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Everything posted by WaferMouse

  1. The only Delta thing I'd buy now would be a 31A SP, barring any new 31 variants, or whatever the Next VF is, but yeah Bandai should really focus on finishing off the Delta flight SPs. I have a hunch that the Next VF is a Guld Works fighter, so I think I'll be picking that up.
  2. Jenius kids are the first Newtypes?
  3. I can see influences from a lot of places (Guld Works-style engine outlets, for instance), but the shape of the wings and canards actually look very 31A-esque to me, particularly the trailing edges and wing tips. Maybe a Guld Works VF-32 in the same vein as the 25/27 relationship?
  4. Just a few small additions to my review that @DewPoint very kindly quoted up for us: - I did eventually get into the intakes, things were just really tight around the covers. In the end I carefully stuck a scalpel blade in and popped them off. - The gappiness over the legs in fighter mode never really went away, but I got it slightly better than OOB just by fiddling a bit. - I bought a second KO with the same issue in the left shin, but it really is just a ~5 minute job to pop the leg open and lightly file down the junk. I'd never seen the inside of the leg before but the issue instantly leapt out at me when I had it open, so you don't need any expert knowledge to fix it. If you open both shins and compare them, it makes it easy to see where to work. Make sure you check the feet extend before you give them to your friends!
  5. Mine somehow managed to grease its way right through customs without any fees and is currently sat at my parents' house waiting for me to pick it up. Just three days from despatch to delivery, which is probably the best time I've had on any overseas shipping. A shame that TerraOnion can't do the same for my MegaSD
  6. If we're talking unsettling levels of anthropomorphism, I'd still love a 1/60 VF11-MAXL someday.
  7. We're up to 6 individual head molds for the VF-31 so you might want to check those out, the heads are on top in Gerwalk and fighter, like the rest of the VFs post-25. You could match the 31E with your VE-1, and any of them would look good displayed with a *F-25.
  8. I remember on a Kickstarter for some dice that they found that molds wear out with use and have to be replaced. I kinda assumed that at least some of the molds being used for the ValkFac figures were already considered "spent" by Arcadia standards, but still good for a few more runs by KO standards. Maybe it's a different process though, I'm certainly no expert. Maybe it's a combination of factors. It could be they're using old test molds and then lining up behind Arcadia to use the same paint process. One detail that I don't think has been brought up and might be interesting for someone to noodle over is that the transparent orange shoulder parts are the same shape as the red transparent part on the strike cannon. Assuming that isn't the case for the 1P strike cannon, maybe it was an intentional change to cut down on tooling costs?
  9. @jeniusornome Packaging is an anonymous brown box with transparent trays.
  10. It really depends how you personally derive fun from posing and fiddling. In my experience, a few careful transformations hasn't caused noticeable damage on my 31s, they look as good now as they did OOB. If the question is whether they're poseable enough for the posing to be fun, there are some photos in this thread of some pretty outlandish poses, IIRC some very convincing looking figure skating/ballet poses. My 31s are more poseable than my 25 v1, but then my Luca was pretty floppy by the time I picked him up second-hand in Jungle. For my part, I find the 31s easily the most fun to pose out of my whole 1/60 squadron (VF-1 both versions, VF-11, VF-22, VF-25 and VF-31), but YMMV.
  11. Guh, sorry I double posted, forgot I posted the first one.
  12. Someone on this topic stripped and repainted the canopy to get rid of the unsightly "flecks". I can't remember for certain, but I think it may have been Xigfrid.
  13. Naturally, a jellyfish quote Currently waiting on the ransom letter from customs, tracking says the 31E has already touched down there. Gonna strip the F supers off Arad in time for arrival, and ready for the armour pack.
  14. Valk Fac M&Ms up for separate PO on ohmyprimus
  15. Sounds about right, mine were a tight fit. I can't remember whether I sanded any of mine, but at least some of them I was able to get on by just kinda gently flexing the missile side of the mount whilst putting them on.
  16. Cool, thanks for that! Yeah I agree, I think the reaction to the 31A issues was exaggerated, but it's easy to say that when my CDJ order was unaffected. Just feeling a teensy bit edgy since I've never ordered with NY before.
  17. Well, I bit the bullet and put my first ever order in with NY. Hopefully there's no issues this time around. BTW, does anyone know whether NY can amend delivery addresses on orders once they're placed? Getting it sent to my parents just in case, but if I've moved house by then would prefer to receive it directly.
  18. Aw damnit. That changes my plans I guess :/ Better deal with this tonight instead of sleeping on it. How am I ever going to spend these points now? I'd never risk using them on a PO night
  19. That body suit looks great @CrossAir. I had a worry that the... uh crotch part would still look a bit ecchi, but it looks much classier than I'd have guessed. Gives me hope that I can pull off a Mirage flight suit when I FINALLY get round to mine. *Glances warily at mortgage advisor*
  20. I think it's going to depend on how the weight's distributed. With the Lill Drakens I've put a forward lean on the figure for a sort of knees bent "launch" pose, but the big gatling guns make me think the AP will be front heavy. Maybe a kind of shoulders/elbows back pose with the guns horizontal will balance them over the hips.
  21. Generally every few months or so. I operate on the basis that with all the different modes, it would be a shame not to transform them, and that if they're going to "wear" over time I'd prefer that they do so evenly. This is partly informed by my RVF-25 which I picked up in Jungle Akihabara and had discolored slightly in a "pattern" that makes me think it was left in battroid for too long.
  22. At a guess: the optics of trying to cash-in on option parts for a figure that some people may still be waiting for.
  23. We figure March sometime, maybe in 2-3 weeks. Just based on previous TWE items.
  24. Yeah, same for the Lill Drakens, which were TWE as well. So a week or two from now for the AP.
  25. I mean, I have to get it, it's the only reason I bought Arad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm guessing it's a TWE item, right?
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