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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. Thanks for the replies. Still undecided.. DH and EXO's comments are echoing in my head, but now we find out the 0A may have no tampo squad or UN SPACY markings? That blows... If I knew for sure the Super Max 1J will be reissued very soon, I'd save up for that - easy decision .
  2. Bugger! Does that mean no tampo-printed UN _____ on the side of the legs or FPs? The promo shot shows UN SPACY on the gun only
  3. I'm all about beautiful fighter designs that can also transform - aviation was my first love as a kid, so that's probably why. If the battroid looks cool, all the better. I could care less about gerwalk, but IMO only the VF-1/VF-0 can pull off that mode.
  4. Okay, fine, the -0A is supposed to be canon, although many would agree the colors are off. Ignoring canon/non-canon deal , which would you get? Is the stealth really the bee's knees in person?
  5. I just watched the last episode of M0 again - looks like Shin's 0A scheme changes from what we see on the Hasegawa kit, to more of a quasi CF scheme (darker canopy frame, but still with a chest stripe) after he jettisons the ghost and missile pods. I also didn't see any squadron markings on his heatshield or tailfins (he was Skull 2 at the end, so I assume there should have been skulls?). Oh well, who's to say HFH is completely off the mark for insisting on the 1/60 0A scheme, they can't keep the color schemes consistent in the anime.
  6. So... I want to treat myself to 1 more valk this year (I will sell some unwanted guitar gear to finance). I think I'm gonna pass on the DRYL -1As and Angel Bird, and have somehow narrowed it down to the 2 non-canon schemes: Super Stealth or VF-0A. Granted, I initially didn't like the patchy SS scheme, but all these damn member-posted pics make it look so bad-ass, esp w/ FPs. The -0A is very cool with its subdued scheme and I really dig the -0A head. If it came with a bunny markings, that would be icing. For those who have seen the SS in person, which would you get?
  7. That would be a huge mistake to reissue w/out FPs . That Love Drifts Away scene where they were back-to-back firing off a gazillion micro missiles is classic.
  8. check this out Samurai Monkey
  9. If a Max 1S happens, I hope they give us a repaint of the Hikaru gummy pilot - and what the hell, swappable black and blue heatshields.
  10. Yes to that.. I also noticed that the wing roots (the part that the main wings fold into) are smaller on the 1/60 compared to lineart and the 1/72. I think it's becasue the sweep angle is too steep. Even if they made these wider and kept the main wings the same size, the illusion would be a larger wing span. Of course, it would be an easier re-tool to just make the main wings longer.
  11. Remind me not to ever buy anything off of you again I'm the same way, and my hinge pin fell out after transformation #2 or #3, before I even brought it home from work...
  12. I'm not sure the swing bar hinge was included as one of the official "improvements" for the 2nd run. Unless they mill that skinny little focker out of billet steel, I'd expect the same issues if you play roughly. It ain't tough like a 1/48, folks.
  13. Personally, these stealth FPs go perfect w/ the DYRL scheme. I'm gonna get one for my Hikaru 1S. Not too keen on a LV, but still better than the greeny-gray regular FPs .
  14. Big Bertha should always bring her uglier 1/72 sister along. She's lookin' good in this comparison shot
  15. I'll say this again this week...
  16. I can't tell, is the pilot just Roy without a skull on the helmet?
  17. I have posted earlier (and others have also) that the metal pin in the swingbar can just fall out pretty easily. I lost my pin, and had to fashion one from scratch. Now that I think about it, it could have been due to the hinge "rings" deforming or cracking, allowing the pin to fall out ... I will check this when I get home (sob).
  18. I hate to say it, but this SS is starting to look better with every new pic. The bot mode just looks satanic with those higher angled wings. Still, I think Skywarp and Tcracker will be even better. And I agree, the premier air superiority fighter of the 70s and 80s deserves a proper tranforming mecha like this.
  19. I'm actually surprised they didn't just recycle the VF-0S nose gear. It looks just as good and is a bit smaller than what's on the YF-19 proto - maybe a smaller gobble could have been possible? No problem with size , just don't like to shell out $160+ for a fighter that looks slightly less likely to get airborne than a 1/55...
  20. If the ink is already dried and water doesn't work, try lightly swiping with a Q-tip slightly moistened with rubbing alcohol. Again, depends on what type of ink, but I assume it's either water or alcohol based since you mixed it with water to dilute it. Please post pics when done! I'm too chicken sh!t to use paint or ink to panel line my valks, so I stick with a 0.3 mm pencil. I have used Pigma Micron pens on fastpacks with great succes.
  21. What was the topic of this thread again?
  22. What I liked about the VF-1/VF-0 designs was that Yamato was able to compromise the wing size so that they didn't look way too small in fighter mode or way too big in battroid mode. With the YF-19, they could easily make the wings a bit bigger (and maybe the vertical fins, too) and not affect the battroid at all. Ah well, even with all my b1tchin, I'll probably break down and get one just because it's not an F-14 wannbe design.
  23. Even real F-15s have cheesy, spindly front landing gear Although I appreciate the attempt at realism, they should have kept true to the G1 color scheme (maybe with subdued hues like maroon and slate blue). Those small areas of pastel colors really stick out in a bad way.
  24. Remember this is a painted resin proto, so chances are this will be fixed in production. I'd really like to see a dead-on top and side shot of this painted proto. It's hard to judge proportions from an isometric shot.
  25. Actually, it looks like the CF scheme, but with the wrong gray hues. Shin's valk has a light gray canopy frame and a light gray chest stripe.
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