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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. This is the only one that I'm aware of: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...m_jun2001a3.jpg It was made by I.H.P and to my knowledge is a one of a kind and has never been offered for sale. He made it just to be photographed for 'Character Model' magazine. There were other pics on I.H.P's site but I now can't find them. If anyone knows more please share. Carl
  2. Since the Gigamesh was talked about here I wanted to be sure you guys saw this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3269958005 Not my auction buy this is from our trusted Noel so I know you can't go wrong. Carl
  3. Nice... I believe this is the first time I've seen a set finished. Carl
  4. I like. Very nice. Any side-by-side pics of these with their original vending machine prizes? I don't think I've seen these before.
  5. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Thanks for the comment about the collection and the job hunt. If ANYONE thinks they can help please feel free to email me hoff@wt.net and I'll be happy to send you a copy of my resume. I've been a process engineer in the semiconductor industry for 7 years and as so much of that is headed over seas I'm more then ready to jump ship but I don't have much in the way of contacts outside the semiconductor industry and as they say "Its who you know far more then what you know." Here is a direct quote that's stuck in my head. A friend of mine outside the semiconductor industry showed my resume to his boss trying to help me out. After looking at my resume he said "Just about everybody who does what he does has moved to India. There are precious few jobs in his area in the U.S. anymore." I consider myself a bright guy that went to school to learn how to problem solve. I think I could apply my skill in many different fields. In my past job I came in strait out of school and the previous guy had been gone over a year so without anyone to train me I was up and going at full speed on my own in about a month. If any of you have kept up with my TRON art, all that GCI is stuff I've taught myself in the months after losing my job. My mind just refuses to sit still. I'm now up to the point I'm playing with animations. So please if anyone here thinks they can help by all means email me. I'd love to help you get a nice employee referral bonus and I'd be more then happy to help you get any Macross kit your heart desires. Thanks again, Carl
  6. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    You are welcome... and thanks. Carl
  7. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    I'd agree with most of that. I think Club-M's own 1:72 YF-19 looks better as well. If I recall correctly the 1:72 was a Tanmen sculpt where as he didn't have anything to do with the 1:48 line aside from the VF-1. The 1:48 lacks alot of detail you'd expect on a kit this size. I think Club-M was just wanting to own the title as the maker of the biggest YF-19 kit out there. They knew it would cost enough the market for it wouldn't be big so it feels like they rushed something together just to offer at a few Wonder Fests. I think it was more advertising then anything. It did get them in many of the Hobby magazines at the time. Sure its possible. Noel has recast the 1:48 Ultimate Detail VF-1S for example and it has many more parts then the others. The VF-1 Normal Fighter is just that same kit minus the fast pack parts. They advertised it once here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ads_models_c3.htm But they incorrectly put the wrong scale in the ad. And what's up with that kite in the Macross Logo. Anyways back to the topic. The hardest part of recasting these I believe would be the metal landing gear. Resin langing gear would never hold up the weight of these. But that can be done... Noel did it on his 1:48 recast. Oh and I just remembered... the 1:48 YF-19 *HAS* been recasted already. Looks like its still available too here: http://www.e2046.com/trade/productview/171 I see the landing gear is in resin. I don't think those parts on there own stand much of a chance of holding up the kits tough so I'd advise you to keep that in mind before picking that one up. Is this the one you were talking about Grayson? I seem to recall seeing the YF-21 recasted as well but I don't see it on e2046 or Hobbyfan. Is there another big recaster out there I'm overlooking at the moment? Sounds like the one at e2046 would be perfect for you. Even if Noel were to recast this with metal landing gear I don't think he could beat that price. Heck I don't have a clue how they can ship that kit for $2 Oh... and while looking for the recast info I did find this: http://www.246.ne.jp/~tanmen/page/yf19.htm Its Tanmans page for the Ultimate Detail YF-19. He named the project "Ready to Fly". The page still hasn't been updated since it was first put up but I do know he's gotten much more done on it then you see here. Here looking over his workshop pages I've found these pics of his 1:48 YF-19. Enjoy... Carl
  8. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Well Club-M *DID* have plans for other 1:48 scale kits. Check out this ad: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ads_models_c5.htm the VF-11 wasn't one of them though. Another 1:48 scale project that I know was in the works but I'm not sure where it currently stands... Tanmen was working on an Ultimate Detail YF-19. Its listed here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...m/uncm_main.htm There use to be a page about it on Tanman's site as well but I know it went a long time without an update and now I can't even find it. I think the project has been shelved.
  9. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    She's been very understanding. I had a very nice job at the time and its taken me years to pull all these kits together. Plus they do hold their value very well and I think they could prove to be a good investment as well. Somewhere down the road I've considered opening up my own little recasting store on the web so who knows... this might prove to provide some nice side income in retirement. That said I'm not wanting to retire. I'm only 35 and very eager to get back to work. Someday down the road I'll have my whole collection up at my web page and if what you've seen here blows you away you aint seen nothing yet. I've got most of the I.H.P kits (even some he doesn't have on his own web page) however I still need that variable monster. That and the D'Stance kit are the two that are at the top of my wish list at the moment. Good night everyone and thanks for the compliments, Carl
  10. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Do these count? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/cm5.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/cm6.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/cm7.jpg While I'm at it here is a nice pic to give you the scale of these kits. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...atoyf21comp.jpg
  11. Got it... in fact that's my picture. I see you pulled it from here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../hobby_base.htm Good eye. I must have missed that one in my digging. Since I hate not knowing where something is I just went and dug it up too. Here is the new group shot.
  12. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Texas... but I'm not sure for how much longer. I'm in the middle of a national job search so I don't know where I'll be in a few months. Where do you live? I might be willing to risk being your neighbor if you have any leads on jobs where you are. I'm not above asking for help... I just want to get back to work. Carl
  13. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    That's not much easier then the SHE kits as these are variable kits too. That said one of the 3 I have IS a recast. The two kits on the left were released by Kip quite some time ago. I believe they were only event releases too. Not too sure about that as I'm not that familiar with Kip. However only the Hurgund kits is 100% original. The Proto Garland (I believe I've got my Megazone names strait) is a recast. The Hurgund box has sideart and a real AM sticker so I know its official. The Proto Garland box has no sideart and the AM sticker you see is a photocopy. I believe the boxart is a strait photocopy of the original Kip box top. I have seen an original Kip Proto Garland sell on Yahoo Japan. The one I'm thinking of went for about $800. All that said I think I've got the better kit and I paid alot less then $800 for it. The original Kip kits are quite old and resin kit making has come a long way in the last 10 years. My recast was made by the maker of the 'GR-2 Garland Mass Production Type' kit and he really cleaned up the original and made a few improvements to the kit too. I'm not going to disclose this makers name as I've been asked not to in the past but I will say this... he is a member here at Macross World and I bought both of these kits through Noel. At the time he was advertising both of these here at Macross World so I assume its safe to say that much. So all this is the long way of saying there isn't much point in me recasting mine. Two of my kits were made not that long ago in the molds owned by another member here. If there is demand I'm sure he could make more and better quality kits far easier then I. That does leave the Hurgund kit thought. When Noel gets back from Wonder Fest I'll ask him if this kit maker would like to copy/improve that kit as well. If so I'm sure we can work something out, but it will come secondary to me finding a job.
  14. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Here is another series that I have that I think may beat the above for just the shear amout of Macross resin. Granted its fewer kits but the resin sure adds up. See... I've been a 1:48 Macross Fan far longer then most of the rest of you. This pic also tells the story of my longest as yet unsolved Macross mystery. Its starts with this picture: Club-M Ad There it says that a 1:48 VF-19 was being released at a 1997 Wonder Festival. I've seen pictures of a completed 1:48 VF-22 taken at the Summer 1997 Wonder Festival which is the event mine is from. I've even talked to the person that took the picture but he said he didn't see any 1:48 VF-19 there. There was also a link on the Club-M homepage much like this one: Club-M Macross Page It may still be there but I can't find it now. Anyways the link I was looking for listed Club-M's event only releases. On that list there were entries for a 1:48 YF-19, 1:48 YF-21, and 1:48 VF-22. No 1:48 VF-19. However I noted the list wasn't perfect. Here you see I have a 1:48 event only release of the VF-1 Normal Fighter. That wasn't on Club-M's own list. Also Seiichi has assured me that yes the 1:48 VF-19 WAS released and he believes its one of the rarest Macross kits ever made. I'm still not sure if he's ever seen one himself so I'm not sure how he knows this. So in my mind its existance is still an open question. If anyone here can prove one way or the other if Club-M ever released a 1:48 VF-19 I'd be very greatful. As to the two different 1:48 YF-19's that you see here. One is from 1997 and the other is from 1996.
  15. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Its a fair question. I have been known to lend out kits for recasting actually. However there is a reason why you never see any of the big recasting shops offering Studio HalfEye kits. With the number and complexity of parts in these kits any recast would cost as much as the original. If the day comes when its doable and not just a money pit... sure I'll share. Get cracking on the 3D scanner/printer technologies. Better yet... help me get my next job and I'll give you one provided I can find a replacement on Yahoo Japan for myself.
  16. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Oh boy... that's just the tip of the iceburg. I'm almost as afraid to answer. The Blazer Valk by itself is selling for about $1200 when it shows up on Yahoo Japan. Most of the others in that pic I bet are now worth about $500. But these are far from some of the rarest kits that I have. My wife likes to tell me the contents of my study are worth more then the rest of the house. As I said this is just the tip of my model collection and I'm into more then just models. The hurgund was the first one I got. I won it on Yahoo Japan a couple years ago. Its the only one I've ever seen anywhere. I believe its one of the rarest kits that I've have. The other two Noel was offering for sale not too long ago. By that I mean I think its been within the last year. I don't know if he still has any more or not. I've also seen these on Yahoo Japan several times. The first person I'd ask would be Noel aka Blackaces. Good luck, Carl
  17. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    And what better part of my Macross collection to show then my Studio HalfEye kits. Believe it or not I'm still missing one. There was a Wonder Fest release of the VF-5000 that came with the super pack and I believe a second head. I also don't have all the different kinds of boxes that I've seen. My old YF-21 box says scale 1:75 on it. I've seen this same style box with scale 1:100 on it. They are however the same kit. All his other kits have no scale information on them. Here is a link that talks about the Wonder Fest release of the VF-5000: VF-5000 link Look in the hobby magazines of that time and you'll see several different VF-5000 heads. These may be scratch built heads though so I have no proof there are more heads in this release until I can find one somewhere.
  18. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    Here is most of my Mospeada collection of resin kits. I've got a few other NewType kits someplace as well as many recasts but I think this is atleast one of each of the originial kits that I have. The Legioss kit (top center) is a Wonder Fest kit I got from I believe the first event they were offered at. I believe I've since seen Noel offer this same kit with different box art that came from later events. Noel, if you see this and still have a picture of the box art I'd love a copy. Also if you go to Noel's last several Wonder Fest reports you'll see I've got some new kits to track down. So keep your eyes open and let me know if you see anything that isn't in this pic that you think should be.
  19. wwwmwww

    Mmm Good...

    I was going through my kits to find the Gigamesh for baronv's thread "Macross II Enemy Figures, Any Marduk toys/models ever made?". Anyways as I had to dig rather deep to find it I thought I'd take a few pictures while I had most of my stuff out. Anyways lets hit these in reverse order. Here is my Megazone collection. Its all 3 of the 1/20 variable Garland kits that I'm aware of. If anyone knows of any others please let me know.
  20. And now the Marduk battle pods. The kit comes with 3.
  21. The kit on the top right was another event only release I got off Yahoo Japan a couple years ago. It had a very simple stylized drawing of the VF-2SS on the box cover that I really liked though I don't think Shawn cared for. Anyways when I got it there was no box. The seller had said he'd lost it which I had a hard time buying as he had the box to take the picture for the auction but what could I do... he was in Japan. I'm also sad to say I've since lost the picture from the auction too. I believe it was on my PC at work which I lost access to when I lost my job. If I had a copy at home I either can't find it or it was lost in one of the PC crashes I've had in the last couple years. I don't think I ever had any information on who the maker of this kit was unless it was on the box art pic which I don't think I have any more. [shawn, if you are reading this do you think you saved that picture?] I believe this is a 1/100 scale VF-2 battloid.
  22. The kit on the top left is the VF-XS Valkyie-II. Its 1/144 and made by AlucarD. It was an event only release.
  23. Still no scanner guys or I'm sure I could get you better pics. I hope that'll change after I find a job. Anyways here are all the Macross 2 resin kits that I'm aware of. I think this is it anyways. It took me about 3 hours of digging to find the Gigamesh so its possible I've still got something burried someplace. Enjoy... Carl
  24. I couldn't agree more. But whoever that someone is better know the the best Legioss NEEDS the best Tread to link up with. See what Stick is reduced to now that he's missing his partner.
  25. I don't believe he's looking to sell it but you are free to ask him. You can find the thread he started here: http://www.tron-sector.com/forums/default....o=top&id=272436 Carl
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