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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Put me down for one... Thanks, Carl P.S. So who is going to do the lauch vehicle next? I'll need one of those to display it properly.
  2. Anyone here have the number for New Type Hobby and Toys? Last time I talked to them they had a few originals but that may have been several years ago now. I know at one point they were saying they were sold out but they later found another box with several more kits in it. I'd give you their number myself but I'm sure it's in a box in TX at the moment. By they way Capn. you know I now have the one you painted up for the magazine review don't you? Look in Carl's corner... its the same one. New Type had it on display at their store for a long time and they sold it to someone (I can't think of his name at the moment) and I bought it from them. Mechwarrior, I really like yours? You didn't use the included Legioss did you? I see the tain fins and I know those didn't come with the kit. Technically I don't believe those should be visable when joined with the Tread but they look nice the way you've treated them. Oh... and this model HAS been recasted here before. You may want to talk to Ken, aka Valkyrie, he has recasted my personal kits and I believe he may still have the molds. He's very busy with the VB-6 project at the moment though so he may not have time at the moment... it might be better to ask him down the road a ways. Good luck... I'm always happy to fellow Tread fan when I can, Carl
  3. Yes, please do. By the way, which book are you calling the VF-X2 Art book? Is it one of these two: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/..._vfxperfect.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/...s_vfx2guide.htm or is there another book out there I'm not aware of? Thanks, Carl
  4. The closest case I can think of is the Monocrast Legioss & Tread kit. NewType bought the original master and cleaned it up (making a few improvemnets) and "re-issued" it. Thing is I don't think NewType paid ANY licencing fee to re-issue it. Monocraft had bought the licence for Japan so in their eyes they were ok releasing the kit here in the U.S. I wonder what the reaction here would have been had I been able to buy the VB-6 master from I.H.P and I had asked Valkyrie to "re-issue" it. If you get right down to the legalities is this VB-6 recast project any more "right" then when we were trying to buy them strait from I.H.P? I.H.P never bought a licence to sell his VB-6 outside of Japan. Personally... (and that's all I can really speak for here) I'm ok with the VB-6 project. I know if I ever see an original I.H.P VB-6 on the market I will still buy it so my action is having zero impact. I won't presume to tell others how to feel on the subject. Although to the comment that was raised earlier why the big recast shops don't get themselves into legal trouble if this activity is in fact illegal. I was once told that in HK and a few other places where the big recasts shops are set up that the country doesn't recognize the copywrite of 3D shapes that are based on 2D copywrited images. I'm not sure if that's true or not and it doesn't seem to explain all the bootleg DVD's that are made in these same areas but if its true then those recasts are actualy legal if not ethical. I respect the view expressed on both sides of this fence. If you feel you are doing something wrong by supporting this VB-6 recast project then I'd say don't support it. But if anyone thinks its going to slow down my hunt for an original they are wrong. If anything it might actually increase the value of the few originals once this recast gets in the hands of a few collectors like myself and they feel the need to pay due homage to its creator by hunting down one of the very few originals. Take Shawn for example. Yes he has one of the Noel 1:48 VF-1S recasts but you don't see him eager to sell either of his two originals. I just don't see all recasting as bad especially when its being down on a small scale and not with intent of making a profit. In some cases I believe it even helps promote and enhances the value of the original. Outside of those here at MacrossWorld how many people in the US do you think are even aware of the I.H.P VB-6? If one of these recasts ends up on eBay I'd expect that number to take a VERY big jump. Then again maybe I live in a dream world... Carl
  5. Actually that is not true. When you submit a kit to be licenced, the frist question they ask you is "How many do you want to sell?" Then they base that number against the price you want to sell it for. This amount dictates how much you have to pay the compny issuning you the sub-licence. 20 is the average that most people accept so they don't have to pay higher royalties to the company. If you want to sell 50 or 100, then you have to pay more money to the company issuing the licence. BW or other companies do not set a limit. Wonder Festival does limit the amount of kits you can sell if you are new. If you return the following year you can sell more. Basically a resin kit designer will choose to make a limited amount of his item so he can charge more. If you are a larger company than you do get special consideration. Basically when you get issued the stickers you have to pay the money then. Doesn't matter if you actually sell the kits at the event or not. As far as Macross kits go at the Festivals, we may see an extreme decline in the amount of kits released. BW is limiting the amount of Stickers issued from now on. I have already applied for a re-issue of the licence for my Pod and they have basically said NO, and this stems from the current legal issues going on. I would imagine that until it is settled. I personally am hoping that this is lifted sometime soon as I want to get other kits licenced. Rob MN Thanks for the info. This is the first time I've heard some of these details. Carl
  6. Of the 1:100 kit? I'm sure it is... getting your hands on it though I'd guess at being next to impossible. Masters in this business tend to hang around for a very long time and are very very rarely sold. The example of the Monocraft Legioss and Tread kit springs to mind. NewType bought the master to that kit and that is what was used to make their own Legioss and Tread kit. The master isn't in great shape and some parts were rebuilt which is why the two kits aren't identical but they are both made from the same master. I tried to buy that master a couple of years ago but NewType wasn't interested in selling it. Back to the master for the 1:100 kit. I'm sure I.H.P still has it but I'm also rather sure he'd never sell it and if he even wanted to I suspect Yamato might not be too happy about it. Carl
  7. I'd say work on those reading between the lines skills a bit more. That's true of rather a Yamato VB-6 was shown at this con or not. I still have my own doubts as well. As to rather a Yamato VB-6 is in the works or not I think its another case altogether... Something certainly is making all this smoke, Carl
  8. Thanks. They are all great kits in my opinion. I wish I had all three. I also wish I knew who Chris was. A variable VB-6 doesn't strike me as something you make as a first kit. Could Chris = D'Stance? I just don't know. Correct... I.H.P made the 1/100 kit because he wasn't happy with or wasn't able to make the 1/144 kit quite the kit he wanted to make, so he decided to move everything to 1/100 before making his kit available on his own. I.H.P did have access to all three 1/144 kits so you might assume he pulled features he liked from the others and added them to his 1/100 kit. How much if that was done I don't know. Well based on the I.H.P kits I've seen first hand I say I.H.P is a much better kit maker then he is a mold maker. I was told he brought 8 kits to sell at the WF these were offered at and to my knowledge those are the only ones he's made. Correct... I have no reason to believe molds were ever even made of any of these kits. I have no idea where they are now. L-Trans-R hasn't been heard from since and I have no real clue who Chris is other then I know D'Stance was wanting to work on a VB-6 kit and they certainly have the skill to. Yamato might not need access to the three 1/144 kits. Their designer already has had that access. And I doubt they'd assume they'd be stuck with the 1/144 scale if they did want to pull elements from these kits. But as you say since we are talking about a toy I'm sure there will be MANY needed differences between it and any of the models. Carl
  9. Yes... all 4 of these variable kits exist. I.H.P has made versions of all of them. Studio HalfEye has made just the last 2. As for are they still available... they are if you look hard enough. I just saw this posted in the auction section. http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h9576845 Enjoy... Carl
  10. No. I was trying to correct the point stated that one one these was Studio HalfEye. It was NOT. The three makers are: (1) L-Trans-R (2) I.H.P (3) Chris Studio HalfEye and Yellow Sub sponsered the contest but they did NOT make the kits. Correct. This has been stated. I don't know if ANY Konig Monster was on display at this convention. I'll believe it when I see pictures. If there was one there surely someone photographed it. If there are no pictures I have sersious reservations about what was or wasn't there. I think you are getting ahead of the game. I'll need proof there was ANY Konig Monster there before I worry too much about which one it was. I was just wanting to correct some misinformation that was posted in this thread about the number of Konig Monster kits in existence. That said... IF (that's a big if) there was a Konig Monster at this convention my money would be on it being your 5th option. The rest was just to correct some misinformation. Understand? Carl
  11. I love the drawing LSB but to get this more on topic I just found the pics I was looking for. Did Shawn put these back up? Why didn't I see them before? Anyways I was wrong about something. I have heard of one of the kit builders aside from I.H.P. I'm also familiar with L-Trans-R. He entered the Yellow Sub/Studio Half Eye contest as well. The other kit maker was CHRIS. And the pics that have been show here as a Studio Half Eye kit are his. Here are all three of the 1:144 VB-6 kits: I first heard of this contest back in August 2000. Here is the article from the August 2000 Dengeki Hobby: There was also a picece in the September issue: And the October issue: I don't believe there was anything in the November issue but it was back again in the December issue: And the pictures posted above of the essentially complete kits was from the January issue. I have no idea why things fell apart at this point but the 1:144 kit never became a reality. If anyone knows the rest of the story I'd love to hear it. Later, Carl
  12. Man-how many times do I have to say it The site is MORE than just the forums http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...ootleg_main.htm geeez Hey Shawn, Don't go too hard on the new guys. I'm sure the Graham guy is still familiarizing himself with the site. LOL!!! Carl
  13. Well I'm in the middle of a move at the moment. My kits are still in TX and I'm in MS. Give me a couple months to get moved and unpacked and I'd be willing. Besides isn't one big recast project for MacrossWorld at a time enough. If you all are willing to wait a bit I'm more then happy to help. Carl
  14. By the way... I've done all the digging I can do now. I started here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/_updates_menu_002.htm Go to the 08-24-00 update. See the mention of the "upcoming 1/144 Konig Monster". It was Dengeki Hobby that ran several articles (like 3 or 4 maybe 5) on this contest. The first several show pictures of the kits as they are being built. The last had pictures of all the modes of all three kits along with the names of their makers. The other 2 aside from I.H.P I had never heard of before. And I'm sure at one point in time Shawn had these pictures up in the Magazine section here at Macross World. It looks like he's taken them down as I can't find them now. If anyone has a complete collection of the 1999 and 2000 Dengeki Hobby magazine they should have all the pictures I'm talking about. Carl
  15. I think its a geocities thing. If you can't see it cut and past this link below. http://www.geocities.com/regult/studio_half_eye_display.jpg Carl
  16. Studio HalfEye DID display the three 1:144 scale kits at the summer 2000 Wonder Fest. Here is a picture taken by our own Noel aka Black Aces Look at the top row. You might have even been allowed to vote at the event for which of the 3 kits you thought was the best. Carl
  17. Not quite... I believe there are 4 different Koenig resin kits out there. That's not counting the toy that (may or may not be) in the works. Its not my place to confirm it so I'll say no more on the topic but I'd hold off making any bets that involve houses. Anyways of the 4 kits I'm aware of 3 never made it past the protype stage and non of them were made by Studio Half Eye. There was a contest to make this kit some time ago. The contest was sponsered by Studio Half Eye and Yellow Sub. The winning kit was to be a joint release kit between the two. That contest was never finished and the joint release kit never happened. I.H.P was the maker of one of the kits in that contest. And I've seen the name of the other two entries. I'll do some digging and see if I can find them but Studio HalfEye did NOT enter his own contest. By the way... those 3 kits were at 1:144 scale. When the contest fell apart only I.H.P kept working on his kit. At some point he decided that 1:144 scale wasn't big enough for him to make the kit that he wanted to make so he moved up to 1:100 scale and started over. That kit HAS been made available to the public at a Wonder Fest. Atleast 8 kits were sold and 2 of those have made it to Yahoo Japan and already been resold. I'll post some pictures of the three 1:144 scale kits if I can find them. Carl
  18. Its not too uncomonon to see this kit on Yahoo Japan. If you can't find it elsewhere that's the place I'd look. Good luck, Carl
  19. WOW!!!! You guys are good. By the way... I really like that phrase "By the fans... for the fans" Carl
  20. Happy Birthday Melissa... you are still young to me. I'm 35. Anyways... I just wanted to let everyone know I'm now in Mississippi but I'll be slower to respond to email and PM's then normal. At the moment I'm set up in the University Inn waiting on an apartment I can rent by the month to open up so my only internet access is at work at the moment and I'm trying to limit the time I spend to deal with personal emails and PM's to the weekends. On top of that I'm also dealing with everything else associated with starting a new job and moving between States so I've got a pretty full plate right now. Carl
  21. And another...
  22. The parts...
  23. Noel... it just got here today. Here are the pics I said I'd post... Carl
  24. I think I found the Liquid Stone page on the Monster after much digging. Check this out: A Wonder Fest page on the Liquid Stone site as of Apr 05, 2003 Its missing the pics: mon-1.jpg mon-2.jpg mon-3.jpg Here was his home page on the same date: Liquid Stone's home page as of Apr 05, 2003 Its missing the pic 001.jpg Does anyone here think they might still have these pictures? Carl
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