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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. That info came to me from Yvan. He wrote the article that is translated into English here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mospeada/lansa...y_tread_toy.htm He contacted me when I first posted pictures of my Tread. Just wanting to give credit where credit is due. Thanks, Carl
  2. Yes, add me to the list of inquiring minds. I've heard several stories myself but at this point nobody has given me any reason to believe they are any more then just stories. Don't get me wrong... I hope you are right. I'd just like to see some proof. Carl
  3. Hello Guys, I was working on this animation for a friend: http://www.wwwmwww.com/TRON/flyby.gif And after looking a pics of the missing man formation on line and reading what I could find about it I'm a little confused. Is there any significance to the total number of planes in the formation? Is there any significance to the side or position in the formation the "missing" plane fills? Knowing this started with the military I thought all these points would have been nailed down and probably mean something however looking at pictures on line it looks to be much more free form than I thought it would have been. Am I missing something? I just want to make sure I'm not sending a message I'm not meaning to. I know there are a few here that I'm sure can help. Thanks, Carl
  4. Are you sure Noel? I was thinking you had two. You might have got them at different events though. I think I got mine from you and I think Grayson72 got his from you too. Is my memory going? Heck...now I better make sure I have one. I'm pretty sure I do as I have this memory of buying one from you before there were any pictures out there like these. Carl
  5. Great!!! That lead me to this page: http://web.archive.org/web/20031010010555/...352001/sub1.htm This is where the pictures would have been had they been archived. Note the pictures of every other kit ARE archived. What does the way back machine have against the VF-1 I wonder? I hope someone out there has these pictures saved. Shawn probably does but finding them or him just having the time to look for them is another question. I translated the text using babelfish and here is what I get: 1/72 strike Valkyrie prototype productions: Chigusa 巽 This as for if the origin you say, you want by your with the notion that where the climax of that theater edition is decorated the to kit is not converted with 1/72 in spite! From the place where you question it is something which is started. As for this you sold with the only ワンフェス limitation. But this strike & super & all Valkyries of normal reappearance possibly, as for the wrist reproducing that hard detail, reproduce also in the clear part of the head, of course full mobility! ... And so on and so on while having done, cost was required and from various ones became to receive preaching.... And it becomes that also プラモ conversion of several years later is done.... When with it is possible with the meaning which is said and it is good, price of those which have been self-confident this much being a difference... even now a little only because it remains in the warehouse, it presents to the method which can bear the postage with the person who buys in the past this kit! Whether with the mosquito net wax being also the fact that how you think to be, it does, but the copyright with it becomes problem... well enough now it is busy to that and... with doing of course, increase it is. That helps alot doesn't it? LOL!!! Anways on the archive of the home page: http://web.archive.org/web/20040215095915/....jp/0371352001/ It has their email address <koji.nagami@jcom.home.ne.jp>. Anyone want to email them in Japanese and ask if they still have their VF-1 photos? Just a thought, Carl
  6. I'm in. But it'd help if this came out after April 15th, but I don't think that will be a problem. Carl
  7. Thanks. That helps. With a quick search I found this page: http://web.archive.org/web/20040228204205/...F00WinREPO.html I believe these are pics of the 3 bad men kits. They aren't as nice as the ones they had at their home page which I still haven't found yet. Enjoy, Carl
  8. Anyone know if D'Stance was even at the event? Carl
  9. wwwmwww


    why? AlphaHX has already answered this pretty well. I'll add my 2 cents. Liquid Stone, which used to be I.H.P by the way, is one of a very few, if not the only, current kit maker that is making variable Macross kits. This VF-19 is actually I think their 3rd version of the VF-19. They keep getting better and better. A while ago I offered my I.H.P VF-4 up to be recasted as I thought I.H.P had gone out of business. I was wrong and believe me Liquid Stone/I.H.P is certainly aware of MacrossWorld. It turns out they weren't very happy. They had been planning on redoing their VF-4 kit and those plans were cancelled because of my actions. Believe me I'm NOT happy these kits are so hard to get. Liquid Stone isn't either. Thats partly why they now work for Yamato. They just love making these variable kits. I was told they put about $600 worth of time and materials into each of these 10 YF-19 kits they were able to sell at WonderFest yet they sold each at $300. Trust me he's not making any money doing what he's doing and he wishes he could sell them on a much bigger scale but he's doing ALL he's allowed to do. Till those laws change I think we sould support all those willing to make these kits and try to respect their wishes. If down the road Liquid Stone moves on to other things or closes shop and Graham wins this auction atleast we will know where one is. But's lets hold off on the recasting question till then. Trust me I feel bad about the lost of what I'm sure would have been a great VF-4. Look at it this way, as long as LS is making kits like this you'll have cool pictures to look at even if it is next to impossible to get one and that sure beats nothing in my book. Oh and let me add the road to recasting the the Konig Monster wasn't without problems either. Carl
  10. wwwmwww


    I'm bidding on it. Hope all you guys will be good enough not to bid against me.....please (get's down on knees and begs). Graham Yes, I'm hoping Graham gets this one. Graham, what Yahoo Japan ID will your bid be under. I'll certainly be watching. Carl
  11. wwwmwww


    That's a BAD question. Trust me. Carl
  12. Shop owner? Just what shop is this in? Just curious, Carl
  13. I've never used rinkya but I've heard good things about them. I've used http://www.m-world-service.com/ alot basically because I started off using him and I've never had a problem. He's on the expensive side though or atleast he seems to be to me. To be honest I haven't done alot of price shopping. I just know he's trustworthy and quite flexable. In the past I've had him hold items so he could combine shipments to me. Carl
  14. Oh... one other comment. I think less then 5% of the auctions you'll see will be from sellers willing to sell outside Japan. I wish more were willing to sell outside Japan and to be honest I'm not sure why more aren't. The Japanese mentality seems quite a bit different then ours on this subject. But even if the seller will ship here bidding still isn't trivial. To even get an account on Yahoo Japan I think one needs to have a Japanese bank account and/or a Japanese address. There are some major hoops one must jump through and I know a few that have been able to do it but I'm not one of them. Carl
  15. Thanks... Here are a few links I just sent someone that asked me basically the same question via email. You'll need to use a bidding service. Here are two of the bigger ones: http://www.rinkya.com/ http://www.m-world-service.com/ I've used the second one ALOT myself. As far as reading Japanese try this page: http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Good luck, Carl
  16. Of course. If you want more or different resolution pictures just let me know. Carl
  17. One other snipet of information. On their web page they discussed plans for making VF-1 fighter kits to go with these two. They also had plans that were scrapped for casting the visor part of these bartriods in a clear green. Their web page explained why. That's about all I remember from sending their web page through Babel Fish oh... 4 or 5 years ago. As far as I know those fighter kits never got made but it's one of those things I'd be happy to be proven wrong about. Carl
  18. Oh... I've seen these kits on Yajoo Japan atleast a half dozen times. The two together I think usually go for over $500. However it's been a while since the last time I saw them but on the same token I don't keep near as close an eye on Yahoo Japan as I used to. If you keep your eyes open long enough I bet you could find them. Actually even better then keeping an eye on Yahoo Japan might be to ask Noel or Seiichi. Carl
  19. The directions I just posted probably answer the "information" question better then I can in words. As for pictures of completed kits. Yes, I've seen some GREAT ones. When built this kit makes the best VF-1 battroid I've seen hands down. PERIOD! The problem is I've lost all the ones I saved. At the time Shawn was aware of their site too so I'm sure he saved them as well. I also believe some of them were posted in the old forums so I suspect others here may have them saved as well. However to date I haven't been able to track any down yet. Shawn's aware I'm after them too so when he has a chance I trust he'll look for them but he's very busy and I'm not going to push him. If anyone remembers the link to their homepage, even if its dead, let me know and I can try doing some hunting that way. Better yet if you saved any of their pictures please post them. Another idea is if anyone here knows Japanese do a google search or something equivalent using their name "Three Bad Men..." in its original character set and see what turns up. I'm not sure how to do that myself but I think it's worth a try. Carl
  20. And the directions for both kits... http://www.wwwmwww.com/pics/TBMD1.jpg and http://www.wwwmwww.com/pics/TBMD2.jpg Carl
  21. pic 2...
  22. Pic 1...
  23. I thought I had pictures of mine posted here somewhere but I don't see them now. What you really want to see if the pictures of their completed kits. They had a dozen GREAT pictures on their web page which I had saved at one point but when I lost my last job I lost access to those pictures and the link to their home page which is probably gone by now but if one had the old link it might still be possible to find the pics in the internet archive. I know the link was posted in the old forums but I think Shawn is the only one with access to them at the moment and he's got very little free time so it's anyone guess when or if he'll have a chance to look for it. Till then I'll take a pic of mine to post. Give me 15 minutes. I think I know where they are at so this shouldn't take too long. Carl
  24. Cool... that may be more rare then the original. I've seen several originals but to be honest I don't think I've ever seen this kit recasted. I'd love to see what you got. Could you post a pic? Carl
  25. Do you or will you have access to pictures that were posted in the old forums? 3 Bad Men in a Hidden Fortress had a GREAT web page with some stunning pictures of their completed kits. I've lost the links and the pictures so it might be possible their web page is still out there. I believe the link and maybe even some of those pictures were posted in the old forums. Carl
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