sun before painting helps it works better for darker parts obviously. You can put the cans in the Laundry cupboard or somewhere near to your hot water boiler for sometime before use is just enough to warm it safely. You can also put the can into a bowl of warm water as well as this will warm it just keep the spray nozzel end out of the water.
  19. How simple. Wish I`d though of it. Yup Nailpolish and remover stinks to high heaven. You should make the wife play in the yard while she puts it on.
  20. Says it all if Tamiya are willing to give it print space in their mag. Well im going to have to look out for these.
  21. Well the trouble is the bean counters dont see it as " maybe we should keep this range" they see " it dosent pay us to make this colour, and how many different grey paints do these kids need" The problem is as always the good stuff never lasts, be it money, beer, women, or paint
  22. That I cant answer for sure but when I was in Japan last year I looked at them then. Should have bought some then. They look strong and are a hard fit. I will let you know in a few days when I recive them in the post. If they are good Im going to get a whole bunch of them when Im in Japan in April
  23. LOL Me to last night at the kitchen table on my cutting board ,while my Pet Parrokeet watched. She likes to see what Im up to and usually wants to get involved.
  24. Ball joints alternative to Lego bionicals I have been buying stuff from Hobby link Japan for ages now and they sell customizing kits for Gundam and also scratch building supplies. they sell balljoint kits in various sizes and styles. they are cheap and just right for leg mods etc. technical specs (japanese ) Check em ou there then go to Hobby link Japan Just spent a few buck/pounds on a few different ball joints and hinges etc.
  25. Well maybe you should consider doing all types of head me personalyy I have mostly "S" type and want more of the others such as "J" and "A" I could cast them my self but If someone is already set up and will probably do a better job. In the mean time PM about my address for postage.
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