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About jrhudson311

  • Birthday May 21

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  • MSN

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  • Location
    Indiana, USA
  • Interests
    Big Robots that Transformer and Look Kickass and crap

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. I'm just gonna load up on my pirate ship and kidnap it.
  2. I'm over it, I hope it doesn't come to the US lol.
  3. 3am EST i believe for me.
  4. I suck, i can never remember lol
  5. did we ever determine if preorders started at 4pm or 5pm Japan time?
  6. Keep us up to date!
  7. Is the pre-order on the 1st or 3rd?
  8. What was your shipping method?
  9. Man, I can never remember, when does the PO wars start EST?
  10. Yea I have need watching the thread for a couple weeks with all that has been said. I'm over here just quietly thinking how what we have seen isn't even the final design........
  11. I was also surprised by the payment request from NY.
  12. I have one on order I placed on Friday at 1999 and one I placed a order for on Sunday at Amazon.jp. both orders went through but I have not been charged for either yet. Why would that be you guys think?
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