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Everything posted by Ridden001

  1. Now that I’m used to HMR and the DX, when I look at Yamato super parts now, those arm armors are soooo long.
  2. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope they start more releases. I bought the DX 1-S for a large display but HMR is the primary line I want.
  3. I didn’t think Heavy Arms came with waterslides, that’s usually only Ver Ka releases.
  4. I’m buying a Sinanju and then I’m going to shoot it with my KSG on video.
  5. Ridden001

    Hi-Metal R

    Tipping the cup to anyone who has a loved one who is no longer here. Merry Christmas everyone.
  6. Damn it. I bought the Sinanju. Now it’s making sense to buy the Steel Legends. I will hold out for a few more hours, but I know I am going to cave.
  7. I caved and bought the Sinanju.
  8. Done. This establishes immediate dominance of Yamato for all time.
  9. The anime paint scheme looks great. I think he could make more money doing it on HMR. People would do their whole collection and it would be a bit cheaper per piece.
  10. You didn’t cause that, I think that’s from assembly with the pin. some have challenged why sellers often list “opened for inspection only” and this is why. You will only Sell a high end toy that’s been sealed for a year only to find from the buyer that it’s damaged one time in your collecting/selling career. After 1 time, you start sliding them out for inspection and then placing them in storage. please note “you” doesn’t mean you in this post. I’m describing something else. I feel for you man and just want you to know from my view, that looks like an ugly pin install vs anything you would have done. I think if anyone has any understanding of the VF-1 platform, damage like this is hard to cause through mishandling or transformation.
  11. Thanks. I’m grabbing them now, Char doesn’t look the same without the green Zaku’s. If I hadn’t asked that question, I would have burned and not been able to get 3 months from now. Thank you.
  12. I want to be sure here, this one is 103 correct? I assume 101 and 102 will be released separately? The 103 is tampo’d in several places so I can’t see them having parts to switch out. I want to be sure so I know how many to order. I want three with my Char but will get one of each or 3 of this one if it comes with all of the numbers.
  13. 3mm
  14. They are 3mm aurora colored mono eyes for Zaku’s.
  15. My first modification to the DX. I added optical seeker heads to all of the AA missiles. It really brings them to life.
  16. Bandai is so detailed. They want you to flip the air break up as the first step to go into gerwalk mode in order to simulate slowing the aircraft down. You then close the air break in the next step.
  17. The only way I would try it would be to paint over the entire 001 and then lay down a water slide decal from a 1:48 Hasegawa and then top coat it. Honestly, I would leave it alone. There are just too many unknowns, you don’t know if they used laquer or acrylic paints, the top coat may not match, a lot could go wrong that would make it look worse. its really not that big of deal.
  18. I was years ago. The golden rule is to rotate and move joints as close to the joint itself as you can. For example: if you want to lift the arm, don’t grab it by the hand and lift, turn it by the shoulder. but as the other member stated, the VF-1 is solid. Enjoy it. It’s normal to feel the way you do when you drop $300 and know in your heart that if it breaks you likely can’t get another one. Don’t get like me, I’ve let my fear of ruining valks lead me to buying two of every release so the Tyler Durden in me is always ok “ no matter what, I’ve got That lime green stripe couch situation checked off”
  19. NY will restock the items and ship them but it can take a long time, they did it with the Kairo’s. I can understand canceling though and trying to get it somewhere else, I’ve done that before on other sites to ensure I secure an item. although both of my VF-1S’s shipped from NY, I know if I was one of them that had not shipped I would be thinking of doing the same. I can say that from my experience, it’s not the timing of your order but when you actually paid that seems to determine the shipping priority. Kind of like checking in on a flight. If I pre order and then pay as soon as I get the notice, it won’t ship as fast as if I paid at the time of the order or before the payment notification. I’m just trying to make some sense out of the riddle that is NY. All I can say though is that they always do deliver, they may need to fight there way through to you but they always come.
  20. I know it’s hard to hear but the truth is worth it. This is the signature of a QC reject that made it into the approved section in error. What you described is what I have experienced in two other releases with Bandai, A YF-19 and a YF-29 Alto.
  21. My NY order shipped also. Looks like they are moving them out.
  22. I think we need to consider that in Japan, the DX Hikaru VF-1S would have been an earth shaking release. We will all get our orders but I’m betting this thing is causing third degree burns when people pick it up off the shelf in Japan.
  23. I have seen NY be a few weeks late after release, I’m not worried. They have always cane through and I have bought every Bandai macross release except the 31’s from NY starting with the first YF-29.
  24. Nippon Yasan doesn’t have them in stock yet, they are still listed as a pre-order.
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