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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Trouble is him and his equally inept bro (the one who took my minivan model) own the company. Just found out we wont be getting as pay rise again ( four years on the trot now) as they have spent the wages budget on new cars for them selves. How nice as the old ones werent even 3 years old yet. Time to get a new job me thinks
  2. He`d probably ride it to work.
  3. Acctually i dont have ST V on DVD but IMO it was a dark time for ST the darkest by a long way. One thing I alway though they should have don ewas a DS9 movie Humungous Dominion battle and a good story line where people acctually die.
  4. HWR nice work I have 3 of those kits that Im gonna biuld soonish. Mike better finnish you rmonster kit soon or youll run out of kits to build. Chaoswarrior did you know that there was one of these kits up for sale on eBay the other day ? This was the first time in over a year I didnt bother to bit on this kit. Maybe think I should have so I could build a Miria version.
  5. I remember web forums where certain words or product names were taboo. If you know HTML and the forum lets you use it you can post using little text sized pictures of the banned words instead of typing them. More so If you host your own web pictures you can use tem as oftern as you like untill they ban you. Cant remember if you can do this on the Rowboatheck forums its been years since I went there, it used to work on the Xbox forums untill I got perminantly banned. Ahh those were the days talking about moded xboxes and running linux on my moded box on a M$ website.
  6. Launch day Party cool.
  7. P.S his wife is the size of a house so hes probably playing the field anyhow. Im called big F coz Im tall not fat just in case your wondering
  8. All very valid points and revenge is always sweet when it comes to work HEH HEH HEH !!! The trouble is that the company is not big enough to have a proper HR dept. The HR bods know about it but as they bosses are both as bad as each other the rest of the office people have been victims too. The Ebay thing would be cool and profitable mmmmm!! To answer the question about appologies, Nope didnt get one just got a lame excuse. Heres an another example boss 1 breaks the Novell server buy pulling the power UPS durring a black out so he can make a phone call on our landlines (we all have cellphones) he pulls it while the system is still on. This is VERY bad for Novell systems. The servers dead and it cost us £5000 to get the data back. Next because he refuses to let us reinstall the server we lose data on an accounts machine because he wont let us back them up. We spend several £100 getting that working again. I then go out and get a portable backup drive to back all the computers in the office to. so I dont have to spend all day reinstalling them everytime he buggers them up. All machines are Ghosted to the Back up drive NP. Today when we wanted to get back some files that were deleted by accident the back up drive is gone. Turns out Boss 1 took it home becase he wanted more storage for his kids computer. Thats a snap shot of life where I work. I now no longer do any network Admin For our company and just worry about backups for my fellow Engineers computers as we have our own boss proof stratagy. I am looking for a new job where I get a desk thats mine and no cleptomaniac employers.
  9. Yes thay can be just as problematic as the 1/48. They are the same, your best bet is a set of the proper remakes sold by twin moons made by our very own Anasazi37 hes usually busy but you would do well to PM him as his decals are top quaility.
  10. A 1/60 Monster would be Mahooosive. But cool. I think that Id like to see someof the destroids in that size just to compliment my 1/60 Yammies but being a completeist i`d then have to have the monster in the same scale too. Oh the pain the pain. I need a bigger house. I know its an arse scale but how bout 1/55 to give the Chunkies something to bash. I know that the monster would be the size of a small pony but the destroids would be just managable. Well thats my two coins of pointless curency.
  11. I wish i worked there. I just do Corporate multimedia installtions like plasma screens projection sound and control systems. I also do Videoconference and esingnage soultions. Esignage, VC and Websites is where my heart is though. The trouble with our place is that the office and sales bods dont seem to realise that web sites and signage can be as time consuming to set up as the control systems are to program. They leave the programmers alone but bug me constantly. I cant work from home (because they wont let me) even though my home machines are way more powerfull than the junk at work. so every time i go out on site my desk gets used as a place to dump gear while they demo it to customers. It ends up looking like Watto`s yard and IMHO I think it looks crap for the customers when they come in. Cleaning up is easy i just grab it all and dump it in the sales office. I used to have a little scale model of my minvan on my computer monitor but it went missing and was found a few months later in my bosses car by one of the sales guys. My boss said he took it home to give to his kid as he though his kid would like it. That kinda give you the idea. So Transformers, Gundam and Macross would be a deffo no no
  12. That the main problem with ST DVD`s they are soooo expensive. I have most of TNG but stopped as they started to take over my wallet and shelvespace. mmm Sounds like a certain Anime I know
  13. I cant even leave my laptop and USB keyboard at my desk without someone trying to use it or sell it on fleabay. Everyday im not in the office I come back and find my ddesk has ben used as a dumping ground for coffee cups and other peoples discarded junk. They have no real respect for me, its mostly the two directors that are to blame. If I was to put anything even slightly valuable on my desk it would be damaged or perminantly borrowed as soon as my back was turned. As it is if the bust my laptop or USB stuff they get me going mad and going to the PC shop to buy the most expensive replacement on my company creditcard.
  14. It was IMHO a sad thing whent they canned Enterprise As one of my favorite things about the whole STrek franchise was the alternate universe thing. They really explored it in DS9 and when I saw it in Enterprise I was all yay!! cool: Then they canned it. I was hoping to see how the alternate universe thing was going to pan out. In some ways its better than the regular universe series.
  15. Nice art what line art did you use as a source ?
  16. Recently I asked about the Glaugs he sells and was told that they were boots. no one was able to tell me what the quality was like so I left it knowing hed still have them in the future. May have to get a Glaug just to test the water so to speak.
  17. I have I think all the classic Btech figures in my loft/attic. RalPartha the U.K producer was just down the road from me. At the mo they are stashed in special cary cases. I just got to find them. A while ago Kanata was saying it would be cool to cast some of the macross ones up and make a chess set out of them.
  18. He was the groundskeeper. And you guys are forgetting where some of the best looks into the Acadamy come from... Deep Space Nine. Remember, Nog (the nephew of Quark, the Ferengi bartender) joined Starfleet. And from Deep Space Nine, you can kind of get the impression that it's one part military-style classroom studies, and one part field training. 407180[/snapback] Ah yeah... and they accidentally went to Roswell while ferrying Nog to his first day at the Academy. 407199[/snapback] Ah DS9 my favorite next to the latter Borg bashing episodes of Voyager.
  19. I understand where yor comming from. I also agree.
  20. I too would like to see some pictures, but not half as much as I`d like to see some of them on a few of my Valks
  21. Its like a small corner of a Mandrake store.
  22. Count me in. Just say when and where.
  23. I seriously doubt it but see your point. If they go anywhere they should tell the same story but from different peoples point of view. That would be interesting.
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