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Everything posted by Ridden001

  1. If Sentinel does not have opening missile bays, combined with those pegs on the blades, they really blundered. Even Megahouse had opening missile bays and no ugly peg on the blades. Megahouse has a simple hinge opening with missiles in the bay. They even give you spent missiles to change in and out if you want to simulate them being fired.
  2. I love Macross, but seeing the Legioss and ride armors brings back more of that feeling from youth watching cartoons on Saturday. It is that feeling that causes 40 yr old men to drop $1,000’s on toys. The memory of the magical days.
  3. Me neither. I don’t want to be one of those negative guys. Im happy their being made and can even be discussed.
  4. I think leg tabs and this are a broad comparison. The blades are blades, a place where a random peg is an absolute compromise of the structure itself. It would be like if they added a random peg to the back of a tail fin so you could lift it up with your finger. I don’t have an issue with a tab on a leg, like a VF-1. A tab on a blade? major, major blunder.
  5. Based on that design they would have no other way, I agree and understand. I’m saying another design would have just been better and has been done before. I think that peg will be the most glaring blunder of this release. “Lets add an ugly peg to the blades” great call Sentinel.
  6. Yes. I will also get a batch, I just think it’s a major and poor design choice, it ruins the concept of the blades. It’s so obvious and apparent also, once you see it you can’t get your eyes off of it.
  7. Is it transformable, the Sentinel Legioss?
  8. I only have one critique of what appears to be a feature of design. I don’t like the pegs on the bottom edge of the blades, if you look at the blade housing there is a slot that terminates and it appears to be the design to stop the blades at a specific point when retracted by having the peg stop where the slot terminates. If the peg on the blade is static, this is a massive blunder of epic proportions. It’s using 80’s transformer toy tech on a premium adult item showpiece. Who at Sentinel approved that as an acceptable solution?
  9. No. I believe Arcadia will be gone in 3-4 years.
  10. Does anyone know if the YF-19 missiles fit the DX VF-1? I have my 19 in storage and was wondering if anyone knew before I went in and got it out.
  11. My theory is that Bandai in covert fashion has bankrolled or in some way backed this group to further erode Arcadia’s market share.
  12. I am absolteuly inserting a mono eye sensor jewel in the circle sensors located on the antenna arrays attached to the arm
  13. LOL. I literally just laughed out loud at the airport because of that response.
  14. This is a good comment, one I think that gets overlooked. Yamato and Arcadia did have modeling and customization in mind with their valks. You can see that in their comments about decals and also the releases of their full build kits. They even gave inspiration through their weathering releases. I would rank the Yamato in all essence as a model kit that was sold completed but not detailed. A true gem either way and even though I'm all in on the DX line and releasing my v2's from the collection, I will never let go of my premium edition Roy 1 and 0 S's or Max's Premium. They did more for macross releases and design than anyone.
  15. I’d say the inbetween hybrid gerwalk configurations are not really “selectable modes” but are rather control surface configurations based on a maneuver the pilot is demanding on the craft, when the maneuver is no longer demanded, the surface then returns to whichever mode is selected. Maybe, I have no real idea, none at all to base it on whatsoever. I’m just trying to figure out how it happens when they only have 3 options to choose from, so something must allow the surfaces to configure temporarily since we do see the hybrid modes in the series. Im absolutely going to get flagged for pirating this awesome DX thread. Im out.
  16. Mine moved to “prep in progress”. I’m no longer concerned as I’ve nevr had an issue with them not sending something once it reached that point. They can though take time, but in regards to if I’m going to get it or not, I know I’m good
  17. Need some clarity here from the community on Nippon Yasan. They still have it listed as pre order rather than instock. Does this mean they haven't received their inventory yet or is this a second batch already? The reason I'm asking is: I paid the $7.00 extra fee on both of my copies and it still has not shipped. I just checked the site and then saw that it is still listed as pre-order vs. add to cart. I'm wondering if anyone has had a shipment notice from them?
  18. Coolest Tampo on this thing for me: “GBP-1S attachment point” on the backpack
  19. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Just bought one at Bandai online
  20. Finished this after a little over a month Purchased and built the RG and bought 4 burst effects.
  21. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Mach 1
  22. After the Fokker release next year, super and strike parts will be released. They are also planning the release of the SDF-1 tower and deck following the release of the launch arm. Recent meeting discussion from the development coordinator.
  23. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    It will be HMR, not the DX line that kills Arcadia. An inversion of history. mark this post and remember it.
  24. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Here is what I can say about Nippon Yasan. They are the guarantee of new released items entering my collection. It takes a little mark up but when buying new, it’s the way to go for me. I have never had NY come back and say “sorry you aren’t getting your stuff”. There service absolutely sucks though, it’s like buying a new item at a con and finding an issue with it when you get home. For those of you who missed the VF-4, here is what I can say about Bandai online. You will receive what you paid for, it may be signed in packaging, but you get your piece. If the Vf-4 is critical to you or important to have, it will likely be the only transformable Hilary Vf-4 manufactured over the next decade, then you should order one now. You can get it bought and shipped to the states via japan air mail with tracking for around $125.00. My recommendation would be to buy one. Even me, with my low prices that I sell, won’t let the ones I got go for anything under what they are bringing when a decide I no longer want them displayed in the box for the artwork. im saying, this release is going to be the one the skyrockets in HMR. It will exceed the regult dual package easily. The preorder activity of this thing was something we haven’t seen for a long time, the demand was evident this time.
  25. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Just bought 2 at NY
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