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Everything posted by Eslim109

  1. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    How do you cancel an order on AmiAmi? I need to cancel my order now since I just placed an order at NY
  2. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow it's cheaper on NY. I already have my preorder on AmiAmi
  3. I made my preorder on AmiAmi. Their product hasn't changed its release date. All it says is late October.
  4. Anyone know when the reissue is coming out? It said release date in late October but it doesn't seem like it came out yet
  5. Thanks guys for the help and advise! I'll be sure to keep everything in mind and figure out what I want to do with my figures in displaying them.
  6. Hey all! Anyone know just how much of a difference there is between the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 Super/Strike parts weather version and regular version? Just wondering because I now have a weather vf-1s and want to know whether I should invest in a weather super/strike parts or just get a regular version as it's cheaper. Any info will surely help! Thanks everyone
  7. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    Do you guys think HLJ will have preorders for milia in the near future?
  8. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh okay. Good to know. But what do you mean when you say "both have pretty much zero after sale support"?
  9. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    What's the best website to preorder Milia at? I better place my order in now before it's too late
  10. There are a ton of MB Destiny Full Package figures being sold on YJA now. Anyone know as to why? I'm new to MB >.<
  11. Eslim109

    Pictures Wanted

    Jenius, This is a picture of the weathered VF-1S Max that I received from Jungle. As someone stated in another thread, it does appear that the only difference between the cover of the box for the weather and regular is a yellow box on the bottom left corner of the front. Hope this helps with completely your pictures of the review. Great work as always!
  12. From photos I've seen of the VF-1S Max weather's box, it's the same as the regular. I don't believe the weather came with a sticker like the other weathered figures did. However the contents of the package for the Max weather is similar to the others as it is wrapped in an extra plastic with a white paper slip.
  13. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    You already got your VF-1J Max!?!?!? 😱
  14. So many awesome figures!!! I need to buy some cabinets to display my figures but currently don't have the room in my apartment. But everyone's awesome display setups are definitely helping me with how to set up my future display room! And all this talk about Metal Builds is making me want to buy some now 😆
  15. Hahaha. All your words are basically what my head is saying. But my girlfriend is gonna kill me as I've been on a figures buying spree already haha 😂
  16. So I'm debating whether to get this or not. I like the color of this YF-29 but I just don't know if it's worth getting if I already have the YF-29 Focker and Yf-29 Ozma figures. Anyone have suggestions to help me with my dilemma? >.<
  17. Eslim109

    Hi-Metal R

    Any possibility that the Vf-1J Max Jenius will be coming back up for pre-order? I must get one!!!!
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