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Everything posted by WaferMouse

  1. Probably because they jacked their prices up to limit demand.
  2. Just a quick snap of alternate universe Mirage.
  3. In the context of Macross, it's a word/kana sometimes used to specify a variant. Eg. Basara's ride is the Kai Fire Valkyrie. In terms of the VF-31, it's Hayate's ride but with extra black stripes in the paint job. There are photos of it in that eBay listing.
  4. If the Showz figure is actually a Kai, that might actually explain why they're using the kit photos. "Hey, get some photos of the 31J to upload for the KO. But not the regular DX!" *intern duly uploads photos of the kit instead of the DX* I guess time will tell.
  5. Yes hello officer, this is the post I reported.
  6. Here's a sleepy post-preorder Pandora to lull you to sleep.
  7. Damn, you're right. Am I thinking of Mirage maybe? But yeah, this one seems tough.
  8. Seems like the only one tougher than this was the Kairos.
  9. Bonus: CDJ just shipped my Lil Drakens. One in, one out!
  10. Scored at CDJ. Time for breakfast. Good luck those still trying, may the Deculture smile upon you!
  11. Pandora will suffer no complaints if you miss the preorder time https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190201T16&p1=248
  12. The end is nigh! No more VF-31 pre-order madness! Once the AP is released, a mighty wave of Deculture will purify the thread and wash us all away. Repent!
  13. The seat and hatch are available on Shapeways. Haven't seen the chest covers though. https://www.shapeways.com/product/XY5DJFFEB/vf-1-option-part-battroid-ingress-egress-hatch https://www.shapeways.com/product/Q4PHCQLNH/vf-1-option-part-battroid-access-1-seater
  14. Unless Bandai announces SPs for the 31A, I am definitely panel 1 after the 31E and the AP. I'm ready for a break from Macross, and once I move house I want to spend my money finishing off some long-term projects. Will be a relief not checking the forums religiously for news on Chuck. inb4 they announce a Guld Works VF-32 from the next movie and I become panel 2.
  15. VF-31E Chuck preorder in your local time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190201T16&p1=248
  16. It's also worth remembering that reading the forums gives a very skewed vision of the Macross figure market. Most people, probably even most fans, don't have multiple copies and aren't here on the forums discussing and anticipating the various releases. Even I don't have multiple copies of anything. Characters sell toys, otherwise Bandai would just be pumping out random transforming jets or trawling the Master Files for inspiration, instead of paying for licenses. People see the hero jets and that's what they want. AWACS, VTs and "boring" CFs, or weird rare colours are firmly the purview of collectors, not the mass market. Also, most of the value of these rare pieces is applied on the after market, and a third party wouldn't want to further risk legal attention by charging inflated prices. We might say "damn, I'd give an arm and a leg for a purple Elintseeker" but a third party doesn't want to get busted for organ trafficking.
  17. I'm super excited that this is finally happening, but I'm also totally here for the derpy Chuck poses Very on-brand for Chuck.
  18. I wasn't going to get the cat girl but I've decide that I'm going to use her to level up my paint skills before I attempt to replicate the Hayate and Mirage paint schemes on the others. Also cat girl cat girl cat girl.
  19. If they released the True Bad Guy White version, I'd be tempted to buy a couple. inb4 they announce it as a lottery item... in 2029
  20. Yeah, I'd already resigned to the notion that I'll need an extra Detolf when I move house this year, especially since I got the S for the specific purpose of hanging the AP on it (I just love that Stampede aesthetic). Hopefully I can cram the AP between two other VFs in my double Detolf.
  21. I was planning on C and E with a pair of F SPs to hang on them. Now I already have A, C, movie F, S, the 2xF packs and also waiting for the Drakens, besides the things Bandai hasn't even released yet. It never ends!
  22. Nah, I just want Bandai to actually get on with releasing things so I can score the AP, 31E and the 31A SP if Bandai decides to make them. Strange as it may seem, I'm ready to take a break from buying Delta stuff, since I already bought at least twice as many Delta releases as I meant to
  23. Oh man, you even got me with that one no3l, and I don't even want these supers!
  24. Seems legit. They're invested enough to lurk, but not enough to actually interact beyond pushing the red button. If any part of this post is incorrect, I invite the downvoters to actually get involved in the thread and say so. Nothing would make me happier than for you to prove me wrong! We're all Macross fans after all, right? Or, y'know, just downvote this post into oblivion and prove me right. Your call.
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