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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Thanks. I'm familiar with Valkyrie Exchange. I'm not so familiar with TMPAnime. Is it possible to tell what the shipping charges would be with these two with out actually having to place a pre-order? If they are similiar I think I'd rather go with Valkyrie Exchange even though he's $5 more simply because I've heard many positive things regarding Valkyrie Exchange, not that I've heard anything negative about TMPAnime. Anyone here have stong feelings one way or the other? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to say something publically. Just wanting to be an informed consumer. Thanks, Carl
  2. Yes it was. Here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8294 I don't mind seeing it again though. I wish he'd make and sell plans for it. Carl
  3. Obviously I'm not familiar with enough of these places. However I just took a peek at: http://www.tmp.com/ and http://www.VE.com/ And I think I'm looking in the wrong places. HLJ is supposed to email me when it's available as I'm set up to pay with paypal. I believe I can cancel my order with HLJ if I can get in on a better deal someplace else. Keep in mind I'm normally a model kit guy so I'm not up on all the best places to get the toys. Thanks, Carl
  4. Anyone else here order this through HLJ? I placed my order months ago and I'm wondering if I should be hearing something from them soon. Carl
  5. Thanks for the info everyone. Monkey-N, I sure couldn't handle a job like that. I can deal with the site of blood but a face that looks to have gone through the same process as a piece of popcorn. This will haunt me for awhile and I only had to see a picture. I too think it's real. I once worked with someone that was in the first gulf war and he saw many dead bodies. He said what surprised him the most was the lack of blood. Hollywood makes stuff like this far more bloody then it really should be for impact and that's what we've come to expect. When you see it in real life, and I've been lucky enough I haven't had to deal with anything this graphic in person, I'm told it looks fake. Uggg... Uggg... Uggg... Carl
  6. Sorry... That wasn't my intent. I replaced it with a link. I hope that's better. Carl
  7. Uggg is right. This is the first time I've ever seen this picture. http://www.replicable.com/ebay/console.jpg Please please tell me that's photo shopped. I can see the guys tongue and I think I even see teeth. Someone PLEASE tell me this is photo shopped so I can sleep tonight. Arg... Carl
  8. Yes, that's them. Thanks so much, Carl
  9. Hello Guys, I was watching a Harry Potter movie the other day and it reminded me of something. It took me a few days to place my finger on it but I finally remembered what it was. It was an old PC game called Socery 101. I think it might have even had a sequel called Socery 201. Anyone here remember those games. I took a stab at them when they were new and really enjoyed them but I don't think I ever finished them. I did a quick scan on the internet and found a few references to the name so I know I have that much correct. I'd like to try and track them down again. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Carl
  10. Here is a picture I just came across and had to share here. Enjoy, Carl
  11. I agree and didn't see it the first time either so I did some looking. Here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=4285 I believe this is the link he's talking about. Carl
  12. Check this thread out Ride Armor WOW!!! How did I miss that thread? Thank you so much. Carl
  13. I thought I'd post these here. 007-vf1 found these on a web site he's since lost the address to. I sure wish I knew more about this model. Carl
  14. WOW!!! Is this the book ShadowerV2 and Graham are talking about? Carl
  15. Do you have any more info on this book? A picture of the cover or anything? I must admit it sounds very interesting. Carl
  16. WOW!!! My jaw is on the floor. If you find the web page again PLEASE share. Carl
  17. I'm familiar with the metal content info. To be honest I haven't tried to wade through all 109 pages of the pinned MPC thread here. I want to... but it's 109 pages. I was wondering if there were other lies I wasn't aware of. Thanks. I wasn't aware that had been specifically said. Still they have lied before and I wouldn't put this one past them. It just appears to me that this Alpha wasn't designed with ability to connect with the Beta in mind. If they do want to release the Beta I just think it might be easier for them to break their word then to get something that will work with this Alpha. I can just hear it now "Sorry folks... we tried to make the Beta work with the current Alpha but we had to make a few improvements so we thought we'd bundle a new and improved Alpha with each Beta." Think about it, if they were to say that now it would hurt current sales of the Alpha. So if Tom Bateman was asked the question "Will we need a new Alpha should a future Beta be released?" I doubt he could say anything aside from what was said above. Then again if he offered that info without being asked the question I might just put a little more weight behind it. It reminds me of the remastered Robotech DVDs. They said (though I think it was a different they) that it would never be remastered while they were still trying to sell the original Robotech DVDs. Again... I'm just guessing but at this point I wouldn't put it past them. Business is business, I expect them to do what ever they think will make them the most money. Carl
  18. Which lie are you talking about? Just curious. Anyways, I been thinking about the connection point problem. I'm half expecting that if they do release the Beta it will come packaged with a slightly modified Alpha and it won't connect to the current Alphas. You'll have to get a new one. I don't know that. It's just a guess on my part but it would seem consistant with the way they do things if you ask me. Carl
  19. Don't say NOTHING. And no they haven't been emailing me. Atleast not yet. And I sure HOPE you are right about John Moscato. I wonder if he could say anything if you were. Carl
  20. What the???? Noel I've NEVER seen this kit Noel so I'm not even sure it was ever released. I tend to think it wasn't as I think I'd have seen one by now but you never know. But please feel free to keep your eyes open. If you EVER see one be sure to let me know. Carl
  21. I do think that puts him in a very small group. I think only 600 Ultimate Strikes were made. I know Shawn himself has ATLEAST two original in addition to some recasts. I sort of have two originals. Both are here: The kit on the top left is the same kit without the fast pack parts and was a limited Wonder Fest release. There was an ad for it here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/ads/ads_models_c3.htm Hmmm... anyone here ever seen that Club-M 12800 yen ride armor kit? Now that is a kit I'd sure like to know a little more about. I'm very very impressed. Carl
  22. Very nice. But I think my mind is in the gutter today. I'm looking at this pic: And the first question that came to my mind is... "Is that cleavage I see in the upper left?" I guess I'm not myself today. LOL!!! Carl
  23. Sorry... ran out of letters I could use for the topic description. Just wanting to share, Carl Blue Angels Pilot Safe After Crash PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - A Blue Angels pilot safely ejected before his jet crashed into the Gulf of Mexico during a training flight Wednesday, a spokesman for the Navy precision flying team said. The F/A-18 Hornet went down about a mile off Perdido Key, a barrier island on the Florida-Alabama border, and 10 miles from Pensacola Naval Air Station, where the Blue Angels are headquartered. A rescue team pulled the pilot from the 62-degree water about 10 minutes after the crash. His identity was being withheld pending notification of his family, Blue Angels spokesman Lt. Garrett Kasper said. He was released from the hospital after several hours of observation. The cause of the crash was under investigation. ``We know he had experienced some mechanical difficulties with the aircraft that made it unable for him to return to Pensacola Naval Air Station and he was forced to out-of-control eject over the Gulf,'' Kasper said. Recovery efforts for the $18 million jet were expected to begin Thursday. ``We saw him lose power, and he slowly coasted down,'' Paul Gordon, a Montgomery, Ala., roofer told WPMI-TV in Mobile, Ala. The last crash involving a Blue Angels jet ended in the deaths of two pilots in October 1999. 12/02/04 01:31 © Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.
  24. Great work guys. I love the Legioss and Tread Neptunesurvey. But I have a question... What is the Star Wars Magnas? I'm a Star Wars fan but I think that one slipped by me. Carl
  25. Congratulations... I wish both he and you many happy and healthy years ahead, Carl
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