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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. I just took a peek and spotted this: http://anymoon.com/blog/2009/08/24/gakken-172-alphalegioss/ Looks like robotechcollections.fr doesn't want people to steal their pictures without knowing where they came from: I'm not sure... maybe Jenius added that text when he uploaded it. But it's interesting to see what was cut off that picture aside from most of the Tread on the right. Here is the original from macrossworld. Carl
  2. Good eye. I hadn't noticed the wheels missing. This pic shows you where they should be. Carl
  3. I got a copy on the way. Thanks akim. Carl
  4. WOW!!! I knew my ears were burning for a reason. Yes, this is the first solid proof I've seen. I've heard stories of green Treads and Shadow Treads and Legioss in this same line by Gakken but I've never got any photo graphic proof. The person I bought my Gakken Tread from said he has seen the red one with his own eyes and he had planned on buying it himself if I had bought a second blue one from him. I never did. Though I did get pictures of his second blue Tread he was never able to get me a picture of the red one. And as much as I'd LOVE to have this with the economy as it is right now I could use a suitcase full of money more. Anyone translated the text on that page yet? I'd love to know what it says about the red Tread. And what is the best way to pick up this book? I *HAVE* to get myself a copy. Any mention (or better yet pictures) of a green or shadow Tread (and Legioss) in it? Carl
  5. Hello, I just saved these pics off Yahoo Japan. I haven't seen these before, see attached. Anyone have any details on these "Special Bonus Parts"? I'd love to know more. If these have been discussed here I missed it. In that case could you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Carl
  6. Here is my favorite: And as far as I know its the only image he's made that includes both his SDF-1 and his VF-1 models. It's also the only image that doesn't have the feel of just being a static pose. By the way... any easy ways of extending the shading in the background to turn this into wall paper? Carl
  7. THANKS!!! That's it. Carl
  8. Hello, I'm an old timer and what I'm looking for I think is probably back in the old forums but I'm hoping someone here knows what I'm talking about. Anyways years ago someone had made a beautiful CGI model of the TV Style Macross. He'd also made one of the nicest VF-1 CGI models I'd seen too. As I recall his plan was to remake the first episode of the TV series in entirely CGI. He had posted many pictures of his Macross model in a model of the city he had also made borrowing some models of existing buildings. Anyways all this talk of the Yamato 1/2000 DYRL MACROSS had me longing to see this CGI TV Style Macross again and I can't find it anywhere. Anyone know the person who made the model I'm talking about? Are they still here? Any chance his project to re-make the first episode is still in the works? And someone PLEASE tell me the images he posted someone has saved somewhere!!! I really want to see them again. Thanks, Carl
  9. You know I think I just might have this exact same kit. Back in the late 90's or very early 00's I got a VF-2ss kit off Yahoo Japan that looks alot like this one. The picture used in the auction showed some very stylized box art but the seller ended up coming back to me and said he had lost the box so all I got was the kit and instructions and I haven't seen the exact same kit again till maybe just now in this thread. Any chance you got a box with this kit? I'd recognize the box art instantly. Give me a couple days and I'll see if I can find my kit and photograph it for you. I unfortunatly didn't save the picture of the box or if I did its lond gone as I've looked for it before. Think of a VF-2ss drawn with a Caligraphy pen using the minimal number of strokes. It was actually a pretty cool drawing and was the sort of thing I could see being used as a tattoo... not that I'm big on tattoos but that is what it made me think of. I'd love to track down that image again. Carl
  10. Nice!!! Could someone post scans? Or if that is a problem... could someone post a link where this vol.12 could be purchased? At a minimum a scan of the cover so we know what to look for? Thanks, Carl
  11. Could someone post a pic or lineart just so I'm sure what we're talking about? I doubt I can afford one right now but I am certainly looking forward to the build thread. Thanks, Carl
  12. All ready suggested in my emails to Roger over the weekend along with several other options. I certainly don't think Roger expected to make his living on this one book so I think its a bit much to say he had ALL his hopes and dreams riding on this. But he was fairly clear he had high hopes for this material from the beginning. There is a nice article of his in Super7 Magazine issue #15 that I highly recommend. It might be available here though I don't see mention of issue #15 sold out or otherwise. http://super7store.com/magazine/back_issues.php In addition to that here are several other links that I'd highly recommend to those that want to comment on this issue: http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/2007/01/exclusiv...sign-image.html http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/2007/02/space-st...er-harkavy.html http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audio...60&cmd=apop http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audio...85&cmd=apop Based on the comment: I started these 2 threads on the topic: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22172 http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=24 All of this has been out there for 2+ years... so I'd say he tried to get the word out. I made an effort myself with the above two threads. Was it enough? Should more have been said? I don't know but all of the above still makes interesting reading and listening even today. Carl
  13. I didn't mean to put all the blame on Danth... I've seen many other comments like his elsewhere and I agree Roger has at times appeared to be going out of his way to ruffle feathers. My point is despite how many times the "crap" is sent back and forth... can't we all be adults here and get past it? Personally I don't care who dished it out first or if someone had it coming to them. I'm 40! And I feel like big enough of a nerd thinking about how much money I've spent on Mospeada over the years that to have to argue about it (a cartoon) in public (MacrossWorld) just seems pointless. Am I correct to assume the median age of Mospeada fans is something close to 40... or am I really talking to a bunch of teenagers? See to me collecting lineart, kits, Mospeada stuff, etc. is a hobby. Something I do for fun... when I want to escape the arguments and stress that exist in daily life. I want to come to a thread like this one and see something cool and socialize with friends of similiar interests. Posts like this one... just aren't fun. And if there are any actual teenagers out there... WELCOME to Mospeada!!! Don't let us old farts turn you off too much. I have a teenage boy myself that I wish enjoyed Mospeada as much as I do but I think he's afraid of turning into as big a nerd as his father so I certainly don't push him too hard in that direction. And before this turns into the ramblings of a senile old man... what!? Too late you say... Oh well, Carl
  14. Well said. I'm about a big a Mosapada fan as anyone and I used to post here far more often then I do now. Granted the biggest reason for that is just that real life keeps getting in the way but Shawn sent me a link to Roger's document over the weekend and Roger and I exchanged several emails. He doesn't deserve the treatment that he has received here. Granted I'm not always happy with the tone of his posts and I'm not even sure I've seen his later ones but he certainly has reason to be frustrated. See Shawn's post. But I know Roger is a long time Mospeada fan. He's put his time and money on the line for a project that he thought all Mospeada fans would enjoy. And to see the way he has been treated in exchange for that really makes me sad. I certainly hope there is a way that Roger and his source are someday able to share this material in a way that keeps all envolved parties happy BUT at this stage I can't help but feel that he thinks none of us are worth the effort... and seeing posts like danth's I can't say that I blame him. And I'm sure at some level that is why I don't make more of an effort to be here more than I have been recently. I can deal with enough c^@p in my own personal life to keep me busy, I don't need to come here and see more. Am I the only one that longs for the yesteryears of MacrossWorld where everyone seemed friendly and eager to help? I don't know... maybe I was just better at blinding myself to the c^@p back then. Anyways... that's my 2 cents, Carl
  15. Is this it? http://web.archive.org/web/20071213053939/...espenstmkii.gif Carl
  16. I'm not so worried about finding them... I'm pretty sure I could find a blue one too if I tried hard enough. What I was more worried about is how to find "good" ones. From what I've read the QC seems to vary significantly though it sounds like they all have some inherent problems. If I go after them I'd like to somehow find a set with minimal issues/problems... if that is even possible. I've been waiting 25+ years... that won't slow me down. Isn't that what he more then hints at here? So I took his hint to imply there might be a 6th Masterpiece Beta. Carl
  17. I take it you can't say or you probably would have... but I have to ask... Can you say what this "additional thing" is? If not can we ask for a hint? Also... has anyone spotted this new yet? http://www.collectiondx.com/article/nytf09...bandai_tamashii I REALLY want to get these Betas but I never picked up the Alphas due to all the horror stories so maybe the way to go is to hold out and see how these "giftsets" pan out. If someone were now trying to get a set of Alphas to go with the Betas does anyone have any tips on how to get ones that aren't too bad. Carl
  18. Hello Guys, I just noticed the current logo over at collectiondx. Anyone know the source of that background image? I rather like it and was wondering if there were any larger uncropped versions. Thanks, Carl
  19. Thanks guys. Yes, I had missed that picture before as this is the first time I've seen it. Carl
  20. Jenius, could you PLEASE post this picture? I don't think I've seen it before. Thanks, Carl
  21. Here are some more pics I wanted to re-size before posting... Check out the size difference in those guns!? Carl
  22. Has this been pointed out here yet? http://policap-inside.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/172/index.html It looks great... And there are plenty more pics where those came from. Enjoy, Carl
  23. Let me guess... is it the Lansey Tread? Carl
  24. The latest 1/100 VF-22S ‘STURMVOGEL II’ Enjoy, Carl
  25. Will the Wonderfest release be identical to the later regular release? Do they have plans to release a dark Tread? The only info I see on their web site is this: May I ask where the info on the later regular release is coming from? I don't recall hearing about the green Legioss/Tread set at winter Wonderfest, was it identical to the later release? Thanks, Carl
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