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Everything posted by big F
Thats a whole lot of playing till you get to the really good part.
He transforms from cardboard box and into a robot and back cool
Add it to the authentic Hikaru flight suit and ........
Na its the word for spruce I think as in tree So that would be Sprucefoo forum. O.K so whats in a name ??
Found this the otherday just wondering where it came from any information would be great. If its not available does anyone have a better copy of it ?
Interesting points made DS9 was by far my favotite of the series. Probably because of the flawed character images and the diversification of characters and stories. The start of the whole series was a usual ST fest of nice people doing nice things, interspaced with afew characters who did sort of naughty stuff ( anybody Ferengi for instance) By the end of the Last series you had Characters with depth people who were main characters had died or moved on and the series had not sufered. You had more than the occasional rule bending and peoples flaws were very evident. Every episode was full of looking the other way while someone did something that the Federation law makers would frown at. Voyager started out all lets do thie right thing and by the end of it they had kinda lied and cheated their way back to the Delta Quadrant. Im not sying thats all they did but by the end of it Jayneway was more able to look the wrong way while someone threw the the Federation rule book out the airlock. It made it a bit more believable, even if they did at times use the modify the defector beam to .... line too much. A Section 31 series would be Star Trek with the lights turned down low with the viewers wearing night vision gogles watching all the sneaky goings on.
superglue has no real give at all. Its great for china and stuff that is porous and not moveable.
Be nice to see one made up at life size. I have an old Mcyle crashelmet that I have always thought ( even when it was new 15 years ago) looks similar in proportions to the Valk pilot helmet just without the twidlybits and cooler peaked visor. I would mod it in an instant but Im not sure my skills are up to it plus not having accurate art work to go from is a bit of a pain. If anyone ever bothers to make one please( it goes without saying) post on MW
Yeah If it works on Yammies paint maybe it will work on some of my 1/55`s I have that were painted by the preivous owner. The only thing I have found that gets that as of yet unknown type paint off is Mr Muscle oven cleaner. Its a slow stinky process. Anything that speeds it up and doesnt gas me at the same time is good in my books.
Yeah P38 is the same as bondo If you want to use a fiberglass equivalent use P40 its the same manufacturer but with a fiberglass filler that stuff is as tuff as old boots and sands quite well, stinks a bit though. My brother used it on his sailing dingies. Halfords do a large tin of the bondo type filler usually found on the shelves below where you find the smaller tins.
Everyone gets bumped to the bottom HWR gets his first mmmm!!!
Mmmm It just so happens that I have a 2 galon can of industrial Iso in the garage. looks like I`ll run a test at the weekend. I`ll let you know how it went (if Im not dead or something )
Opps for some as yet unknown reason I thought it went for 8 seasons. oh well Altzimers kicked in there for a bit. There is a whole eighty years give or take between Archer and Kirk that we know almost nothing about as of yet. That would be a great area to explore. The creation/expansion of StarFleet, the whole Klingon empire hating everyone thing to name just two of the subjects. Hey they could even go to a pre StarFleet Zephram Cocraine era. How did we get from converted ICBM Warp capable ship to Enterprise, there must have been loads of bumps on that road.
Wow you can almost hear all those monster fans Chomping at the bit in anticipation. Me I just want to see one done, then providing I can accuire the cash tag my name to the bottom of the list.
Yeah I agree with Chas The light weight filler is great I have used it fo a while now and used alongside to Tamiya filler and such it is great easy to sand paint and fill awesome. You can get great big tubs at Halfords or the automotive factors you see on industrial estates. Generally you can get smallish tubs for a few pounds but the big cans offer the best value for money. Polyester filler roxs. Does anyone know a good way of thining it down to make it pourable ??
PM`ed ya So its down to 5
Must have gone to the wrong college Darn it Still think the whole reboot the universe thing would work. It works for Doctor Who over here in blighty. Ten times the doctor has regenerated and each time the BBC uses it as a way of updating the Tardis and the various baddies who keep comming back for another lets take over the universes atempt (Daleks and Cybermen) along with the Ten People who have played the doctor this has to be the first example of a rebooted universe. Same story only different people different sets and slightly different agendas. There are dozens of Sci Fi films and dramas that have been remade and thus could be classed as rebooted, I dont need to list em but e.g Superman, Battlestar Galactica, Lost in Space, Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, you get the idea. Nearlyy of these was slated by the Die hards and then embraced by them and new fans later on. I still think that it has a potential to be great. ST Has a long history and is still emulated today in modern SciFi`s. I hope that it will have all the polish of a modern high budget special effects bonaza with the grittyness of one of those weekly drama things on T.V Im thinking CSI or 24 or Bstar Glactica for example. Add that to the original Star Trek that we all know and Bam you may just have it. The die hards may not like it at first but they will come round in the end. After all they hated TNG when it first aired but it still went on to be the longest airing of the whole franchise. Drama and Sci Fi is one of the American medias best assets. Come on guys dont dissapoint us.
If you guys want a shower scene Minmay so bad theres a certain Minmay sculpting expert here at MW who`d probably be able to help. I will probably just get this set just to be complete-ist, but I too wish they`d gone to other as of yet not done characters. I agree with Graham and Gozilla on choices for matrerial. Kensei I know how hard it is to get the first series. While in Tokyo this year I bought every Macross CMS I came across, but alas no series 1`s could be found anywhere .
Yeah you should refraise that you`d be chunking those bad boys out 24/7 and that still wouldnt be enough to satisfy your hunger. for the mighty 1/48
You know it would work. You also know if they wanted just doing a whole series in the alt ST bad universe would also work. Everyone would watch it just for the "oh StarTrek`s all bad and not goody goody" factor alone.
Yes that sound so familiar. I left a couple of places a few years back and they are no longer in business. One died a few days after I left. A few people said I must have had insider knowledge. O.K in respect to the fact that this thread has been miss directed ( a little ) here is a list of things I want from my new employer. 1 a new laptop or desktop p.c 2 my own desk 3 tea breaks 4 decent money 5 no thieving of personal property 6 an area to put my own personal things (see 2 and 5) 7 people to work with who acctually care 8 company toolbox that I dont have to worry about someone chissling the lock off when Im away. 9 decent money ( oh did i mention that already) 10 somewhere to put at least 2 1/48`s and some CMS figures with out the risk of carboot sales or eBay / bosses child related abductions. I dont think thats much to ask.
nice work GutAndCasca try this link http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=52566
I`d have to see that. Brings the humble potato gun to a whole new level.
Yeah its testament to Kawamori`s designs that he though so much about this universe he created that he needed to make it as full as posible. So many Sci Fi`s are just superfical and lack depth with say the exception of Star Trek and StarWars, and a few others. most of them are "lets do just enough for the film/series and not bust the budget so we can make as much cash as posible. That way we dont have to spend time explaining things to the viewer." The few that really bother think about depth and the real worldare streets above the rest. You can imagine Kawamori thinking hmm what would your Macross era civilian drive to work in, and what is the next level for the humble vending machine. So many series just fob you off with hey in 300 years time everyone will still pay for stuff in bank notes and watch tv on CRT monitors while they will drive to work in Ford Pintos. Because they lack the imagination to bother thinking about it. Where it should really be :- In 300 years everyone pays for stuff in electronic credits linked to their DNA/Retina scans and watches tv downloaded to their brains directly while driving to work in the latest Ford hovermatic car. You get the idea. Great work to all and everyone who attempts to make the lesser noticed Macross vehicals and stuff.
Looks great in Blue you could say almost like another unit colour scheme, dare I say Cannon.