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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Hello Captian, Who is the guy in your Avitar? Just curious. Anyways if I could vote for ANYTHING, I'm sure EVERYONE here knows what it'd be for. LEGIOSS Heck most of the work is already done. Next would be the Tread of course. Yes... I know. I'll play nice and say the VF-9 Cutlass but it's a distant third compared to the two above. Carl
  2. Fould it. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/contest/kit_02.cfm Looks very good. Thanks for sharing. And yes if I learn of any more Legioss and Tread kits I'll be more then happy to share. They are my favorite subject. I've long wished Studio HalfEye would would take a stab at them. Carl P.S. Then again if this project was ever able to be finished I'd be in hevean. http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/john_...ohn_moscato.htm Hmmm... maybe I should say the hevean of Really Cool Transforming Toys. Or models as the case may be.
  3. Ok, I found what you saw. Its here: http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Resea...ada/Models.html Anyone know who's webpage that is? It's very nice. Anyways I'm now about 95% sure the Lark IS the Monocraft kit. In one of the older Hobby Magazines there is a picture of the Monocraft kit. Its EXACTLY that picture that is cut out and put over clouds to make the picture seen on the above site. Anyways I'd have the find the Magazine to be 100% sure but I believe they call it a Lark-Monocraft kit. If you notice the kit is listed at 5800 yen. Check out the side of the Monocraft kit. See the 5800 in the lower left? If I remember correctly the particular buildup that is pictured there has an article about it's construction in another magazine. What you see is actually a Monocraft Tread attached to a Imai Legioss with some scratch building as I recall. I think the 1/100 may be stated in one of these places but I believe its a typo. Carl P.S. While hunting I found this again. It's a link I've long since lost: http://www.cooljapanesetoys.com/clubcjt/03_00/mospeda.cfm I still remember the first time I read this. Only the God of Really Cool Transforming Toys knows for sure. Hmmm... The other part of this that still pokes as me is this "Apparently a bucketful of these parts were spirited out of the Gakken offices and assembled on the sly; a dozen or so, in three colors, were put together and rapidly dispersed into the anime-fan community." The person I bought mine from knew where a red one was but he wouldn't photograph it for me till after I paid for it and he wanted something like $20,000 for it. I've never had a good lead on a green one. However I've heard of another collection in Japan (again the owner won't let it be photographed) that contains a Shadow Gakken Legioss and Tread. They weren't for sale and yes I've asked.
  4. Well I'm not familiar with that one. Atleast I don't think I am. The name Lark does sound very familiar to me though. If there is a Legioss Tread kit out there that I don't have I *MUST* know more. Off to see what I can find. Carl
  5. Is it variable? If so what do the other modes look like? Looks like a cross between a VF-1 and something from Gundam to me but what do I know. I know next to nothing about Gundam. Carl
  6. Re-read my post. Where did I say "Christopher said Ken was quitting"? But I'm with you. We are all friends here. No need to debate semantics. And I used the word "believe". We aren't in so different boats are we? Ken was asking for input. If no one wants the kit any longer there simply would be no need to continue. I believe Ken was clear. That is the info Ken is after. I just think that was all you needed to say the first time. I just didn't see a need for the rest. I agree. But I can't speak for everyone else and neither can Ken. Again that's why he asked what he did. I'll let Ken address the numbers. I sersiously doubt Ken could make 500 recasts even if he wanted to and if he feels 5 is too small a number for the work involved I believe that is his right if he can aford to return the money for those that have funded this project. Personally I've already paid for part of this project myself and regardless how this goes I'm not going to ask for it back. Ken's put himself in a hard spot even taking on this project. I just believe he's earned the benifit of the doubt. Again Ken was trying to be nice. Yes anyone can back out at any time. It's just personally knowing the amout of work Ken is putting into this project I feel obligated to support it. Alot of comunity effort has gone into it so far and I'm sure others feel the same way. Have you ever asked for permission to do something you didn't need permission to do? And again back to the numbers... I'm sure there is a number there somewhere and its always been there. Ken didn't get into the project just to make a VB-6 for one person. If the number is 2, 3, or more I don't know. Ken is the one with the right to pick that number, he's doing all the hard work. What should be and what is aren't always the same thing. Try not to worry so much. Not only do you raise your own blood pressure you raise everyone elses. Again we are all friends here. Help yourself to a Coke. Carl
  7. Where is the Beta (aka Tread)? Truely great work. Thanks so much for sharing, Carl
  8. There are two. The NewType kit and the Monocraft kit. Go here for pics: http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/_tread_models.htm Come to think of it I believe these claim to be 1/72 scale kits though I'm not sure that's accurate at the moment. Anyways the authorized kit is the Monocraft kit. NewType bought the master for that kit, improved it a little, and then started selling it here in the States. To be honest I'm not sure if he ever paid anyone a license to do that though. The time I asked him about it I believe he said something to the effect that it was still covered under the Monocraft licence as it came from the same mold. Thing was Monocraft never had a license to sell it in the US. Anyways that beside the point you want to know where to find one. I've only ever seen two of the Monocraft kits and believe it or not it wasn't on Yahoo Japan. They were on eBay. The NewType kit was sold here so you wouldn't expect to find it on Yahoo Japan and it's probably the kit you want. It can be used to build a stand alone Tread where as with the Monocraft kit you don't really have that option. I know Ken here has recasted my Newtype kit before but I think his molds are shot and he's sold out. Newtype I believe is also long sold out of this kit and I'm not even sure they are still in business. The two best places I could send you would probably be eBay or the wanted section of these forums. I'm sure there are several here that have an original or one of Ken's recasts. Good luck, Carl
  9. Christopher, I believe you are the one making the presumption. Ken didn't say he was quiting. He's simply aware that a lower cost 1:100 VB-6 designed by Sakuragawa-San will be out before his 1:100 VB-6 designed by Sakuragawa-San. He has the right to ask if everyone is still interested as I'm sure some expect these two items to be nearly identical. I'm one of them. By the way Ken, I'm still in. Ken isn't a quiter Christopher. That should be evident by all the work he's put into this project so far. Just look at the pics he posted. If everyone wanted out I suspect Ken would lose money here but I'm sure he's got better things to do with his time then to finish this if no one wanted it any more. Thus the question. He's trying to be nice and offer those that see a cheaper alternative a way to step aside and not feel obligated to him at I expect a potential loss for himself. Now don't forget your medicine. Carl
  10. You're looking in the wrong place. Here is the green one for about $5: http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n5226750 And the blue one is in this auction with several other kits: http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e40641932 Enjoy, Carl
  11. I think the simple answer is that basically for the the reasons Myersjessee's states that a recast (if done) would cost as much as an original. Carl
  12. I read this comment at the above auction "Both of the toys are incredibly beautiful, also in C9.5 condition." So I decided to see what else this seller had listed. Still not too sure what he meant by both as he had many other Macross toys listed. For example this one that I don't think I've seen before. Though I'm not near as up to date on the toys side of things as I am on the model side of things. WHITE COLOR MACROSS ROBOTECH VF-19S VALKYRIE Is this a bootleg? I'm not familiar with 21 Century New Toys. By the way isn't that a Gundam shield? Thanks, Carl
  13. Feeling like its safe to post again. Yes, I know its not variable. Despite my love of variable kits, I'll second (or third as the case may be) the advice that if what you are after is as good looking as possible I'd say go for three kits. Here are the "3 bad men" kits I mentioned above and they are the best looking battroid kits that I'm aware of. I'm not aware of a really outstanding Gerwalk kit. Enjoy, Carl P.S. Again if anyone is aware of these guy's homepage it had pictures of built up kits and they were really outstanding.
  14. Wow!! So who is working on the models page? I don't see the IHP link from the main model page yet so I assume someone is working on this. Just curious who. I can try to help fill in some of the gaps. By the way anyone remember the Vf-1 battroid kits made by a group called "3 bad men". At least I think that was their name. If what you are after is "accurate" I'd recommend the Hasegawa kit for fighter mode, the "3 bad men" kit for battroid mode, and at the moment I'm not sure who I'd recommend for gerwalk mode. By the way, does anyone here have the link to the "3 bad men" web site, that is if it still exists? I know I had it while I was still at cnh@ti.com but I think I've lost all those links now and probably all the pictures I've saved from their site too. I'll try to do some digging this weekend and see what I can find. Carl
  15. Yes and please do. I'm in awe of the talent on these boards. Carl
  16. Well technically I don't think the SHE kits should be called 1/100. Everyone does, but its not to be found anywhere on the box or directions. SHE's first macross kit the VF-21 originally came out stating 1/75 on the plane black and white box. Then the same kit came out stating 1/100 with the same box art. When he switched to the much more colorful box art all scale info was dropped. To be honest I think the 1/75 is closer to the truth but I don't think all the SHE kits are even to scale with each other. I prefer to call them non-scale. To directly answer your question my YF-19 isn't built and I'm not sure I've seen measurements of a completed one. My guess is that it would be bigger. You may want to try and ask Graham. He supplied these pictures: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_..._vs_yamato2.htm Carl
  17. Your crappy resin kit makes me want to cry. I still have dreams of your Legioss and Tread. And as I see wm cheng is on board I can't wait to see what he can do with this. By the way, what episode are those screencaps from? To be honest I can't remember seeing this thing on screen before. In awe, Carl
  18. Hello Noel, I see that. Pat S's comment had me looking for a second box variant and as soon as I saw that second picture that was what I thought I saw. Needless to say I should have been able to tell that it's sitting in the bottom of the box and is much too small to be the lid. Thanks. Let me know when you find out. Well checking the Macross Compendium I don't see mention of an event release of the YF-19 though just to be safe I checked the YF-21 too and it didn't mention an event release of that kit either so that doesn't help all that much. I just don't think I've ever seen a white box YF-19, though that doesn't mean there isn't one. Thanks, Carl
  19. Nope I don't mind at all. You just need to be a little faster. Carl
  20. The below is copied from the Macross Compendium: 1/100 VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie Perfect Variable Garage kit Designer: Hajime Takashima Full-action transformable, poseable Resin-cast Limited-edition red casting, Basara figure (Wonder Festival release only), openable shoulder speaker system (regular release only) Requires polycap joints (sold separately) Studio HalfEye 1999 February 7 (Wonder Festival release) 1999 November (regular release) Y21000 (Wonder Festival release) Y22050 (Wonder Festival release, tax included) Y25,200 (regular release, tax included) In the picture above the one on the left is the Limited-edition red casting with Basara figure. The one in the center is the regular release with openable shoulder speaker system. The only difference between the boxes themselves is the sticker on the left side. If you'd like I can get you better pictures of the stickers. Thanks, Carl
  21. Looking at it again I think you are correct. However your comment above started me thinking. Is there a second SHE YF-19 box out there? As for your YF-21 that states 1/100 on it, is it for sale? Feel free to PM me but its identical to mine that states 1/75. The only difference being those 3/2 characters on the box. Ideally I could find someone with your box that plans to build it and would be willing to part with the box but if your price isn't too bad for the whole kit I'd certianly consider it. Thanks, Carl
  22. Noel, Do you have that second YF-19 kit you show above? Looks like I'm missing that box variant. I'm not sure I ever knew the YF-19 was released with that box art. If you have that kit PM me and let me know how much you want for it. If not can you tell me where you got that picture? By the way do you have the YF-21 with the black and white box art that says 1/100 scale? Mine says 1/75 scale. Thanks, Carl
  23. Thanks... I just preordered mine as well. Carl
  24. wwwmwww

    Golden VF 1

    Welcome to the forums Mr. Sakuragawa. How have you enjoyed working for Yamato? http://member.nifty.ne.jp/musyuku/VT-1%27.html Yes, I've read the rest of the thread. And yes this was featured in an issue of Model Graphix. I think it was sometime in 2001, I can't find it at the moment. It's an I.H.P kit that as far as I know never saw ANY release. He just made it to be featured in Model Graphix. Just as his SDP-1... http://member.nifty.ne.jp/musyuku/SDP-1.html was only made to be featured in Character Model. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...m_jun2001a3.jpg Enjoy, Carl
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