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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Cool. I wasn't aware of that offer. I'm betting I'm probably too late to get in on it but do you have any pics of the freebie Lego Jedi Starfighter? I'm guessing it's not the same $40 something kit that is selling in stores... is it? Carl P.S. Just found this: Is that what you are talking about?
  2. Yes, please. I'd love to read it. Thanks, Carl
  3. I present to you the Kellogg's Darth Maul light saber. Enjoy, Carl
  4. There was an ad during the last episode (about 40 minutes in) that said the producers wanted you to see a scene that they didn't have room to include in the final episode and that it would be aired on Good Morning America the next morning. Since I taped the episode I didn't see this ad in time or I would have had Tivo tape Good Morning America. I was hoping someone had put it up on the internet by now but I haven't found it yet if so. Carl
  5. I half expect it to turn out Sawyer is now holding onto the side of the boat that is zipping away. Could he have acted like he was shot to take the others attention off of him? Also that is a very interesting gif. Where did you find it? Can anyone else confirm that the pilot actually had that in it. I no longer have it on tape and I'm thinking that might have been digitally added in by someone playing around after the fact. Just curious... Carl
  6. Anyone see the secret scene that was on Good Morning America this morning? I had Tivo tape the final episode and I didn't know about the secret scene till after Good Morning America had aired? One point that bothers me that I haven't seen anyone else mention is the cable Sayid found. Was it a phone line, a power line, what? And why isn't anyone trying to find out what it is? Sayid even told the rest about it and no one seems to be trying to follow up on it. Carl
  7. I have no idea about those, however, I'm pretty sure most things that come from Supershadow are Fake. Chris Thanks, but check out the links now. I think Supershadow had been up for years and a day or two after I posted those links here the site is taken over. Did my post here put that site on someone's radar screen? Heck, even if I agree with their reason for taking over the site, they sure DON'T go out of their way to make themselves look good about it. Odd coincidence? Carl
  8. None of the SHE kits have gone down in value so I'd think you wouldn't have any problem getting back the original retail price. If you pinned me down to a number I'd say $200 to $300 but I haven't been watching eBay or Yahoo Japan for these for a while. I've seen some of the really rare SHE kits sell for over a $1000 but I don't think the YF-21 would come close to that. Just my 2 cents, Carl
  9. I've got one of these. Does that count? I was eating breakfast with my boys this morning and I had (what I think is) a great idea. Someone needs to take a couple of these and make a Darth Maul version with a spoon on one end and a fork on the other. Anyone here think they could make something like that? I'd LOVE to have one. Carl
  10. WOW!!! How have I missed the prior updates? Great work. Carl
  11. If you want to get picky aren't there two versions of the Toynami MPC. Didn't the first 500 (or was it a 1000?) have a slightly different paint scheme? Carl
  12. I haven't read all 10 pages of this thread yet but in regards to episodes 7, 8, and 9. Have others here seen these? Star Wars Episode 7 Plot Summary Star Wars Episode 8 Plot Summary Star Wars Episode 9 Plot Summary I see George Lucas is credited for them but if I recall correctly these have been around for a while and I have no idea if they are official or not. Anyone know more? Carl
  13. I'm looking for Volume 2 on DVD now. I can't seem to find it anywhere and I'm starting to wonder if it's even been released yet. If it has why doesn't amazon.com atleast list it? If it's NOT out where does stuff like this come from? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=6398216352 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=6397277861 Are people out there making there own DVD box art? Thanks, Carl
  14. I haven't. Could someone post a link? Just curious to hear what he has to say. Thanks, Carl
  15. WOW!!! Who made that beta... I have to know? Carl
  16. Seeing as I'm 2 hours away from the nearest Target store, I had a quick question. (1) Is the exclusive track available if you order on line? http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=p...asin=B000850IS6 I see no mention of it? (2) The description also doesn't mention the DVD. Did your Target copy come with the DVD? Thanks, Carl
  17. True... but I don't remember seeing the transformation sequence before. I really like it. If someone makes a variable kit of this I'll certainly buy one. Carl
  18. Was this the same one that was later posted? That one seems to be 20.1MB. If there is more out there, or a higher quality version, I'd like to see it. Carl
  19. Anybody watching this auction? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5574519466 I'm guessing it's a hammer you can use to knock yourself out with. Note it only seems to take you forward in time, not back again. As such the only line that doesn't fit seems to be this one "Also, I would not consider myself overly wealthy, but I have used this device several times to find out the results of lotteries." Surely those bids aren't real. Personally I liked checking out the sellers past wins. Ask youself what would someone with a time machine want to buy from this time period off eBay. What ever you guess I can almost assure you that you are wrong. Odd... very very odd... Carl
  20. wwwmwww


    What is he reading off of the inside of his air brake? Very nice work... Carl
  21. 1729 And I usually suck at these things. Carl P.S. Just got 1961ft.
  22. WOW!!! Very cool stuff. How'd I miss this the first time it was posted. I wish he would have done the Legioss and Tread too. Carl
  23. Kewl!!!! I need to check this thread more often. I'm just now seeing this post and it's been up two weeks already. Boy... am I getting slow. Thanks for the updates Ken, Carl
  24. A few other pieces of info I can add... D'Stance's homepage has some nice pictures. They are here: http://park1.wakwak.com/~jasshy/yf21.html And I was able to get Noel to photo copy the directions of the one he sold on eBay. Scans of those directions have been posted here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=92 Enjoy, Carl
  25. To the best of my knowledge this D'Stance was only sold at one WF. Noel was there and he was actually able to get one, but he put it up on eBay before I was able to get to him. He had pictures of it in one of his reports that were listed here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/blacka...n_blackaces.htm If those links worked it would tell you which event it was availabe at. At the moment I don't remember. My guess would be Winter 2003. Also D'Stance developed the fast pack parts for this kit AFTER the one event the kit was available at. To my knowledge the fast pack parts have never been for sale to the public. D'Stance hasn't been at the last several WF events and I'm not sure if they ever plan of offering this kit (with ot without the fast pack parts) again. If I'm correct in the above that would put a limit I think of 10 of these kits without the fast packs being in circulation. Noel's eBay auction (which I never should have let get past me) was the only time I've ever seen this kit re-sold. I've never seen it on Yahoo Japan. Noel, if you see this are there any plans to get your past reports back on-line again? Carl
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