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Rider Faiz

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Everything posted by Rider Faiz

  1. Holy crap you're right!!! That commercial is rad & how have I never seen it before!?! Also that poster is DOPE!!!
  2. Anyone that has the GPB-1S Armor set, can I get a clear picture of the sticker placement guide on the box? All the pictures I'm finding online of that part of the box aren't the greatest.
  3. I got a VF-1S Strike off Ebay a couple years ago & looking through the past pages, I'm not quite sure which variant I have. It has Bandai markings.... with smooth head lasers and a visor sticker that has a more of a blue than I have seen on other Strikes. I don't think it was a repainted Strike (even though it was touched up by the previous owner) as there doesn't appear to be any yellow underneath the red paint where it's scratched.
  4. Bands Reel Big Fish Dicky from the Mighty Mighty Bosstones AFI Less Than Jake Flogging Molly Goldfinger Thrice Anti-Flag Dropkick Murphys Wrestlers RVD Kurt Angle Hulk Hogan Howard Finkel Actors Jermey Bullock (Boba Fett-original trilogy) Kenny Baker (R2-D2) And a shitload of comic artists -RF
  5. I didn't mind the Wolvy at the Mansion then cutting to the woods. Obviously some time had passed for him to get from the mansion to Alkali Lake (which I believe is where the camp was located?...or I could competly be way off). My problem was Megs starts causing havoc in San Fran and the X-men arrive using the X-Jet, which as we all know is super fast! But how the hell did Angel fly across the country in time to swoop down and save his dad? Last I knew, Angel couldn't fly at sonic speeds until he was "upgraded" to Archangel. That was really the only plothole I really had trouble with. -RF
  6. I LOVED the OVA of Lodoss War! The TV series, left me w/ something to desire...but the OVA rocked! -RF
  7. I would say so. These sets are becoming a hell of alot harder to find to. Which reminds me that I need to pick up one lol -RF
  8. Oh that's just beautiful!! But at the price and the fact that I just completely SUCK at making/painting models, that leaves me out -RF
  9. That was awesome! -RF
  10. I used to be around here pretty frequently around 2000 or 2001 or so (when ever the Transformers series RID was on the air), due to a laps in my TF collecting. Then I kind of dissapeared, then the board changed and I couldn't remember my old user name or password, so I rejoined. -RF
  11. These are an easter egg on one of the DVD's in the boxset. Can't remember exactly how to access it though. Funny stuff. -RF
  12. Oddly enought, I just saw this yesterday in my local comic shop and leafed through it to see what the hell it was. Didn't pick it up though as I didn't have enough cash on me. -RF
  13. DAMN!! I remember this cartoon! Only a little though. I was more of a fan of The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers. -RF
  14. Very cool!!! -RF
  15. DAMN I wish I had the cash to pick both of those up!!!! -RF
  16. Looks like the 1/40 Nikick (alt version) and the 1/40 Orguss II? -RF
  18. Drifand...you know I still hate you because of your Orguss collection! I have a 1/40 Orguss which was in a store window or something before I got him, cause he's all sunburnt. And I also have the pride & joy of my collection...my perfect 1/40 Nikick w/ unapplied stickers and a PRESTINE box as well I also have a small Nikick knockoff that I had when I was really little. -RF
  19. With this one, you're suposed to be able to stand it and pose it w/o the use of a stand. What they did to improve the joints, I don't know. -RF
  20. Of COURSE this would be released when I have no cash to spend on it!!! *banging head on desk* -RF
  21. Rider Faiz comes from the Japanese Toku show Kamen Rider Faiz. He's one of my fav Toku heroes, and it's his helmet that I'm wearing in my Avatar. -RF
  22. HOLY FREAKIN CRAP ON A STICK!!!! I am just floored on how truely badass that is!!! After looking at it more, it looks like he combined the designs of GaoFaiGar & Gensic GGG. I'm just wondering how big it is, and how long it took to make it. -RF
  23. That's what I was just going to suggest. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks the Black Panther head is almost a dead ringer for the Batman in that scene. -RF
  24. Oh those wakky Germans w/ their forklift training videos & love of David Hasslefolf. Talk about a training video that was slow to start! At the end it was like watching a classic Drivers Ed. head roller lol -RF
  25. LMAO!! That was RAD!! -RF
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