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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I wish I had the skills to do this, mustering up a cube in sketchup is about my limit.
  2. I thought it might be tied into Catshit 1.
  3. Cool and then I saw this set does not include the characters. That's what I'd buy it for.
  4. Unless the drone is the size of a helicopter and a man sits inside.
  5. Just seen this, I have both sets in 1/72 but can't find which of my storage containers they are in.DOH! Salute you for your hard work.
  6. ROTFLMAO Send her into space and hope the Zentradi fleet won't hear her song. What would worry me is if she did it in a green and white polka dot dress.
  7. Nice idea, cant fault that, but not sending the goods is not cricket. Buy a cheap Jetfire 1/55 on ebay and paint it and forget about GI Joes.
  8. Not 100% sure it was 2007 iirc I bought a lot of macross stuff around 07 and 08 I had way too much disposable income. It was either evilbay or Starship Modeler.
  9. Highly plausible there I think, Macross has always followed trends to a point. Look at the fighters for one. In SDF the cockpits were very traditional to that era mostly dials levers and one large screen in the middle, with rear view mirrors. Flip on to Plus and you got far more button based stuff and more emphasis on HUD with eye tracking, the VR/LCD/Holographic view in the pilots seat, this was something quite trendy in the very late 90's early noughtys, we played with set ups like that for a while were I worked then, although they were more vr and augmented reality as holographic were just not anywhere near good enough. Think drones too, they were just becoming usable then. A.I drones in Macross were the next step, just starting to be realised in the real world now. On to the Frontier era and we get touch LCD and virtualized buttons, and siri for your voice commands, as these are the current for planes (not siri) and all over consumer electronics. Who doesn't love saying "Xbox on" when you see one sat under your friends TV. It winds my friend up a treat I think as its so close to Frontier tech wise we may get something that points at a Facebook type thing or positional target based info app shown for at least one of the characters, as these are current trends. As real world plane tech has not moved that much in the gap between the shows. Those are my very broad opinions so the more uber fans can probably find more.
  10. I bought the resin parts to make a battroid one out of a hasegawa kit a few years ago, one day I might get time to make one, as the change to Gerwalk will be easy now with the kits out.
  11. All I want to see now is its hand out stretched reaching out for a Battroid wearing a Minmay dress an wig
  12. So just to recap..... The new series is called Macross Delta. It will take place not long after Frontier. It will have a girl singer The Vf 30 will apear in one form or another. Have I missed anything yet ?
  13. I like many here am a life long collector of Lego, been at it since the mid 70's, with the advent of non paper route work, eBay and brickowl etc I have managed to almost fill the gaps of all the kits I didn't get from my era (classic Space). I have recently got into minifig collections. Shameless beg time. I sure that many of you here also collect the minifig series too. My friend has a kid who has Autisum and Aspergers, Lego is his focus he is tottaly transfixed by it. As I collect the figs I found in the more recent series that there was a website app on the paper sheet inside. I gave them to my friend as I have no interest in them, I thought his boy might get something out of it. Turns out he loves the game. Now normally he won't watch TV and the minifigs don't really register with him. But collecting the figs in game has him hooked. We have spent a small fortune getting the minifigs just for the paper code sheets. Apparently there are characters for every minifig released so that's 16x14 series. My shameless ask is any of you out there who have the sheets who don't want the codes care to scan them and pm them to me? Thanks in advance.
  14. I reserve judgement untill I see at least some footage or cast costume shots.
  15. Well next stop HLJ.
  16. Found out on my way home from work. A sad day for sci fi. A true icon not just for Star Trek but for Hollywood in general. They need to make a bronze statue at Paramount Studios. That makes only four TOS main cast left now
  17. Missed the boat on this one Capt. Put me on the standby list please.
  18. Somewhere in my build pile is a Darth Vader Tie not looking forward to all the masking on that puppy. You have proved it can be done though
  19. That would be the icing for me.
  20. Well it is a Michael Bay film, remember the transformers films where he tries to convince the viewer that Egypt is about ten mins flight from the U.S and that the Smithsonian has a massive airfield behind it.
  21. At least this time its not gonna be a cartoon live action mix.
  22. I have got illustrator versions of the pages, you could separate out for he parts onto more smaller pages, that would help. On the printing it out on plastic, I'm waiting to hear back from another potential supplier, as the previous ones are not bothering to get back to me. This particular one was recommended to me by one of my clients, as its something they specialise in.
  23. I can post an almost identical picture as mine is also sat on my cutting mat
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