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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. I think I would have worded this as "Yes I know whether there are current plans for a larger perfect transformation version later". If there were no 'current' plans I don't think you'd be able to say the above. Then again even if there are plans I don't think that's any guarantee... unless... (ok I think I better stop guessing now). Sorry... I read between the lines FAR too much, Carl Oh and congrats!!!
  2. Thanks guys. MSW I'm not trying to make perfect copies of the visuals from the movie. I like the TRON setting as a starting point for learning ray tracing as I don't have the skills yet to make something photo realistic. So I solved that problem by playing in a realm where things are supposed to look computer generated. Plus I also wanted to add my own touch. The light cycle is transparent as is the red dome on the tank. Both the tank and the cycle have light sources in them, that's something I don't think they were modeling back then. Also I've added alot of reflective surfaces, somthing else you didn't see in the movie. I should point out the tread on the tank isn't my idea. It differs from what you see in the movie but I got the idea from MAGI's preproduction model that you can see in some of my other posts. Another big area where I think I've made improvements is in the shadows. Check out this screen grab from the dvd. Not only is the shadow just a box with square corners but it looks like that shadow has the cannon pointed back at you. Also note what I believe to be an error on the right rear side panel. You can see the triangles that make up its surface since I don't think they are aligned properly.
  3. I need to read ALL the posts before I ask stupid questions like the above. I just read the post above the one with the picture and I see YOU'RE Sergio de Costa Mechaninac. I must say I'm very impressed. Here is another Tread/Beta line art picture. Please feel free to work your magic on these and make a Tread/Beta multi-view drawing to go with your Legioss/Alpha one. I have more where these came from if they'd help. Feel free to PM me. Carl
  4. Just now finding this thread. Mechaninac that has got to be one of the nicest pieces of Legioss/Alpha line art that I've seen. May I ask who Sergio da Costa is? AncientAngel I love your desire to model the Tread/Beta. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help just let me know. I probably have as much Tread line art as anyone. Just be patient with me as I currently don't have a scanner or a job. Here is a picture I took of some of the line art that came with my MonoCraft Tread & Legioss resin kit. Carl
  5. Tank Command Program to Tank Pilot Program... You're already in hot water after you were responsible for derezzing that tank last week. Now how could you go and lose that rogue light cycle in the middle of the game grid. Come on... there is NOTHING out here for him to hide behind!!!
  6. I must have missed them on the old boards. WOW!!! Welcome to MW... I saw this on your web page in regards to the Legioss "Thus far, this has been my favorite mecha design - ever since I was a child." And I must say you've got great tastes. You know a Legioss that nice needs a Tread to go with it. Now if there was just a 1/48 Tread out there with enough detail to look nice with your Legioss. If you haven't guessed the Legioss and Tread have been my favorites since childhood too. Its hard for me to think about one without thinking about the other. Very nice work and thanks for posting your buildup details page. I couldn't get this link to work: http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~mogura/P_model...l/legi/LEGI.HTM and it sounds like I'd have enjoyed it too. Did you save the pictures from it? Thanks, Carl
  7. I noticed that alot of the pics on the site where I found that were doctored so I sort of assumed that it was VERY likely that this one MUST have been too. I'd be interested is seeing what the actual signs look like. Any idea where I could find a pic of one? Thanks, Carl
  8. Here is an odd one.
  9. Mechamaniac did you ever get that recording? If so could you post it as well? It could come in handy for anyone wanting to do this next year. At this point are you even still getting the phone calls? Oh and if you do catch the person be sure to get the details on the Secret Elves. Is it something he/she did on their own or something bigger then that?
  10. The same is true of most trolls. I don't know Max or Hurin but I do see why Hurin is upset. I've been here at MacrossWorld since just about day one and I suspect most of you know me. I can believe Max might tend to push things too far and that those that know him are use to it and accect it or maybe even enjoy it as they say it spices things up. But... I don't think a moderator should use that tone when he acts in that capacity. I don't believe it reflect well on the comunity. Maybe I could call Max ANAL for obsessing on a 20 year old cartoon and get away with it as he should know what a hypocrite that would make me but I don't consider it wise. I read Hurin's "exibit A" and the only reason I saw that it should have been closed was that it DID take a wrong turn BUT it was Max's post that CAUSED things to go down hill. It strikes me almost as a news anchor making the news instead of reporting it. If that's Max's personality and some of you like it I'm fine with it as long as he keeps it to his posts but I believe it has NO place in his moderating duties. This is a place for fans of Macross and I believe Shawn wants all his fellow fans to know they can come here and be treated with respect. He's never shown me anything less. Sure Hurin stood up and fought back but how many others wouldn't have and just decided MacrossWorld wasn't the kind of place they wanted to be. I'm very hard pressed to find it justifiable for anyone here to call someone else ANAL for posting a valid Macross observation. Sure maybe those that know him see the hypocrisy and laugh but his place as moderator is NOT to scare off fellow fans that may not be use to his "sense of humor". I'd like to believe that Max's intent wasn't to piss off and that this is just as case of heavy handed sarcasm and if that's the case I too would like to ask him to please turn it down atleast when acting in the capacity as moderator. There this dickface has said his anal 2 cents... now play nice... Carl
  11. Yeah, we're going to leave them a gift on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day I think... BTW - Another gift tonight, this time a (sealed) tin of multi flavored popcorn. We were out shopping again though, so no clue who it is still. What did the note say? Also I'm curious are you still getting the recorded phone calls? Is the recording the same each night?
  12. Was there a note again? If so what did this one say? Come on... how can you forget and leave out these details?
  13. And here is the bottom view of my model: Enjoy, Carl
  14. I couldn't find bottom view of the MAGI preproduction TRON tank but here is a view cut off of the DVD:
  15. The render of the right side is finished. For comparison purposes again here is MAGI's model: and here is mine: Enjoy... Carl
  16. The render of the rear view finished last night. For comparison purposes here is MAGI's model: And here is mine:
  17. Thanks again for the compliment. I've just finished the render of the front view of the tank so again for comparison purposes here is MAGI's model: And here is mine... Enjoy... Carl
  18. For comparison purposes here is MAGI's model: And here is the top view of mine:
  19. Ok... using the pics I was pointed to here: Tank on ledge Light cycles on same ledge Ram's cycle right next to a tank I made this pic. If you ask me they aren't consistant within the movie about the scale on these models. The cycle looks twice as large in the second picture as it did in the top picture. Is anyone aware of any official or unofficial specs for these models? Thanks, Carl
  20. Here this picture should answer both the what and the why that I posed yesterday. Enjoy, Carl
  21. Just to show you what a difference saving a picture as a jpeg can make here is the PNG version of my teaser pic. Enjoy... Carl
  22. Well I've now got the TRON DVD and been going over it frame by frame to pull out as many details as I can. And while doing so I slowed down to catch the Trivia/Bloopers talked about here: http://www.tron-movie.com/trivia/index.htm And I now have a few I think could be added to that last: (1) The scene from 5:25 to 5:30, Clu's tank is missing a part. Can anyone tell we what part it is? And note Clu's tank has this part in all its other shots so its not just missing because its that one tank. Here is the interesting part... soon I'll be able to show you WHY its missing. (2) See the site above about the person hiding in the computer room. Well... he's NOT the only one in there. In the scene from 26:44 to 26:45 the camera pans past a very reflective piece of computer equipment. Watch that reflection... it gives you a very nice pan of the whole film crew. Has this been spotted before? I find it hard to believe I'm the first to notice it but I couldn't find any other mention of it on line. (3) Check out the tank in the scene from 49:52 to 49:55. Its also different from all the other tanks seen in the movie. Can anyone tell me what is different about it? I don't think this could be called a blooper as maybe its just a unique tank. (4) In the scene from 51:11 to 51:12 I find the double shadow of the tank rather interesting. Note the tank isn't the only thing to get a double shadow in the scene. As from 51:15 to 51:16 you can see the light cycles themselves also have double shadows. And finally... here is my first public showing of my TRON tank. Its in the PNG format as I've seen just what jpegs can do to my pictures. Please compare it to this reference: And I've put a light cycle in there for reference. I'm making a guess there about scale. If anyone thinks I'm off please let me know. Enjoy fellow programs... Carl
  23. Oh boy... the cycle was a cake walk compared to the tank which is taking me about 10 times longer to get 'right' then it took to get the cycle 'right'. Most of that being the lack of as good reference pictures however that's only part of it. The shape is much more complicated. As for the solar sailer I'm not aware of any really good reference pictures (front, side, top, bottom, rear views etc.) and on top of that I think its shape is even more complicated then the tanks as I'm not sure it can be built from POV-Ray primitives (spheres, boxes, cones, etc.) as the cycle and tank can. And besides I think the tank and cycles will be more fun to play with. I don't really see a solar sailer chasing around tanks or cycles as being all that plausible. I agree it might look nice in the background though... hmmm... that gives me an idea. And thanks.... Carl
  24. Yes... the tank will have transluent parts. The reason the cycles above are not transluent is I was still working on the shape at that time and it takes alot longer to render if the shapes are transluent. For example "Anatomy of a Light Cycle 3 of 3" has been rendering for 4 days and its still only 28% done. However as the actual cycles weren't transluent I find your comment a little odd. The transluency was a little artistic licence on my part. Still thank you for the compliment... Carl
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