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Everything posted by Ridden001

  1. Yes it happened. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1464975/Vintage-footage-man-getting-sucked-jet-engine-survives.html
  2. I’m in between on this, sometimes the paint on this things just looks... thick. I don’t know how to explain what it is that I see. Sometimes it’s not there but sometimes it just looks too thick. It may just be my eyes though and I mean that. It may not be anything at all.
  3. I feel like the pilot should be looking the other way in hover mode, then the propulsion from the feet pushes it forward and the cannons can be used. I know it’s line art accurate the way they have it but it looks completely backwards. It doesn’t make sense that the turret points forward in the assault mode, but is backwards and unusable in hover mode? its a pass for me, it looks just like matchbox pretty much except with some more articulation. If they want support from the community with our purchasing power, they need to produce something more on the level. The competition is high and nostalgia only goes so far when you are going to charge $200-$300 for a toy. I guarantee this thing will be at least $200. If they want it to sell: add more panel lines and detail, get the legs laying flat like they are supposed to and not angled in hover mode which is only as good as the simple mods people are already doing on the matchbox. Effect parts go a long way also and the proportions need tuned. It really just looks like the matchbox.
  4. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Let’s not forget one of the most significant implications of that episode. Roy was such a badass that he was able to fly into space with no booster while even carrying another VF1 fuselage. Other pilot wimps needed boosters to reach space, not Roy.
  5. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I can give feedback on the bandaionline store. It looks shady, but they shipped their 1D the day after cdjapan shipped their 1D. It says nothing about service after the item arrives, but if you want to know if your item will arrive, my VF-4 and the 1D orders both shipped on time.
  6. I think the VR-38 will be the coolest and most surprising. When you really take a look at it, it’s pretty deadly and has one of the most lethal weapons. Think about it: The VR-38 was the most nimble and quick platform. It was then given a devastating armament in the form of the Heavy Rocket Launcher. The VR-38 mission and capability alone would be a highlight to watch in combat within its universe. I am a huge fan of the 38. I hope that rocket launcher looks badass and believe that it will look badass. Although I critiqued the VR-41 pretty hard about the tabs on the blades, when I see what is being released, the VR-41 is something they should be very proud of. I’m confident that execution will spill right over to the VR-38.
  7. Damn you. Now I may keep it.
  8. Agree with you. also I don’t see this coming down ever. They are all going to be $300-350. The brown biggie may be lower but it will still pull $250 guaranteed. They will always be available but they will always be $300-$350. When you think about it, we paid almost $300 for premium VF-1’s from Arcadia so these are actually even better priced when you factor in scale.
  9. I need to know if I’m going to sell my NIB DX YF-19 to pay for another DX Max. Does anyone know if the YF-19 missiles fit the DX VF-1? I don’t want to open it to find out but I likely will if the question takes a while
  10. Nippon Yasan is not even allowing for the pay later option. Hikaru’s 1J was able to be paid later. This has effected me enough that I’m not going to sell my 2 new premium VF-1 Fokkers by Arcadia. There is a real chance the DX release may be unattainable responsibly. It could get released higher than premium O-S prices. To be fair to Nippon Yasan: They always relist the day after at a mark up, it’s not new. What is new is that the demand and prices of the 1-J caused this release of the 1A to get listed at such a higher markup. If anyone is to blame for the condition we are in, It’s Bandai for not printing enough. No. Actually its Harmony Gold, if they could sell Macross in the US, then the largest economy in the world would be contributing and influencing Bandais print rate which would be much higher. F Robotech. Even though it led me to Macross. watch Toynami release another run of their junk masterpiece VF-1’s thinking they can get in on this action.
  11. Eating my words here. Paid $315 shipped EMS just now on Nippon Yasan. if Fokker is not a tamashii release, we are all screwed.
  12. They usually list 1-2 hours late
  13. Nippon Yasan is down, crashed
  14. I am just not a fan of the Iron Man Armor worn by Stark in Endgame, the Mark 85. The more they make the suits look like muscle tissue on the outside, the more I get turned off. I know many like the organic look, but for me the blocks of the Mark 7 and even Mark 45 just look more like Iron Man an actual Technology. They have an armored suit look, like military tech of the human race. The new suits look more and more Alien. The whole organic looking tech movement in all films, I hope, finds it’s end very soon.
  15. That actually looks like they cut the sprues to deep along the edge. You’ll see that happen a lot along curved edges in folks new to Gunpla.
  16. Off topic kind of, but some have said they think the gun is too big. If you consider it is a 55mm ,almost twice the size of the A-10 cannon, then in gun pod form, it would be massive. It is designed to smash through alien armor. I also remember that episode where Hikaru finds the flower post Dolza bombardment and the gun pod is pretty beefy underneath the Vf-1S in the flight scene.
  17. I’m ok dropping 300 a pop shipped for the base team in DX form. Here is why and I’m serious in this logic, not joking. I will be 42 by the time they all get released. I’ll be out at that point in regards to the next best valk to have in my lifetime. Not being morbid either, but Macross collecting to have that piece of childhood is like investing according to where you are in your life path. It will be relaxing to no longer need to watch for new releases to then strategize on how to unload what was yesterday’s best. I almost punched out with Yamato and Arcadia’s V2’s, but the DX with the Tampo, Size, and for me the most important part, linebacker style proportions means this will be the final chapter. to the youth, enjoy your journey, be responsible, and always know one thing and burn this into your thoughts: You will always be able to engineer a way to get what you want at a later time. Those thoughts that it’s now or never have screwed us all plenty of times. Just an old timer looking out.
  18. Is this a damashii exclusive? I hope so, preorders are open so much longer on exclusives.
  19. Space AK-47 to your face! complete with wood grain. Dropping T-Bags on Neozeon!
  20. This may be a stretch but try to follow my logic. - If End Game involves going back in time, it opens the possibility of the original legion suits that Stark then destroyed. - Bandai now is selling the Python Armor in SH Figurarts. - Given how they often align releases with info they get ahead of time to match releases with movie dates and share royalty, the Python could be a major featured Armor worn by Stark.
  21. You have to man, it’s Char. It’s the Death Machine of Loum.
  22. NY still has its preorder open for the zaku. It’s expensive though, with EMS I paid 275. Gundam UC Origin is much more lethal than Macross, so I think it’s worth it considering what we pay for DX and Premium Finish pieces. I also bought the metal build version on show-z along with two of the new Greens so it will be cool to compare them. The Show Z versions look like molds from the aftermarket resin zaku kits.
  23. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh please delete this. The authorities are flexing muscle.
  24. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    1:100 Scale Breetai
  25. So true. There was always that other kid who had the GI Joe Aircraft Carrier.
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