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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Congrats Egan! You've got a great site there. Here is to 10 more years... Carl
  2. Kewl... thanks. More modes to play with. As to the guestion where did I find find this. Well I spotted it being talked about here: http://www.tron-sector.com/forums/default....o=top&id=311393 In fact it was posted by someone that's got something in common with Graham. I didn't really go looking for it. Carl
  3. Don't you think the skull egg should have a tank mode too? Carl
  4. Check this out. It's the oddest thing I've seen in a while. http://www.digitpress.com/media/iloveegg.swf Enjoy... (maybe that's the wrong word), Carl
  5. I'm not sure what to say about Mr. Hanky but that girl has a stem coming out of the top of her head. I guess she grew on that plant behind her like to two other little girls. Very very odd... The things that make you go "Hmmmm....." Carl
  6. Certainly similiar is some regards I'm sure. As I don't have the completed 10 piece limited version and my one like the one on eBay isn't assembled it'd be hard for me to give a list of differences but I'm sure there are many. The obvious one is that one is moldeled in color and comes assembeled (well sort of) and the other doesn't. But I believe their newest one is also redesigned in many of the finer details as well. Carl
  7. I think that was Liquid Stone's intent actually. I'm guessing they were hoping this kit would follow the same path their VB-6 kit did. I'm still hoping it does but I'm not going to hold my breath. Carl
  8. You are welcome. And yes, it's been discussed quite a bit. However till now I don't think it's been mentioned that it came with the fast pack parts. I wonder why Liquid Stone doesn't have any pictures with the fast pack parts on their site. Carl
  9. Here is a picture that might help with the scale: There are more pictures here: http://homepage3.nifty.com/rs-labo/yf19f.html Like this one: that address some of the posability questions. Enjoy, Carl
  10. It's a pre assembled resin kit. Liquid Stone made a VB-6 resin kit that Yamato later turned into a toy so many are hoping history repeats itself with this YF-19 but at this stage I don't think anyone knows if that's likely to happen or not. If they do they aren't talking. Looking at the kit I certainly believe Liquid Stone's intention was to make something Yamato would pick up on and turn into a toy but I don't know how much weight they carry in making that decision. We certainly can all hope... Carl
  11. I believe the answer is 10. Carl
  12. The web site hosting the pictures is *my* website. The wwwmwww should have given that away. I'm not using it for all I want to use it for yet so there isn't that much there to find yet. The owner emailed me those pictures. It was just an easy way for me to post the pictures here. Carl
  13. I've posted all the pictures I currently have. If I get more I'll be sure to post them. In fact the owner will probably see this thread. I'll let him know that he can email his responses to me to post for him if he'd like to respond to questions posted here. If he does so or not I'll leave that up to him. I'm just very greatful he's been willing to share pictures. Carl
  14. He got this off Yahoo Japan and I'm sure he would have been happy to pay alot less then he did. The auction was talked about elsewhere on this site so that probably answers your question. Carl
  15. One last one... Carl
  16. More... Enjoy, Carl
  17. This isn't mine (I wish I had one) but I've been given the go ahead to post these pictures. The owner of this got it still sealed in its original box. It was in a few pieces when he opened it but even in pieces this is one impressive kit. Note it even comes with fast pack parts. Enjoy, Carl
  18. As others have said those are the Corydoras kits. You are looking at kits #3 and #4 in their Macross series. I believe there are atleast 12 in the series. I think I have one or two of them and I've seen pictures of a few of the others. I don't think I have a complete list of them though. Here are the 4 kits they had at the 1998 Winter Wonder Festival. http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Emaps/won98w/corydo.htm I'm pretty sure one of the others is a VT-1. As far as I know their VF-3000 is the only VF-3000 out there. Carl
  19. I'm not expecting him (or her) to make directions with one of the CAD programs out there. Simple build up photos would be great. If this one still exists and he's willing to sell the model itself I'm also interested in that. If I had it I think I could make directions that would be followable atleast if not professional quality. It's just that before any questions can be asked contact needs to be made. I've already PMed Torokun. Sounds like he might have that covered. That last thing I want to do is flood the guys inbox with emails. Carl
  20. If I'm able to get contact information I'll post here and keep you guys in the loop. If I haven't posted assume I don't have any contact information yet. I've got very little free times these days so if anyone wants to take a stab at getting his contact info before me please feel free. It will certainly save me some time. Carl
  21. Oh... if I had an email address for him. I'd email him to ask about directions. They wouldn't have to be anything fancy. If he had photos of the build up that would do. But if he didn't have that or was unwilling to do that there would be other options. I'd ask if his was for sale or if he'd be willing to build a second one if all his expenses were covered. If I had a completed one I'd be willing to make a set of directions myself that I could give to him to distribute or ask if he'd let me distribute. If need be I could even get the email sent in Japanese. (I'm assuming he's Japanese) In short, I'd just like to ask the question. If he said no and didn't like any of the other options I offered that would be it. Atleast I could say I'd tried. When I get a chance I'll look into asking around on lugnut. If someone beats me to it and gets his contact info please post here and or PM me. Thanks, Carl
  22. Wow!!! Thanks for all the info Max. You wouldn't happen to have any contact info for GlaGla would you? Just curious, Carl
  23. Any screen captures from this sequence floating around? I'm curious how the VF-1 could transform from or to fighter mode while on the ground myself. Carl
  24. Even if that's true I'd still do it. I'd give a pretty penny to get the directions for this. It's the best lego kit I think I've ever laid my eyes on. I just wish I knew how to contact the maker. Carl
  25. WOW!!! Just where did you find those pics? Very curious, Carl
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