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Everything posted by snooze

  1. thanks for the link guys! Appreciate it! From the looks of it...looks like the VF-0 would be the weakest amongst the VF's list... Snooze
  2. I'm interested in finding out the order that the VF's were made starting from the Zero and to the final model of the Mechs...does anyone know a link that lists it in Chronological order how the mechs were made... I'm just curious cause in Macross Zero I think the VF-0A was the very first variable fighter that was created followed by the VF-0S and then the VF-1's... Can anybody give the correct order of the fighters please...a link and picture would be great! Thanks to all... Snooze
  3. oh well...I was really saddened by it. I waited for 30 some years to finish this movie since I was a kid. I never got to watch this movie up until last week and all I end up finding is an open ending. Seriously though guys, i'm sorry to tell you this but I really got hooked up with the love story, because Japanese women tend to show their love in a subtle way and I love that about them, unlike the way here in North America, its like let's screw now, forget the love, and lets have fun, but Japanese women really get serious about those feelings and they don't joke around about it, and I admired Hikaru's confidence and self-control not screwing Minmay or Hayase, that shows manly to me and gentleman character to me, and I respect that a lot. I don't know now how the Japanese culture has changed, but to me, back then that's how they are, cause I use to hang out with a Japanese girl. Regarding the movie, I don't think I have a bootleg, I have 4 kinds of Macross here with me they are as ff: Macross Zero SDF Macross Series DYRL Macross II Lovers Again Where is ADV? What is ADV? I know the Macross II wasn't really something approved by the author so the characters are totally different.... My Jaw dropped when I watched Zero the 5 episodes was freakin!!! I wish all the Macross Series will be re-worked to incorporate CGI, damn, the VF-0 really made me repeat the scene over and over and over...and I was really hooked up, but I didn't like the storyline cause it was more of a fairy tale story than Military/War story... But seriously though, the reason why I watched Macross, and waited for it for so many years, was not only the Valks, when I was a kid yeah, only the Valks I use to focus on, the love story I wasn't paying attention then cause I was only 7-8 years, but now that i'm in my 30's things change you know, you think of the story and approach it differently. So right now i'm still hurting and quite angry, and it gave me bad dreams after watching that movie, my feelings got so absorbed by the love story...and I don't want to watch it for awhile....cause of the sad ending. I don't know why Kawamori chose to end it that way, i'm sort of angry at him, he got me so hooked on the love story only to find out they died....I wish he would re-visit the story and gave it a good ending for both...like them retiring and being able to live happily and their children taking over the saga cause they were the characters that made macross, Macross. ahh well, I guess it won't happen so i'll just stop from here on... Snooze
  4. You have the final conclusion. Hikaru picks Misa over Minmay, and our heroes successfully repel the assault of the Bodol fleet on humanity. 321890[/snapback] well, I watched the 36 episodes including DYRL and Macross Zero, but I wasn't happy with the 36th episode because it was an open ending, talk about a cut-off there. And the author no longer wants to re-visit the issue, because their story ends when Hikaru and Misa got swallowed into a black-hole, talk about sad fate, I mean, I wouldn't call it heroes. To me, it's more like a sad story, that leaves your heart bleeding inside. You know....I mean, I was really enjoying the fact that their relationship flourished, only to find out on they end up dying. I don't like sad endings....it makes me angry because they left it open. Now I look at my toys, it just reminds me of the heroes dying and it's depressing, even right now i'm looking at my Hikaru VF-1S 1/48 and I feel angry cause they had a sad ending...I really wish that story would be changed, or re-visted...to give a good ending to the couples. Meanwhile Max and Miriya successfully lived when they were not the main characters of Macross...the SDF series was more focused on the love story between Hikaru and Hayase, but the author cut it off.... Snooze
  5. I do have the DYRL movie, I also have Macross II and Macross Zero. So you mean to tell me there's no movie about the wedding of Hayase and Hikaru? Oh that's not good . I was hoping for the final conclusion of that movie.... Regarding that Flashback 2012 you're talking about, where did you get it? What's the real title of that movie? I would like to know. Thanks, John
  6. Hi guys, It's been a long time since I watched the TV series of Macross. I was only 7 years old when I saw the TV series but didn't get to finish it. Last week I was able to buy a Macros DVD Collection TV Series, the "Super Dimension Fortress Macross", and I would say I was impressed with the story line and finally thankful that I was able to finish the 5 Disc DVD containing 36 episodes, after 20 some years of waiting. The 2nd DVD that came with the collection, didn't have captions so I was stuck just trying to figure out what they were talking about because it was all in Japanese language. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie so so so much, and it got me back to being hook as a Macross Fan! In fact I already have 3 toys of the VF-1's one is VF-1J Bandai, and 2 Yamato (1 VF-1S 1/48, and Max VF-1A 1/60). My question though is, was there any movie later about Hikaru and Hayase getting married? It seems that it was cut-off there during Minmay's farewell to Hikaru, and I wanted to know if there's any conclusion to that story after? A movie or DVD maybe? Gosh, I want to get that movie if it's possible. When I was about 7 years old, I saw the part where Misa Hayase was falling for Hikaru but didn't get to finish it, now I know what happened but I still want to get the further conclusion of Hikaru and Hayase's wedding. Does anybody know if there was a movie following the "Super Dimension Fortress"? I also bought Macross Zero but that movie was a pre-quel to Super Dimension I think and it happened 1 year before SDF-1 was created because Focker was still alive at that time. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, John
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