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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Looks more like a real world version of the cartoon series, which in my opinion is a good thing.
  2. To be fair mine is complete I started cleaning up the parts when it arrived, just never got to making it yet.
  3. The bad smell will be the Bog of Eternal Stench, probably where this reboot will go. But as long as they don't go and use a boy band to do the music.
  4. Awe crap gonna have to check mine now !!!
  5. Oh dear, never thought it was that great a film. But wait 12 monkeys....
  6. I'd always hopped that after they were done with the re worked BSG that they'd tackle Buck Rodgers.
  7. PayPal payment sent a few days back hopefully you should have it.
  8. What scale is that.... If its 1:72 that would be scary awesome, either that or you work well under a microscope.
  9. Unless you are in the U.K, we are not worthy apparently.
  10. Yeah I can see it now, "Ice burg dead ahead!" Ding ding!!! "Hard to port!!!" "Phew !! That was close" "Oh what's that girl doing on the bow rail ?"
  11. Well first impressions there is a lot of stuff that goes bang!!! Slightly more leaning to the cartoon series of 89/90s which is no bad thing.
  12. Great work there on the shuttle, at that scale modeling takes so many other skills on board. One time where woodshop class comes in handy. So now you are firmly entrenched in large scale modeling what's next ? 1/3 scale Valk ? You need something you can ride like a pony
  13. I've got an idea.... It's really out there so bear with me. Some script writers go out and write a film script for something new, not related to any film they have written before or has been written before or a book that someone else wrote. I know its wacky but it might just work.
  14. LOL and Robotech is the best anime ever.
  15. The lead figures were produced by Ral Partner who were just down the road a couple of miles from where I lived at the time. Tried for a job there once. I have the figure for all three modes. IIRC also for the Phoenix too. It's on my list of things to recast once I get time as I'd love a chess set with them all in.
  16. Yeah you'd be surprised how much water is still in there after one pass. When using a compressor for sand or soda blasting it is common to use two traps,to get as much out as possible.
  17. Might want to nip that in the bud
  18. Makes a change for something that versatile to be UK company/supplier..... No import tax for me for a change.
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