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Everything posted by HayateAltoHunter

  1. Any news on the VF-1 fast packs? Hadn’t seen a product detail pop up on the tamashii site yet. Wasnt it up for pre-order later this week? Regular release (madness) or exclusive?
  2. So, how about them fast packs? The order is latter in the week? Will it be another round of this madness, or a more straightforward tamashii exclusive sale? Can someone please confirm?
  3. Me too....did the markup NY after getting to payment screen at original PO price and having it crap out. Got two spinning screens at HLJ proceeding to checkout, been an hour and still spinning
  4. Way late to the party on the Moscato set for the ride armor.... i realize its a stretch, but if someone has a spare set....
  5. I had not seen that before....where can i find this?
  6. I actually pulled the trigger and ordered it from HLJ. Got it yesterday and transformed right away. immediately, the right leg was on the ground. Completely detached.
  7. Stand now available for preorder on Amazon JP https://www.taghobby.com/archives/355671 https://www.amazon.co.jp/アルカディア-ARCADIA-超時空要塞マクロス-愛・おぼえていますか-ヴァリアブルスタンド/dp/B07PM6DBT4/ref=mp_s_a_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1552577727&sr=8-14&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=arcadia+macross
  8. Thank you! Ordered one also
  9. April release it appears...
  10. Thanks for sharing. I am liking your skull squadron decal and original VF-4 paint app. What decal shop did you use?
  11. I actually ended up securing an extra po in case i got 31A’d. Send me a PM and we can arrange a transaction if interested....
  12. I got POs with 3 sellers to avoid a 31A fiasco, i sould have an extra if they all come through. PM if interested.
  13. I agree. Where did you get these hands from? Mind sharing?
  14. BTW - Nin-Nin Game just let me order to cart and check out for the item https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/26772-macross-plus-yf-19-full-set-pack-dx-chogokin--4573102550613.html
  15. Seems like i got lucky here....got an email from NY out of nowhere just now....my kairos now shows being shipped out .
  16. Sadly enough, yes....placed my PO on 10/6 shipping to the US. Have not sent a complaint to NY either. Just quietly crossing fingers.
  17. Glad to be in the same boat as some of you...scored one at AmiAmi! Now the wait for the Kairos can resume....
  18. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/by-series/25078-macross-delta-vf-31j-siegfried-hayate-immelmann-use-kai-ver-limited-edition-dx-chogokin-.html#idTab1 Heads up, these guys have the Kai available for pre-order...
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