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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Sorry. I must admite I came across this video hours after getting home from watching 40 year old virgin. It simply stuck me as the same kind of humor but a fair bit tamer in my opinion. But you are correct, it's not something you'd want to explain to a 5 year old. Still I'd rate it PG myself, maybe PG-13 at the most. The unedited version of Macross would be rated about the same in my opinion. Sorry again. Looks like the warning as to the content is now here. Carl
  2. http://www.chickslovethecar.com/movies/batman.wmv Enjoy, Carl
  3. No problem. I appreciate you taking the time to look. Carl
  4. That would be GREAT. Thank you. Personally I wouldn't throw it away. Someone like myself would probably be willing to offer you atleast $5 for it. If you still have it. Is there any mention of D'Stance being at this event? Noel had a friend of his email them on my behalf to ask if they'd be there but to my knowledge he never got a reply. Thanks, Carl
  5. Not being able to read Japanese can you walk me though the steps of adding my name to the mailing list? Would they actually be willing to mail it to a US address? Carl
  6. Ok... did some digging and I found this. Here is Studio HalfEye's Wonder Fest page for the 8/21/2005 event. http://halfeye.m78.com/wf05s/wf05s.html No YF-19... I'm really curious what's in that catalog now. By the way, how do you get on the list to get these catalogs in the first place? Thanks, Carl
  7. Is there by chance a picture in that catalogue of that kit? I wouldn't quite call it a re-release if that's the case. Here is every SHE Macross kit that I'm aware of: SHE never released is YF-19 with Fast Pack kit that I'm aware of. There is the YF-19 kit and there is the YF-19/21 Fast Pack kit. I'll have to see if I can find out a little bit more about this. Carl
  8. Sorry, just made it back to this thread. It's easy for me to over look the pinned ones. Odd as pinning a thread is supposed to help that thread. Personally I think sometimes it hurts a thread. Anyways you mean pics aside from the one I posted above? Let me know what you want and I should be able to post more pics this weekend. Carl
  9. I think you are mixing up IHP and SHE. IHP is Liquid Stone and vise versa. SHE is another completely different group. That is unless something big has happened over there that I'm not aware of. Carl
  10. Thanks Valk009. Any chance your friend knows Seichi? If he's who I think he is wasn't he on the boards here himself maybe 2 or 3 years ago? If I'm right PLEASE welcome him back. I wish I could remember his ID... Any word on the kit I PM'd you about? Thanks again, Carl
  11. Have you got a picture of this kit Noel? I just want to be sure I know which one you are talking about. Thanks, Carl
  12. Thanks for all the info Samurai_M. I'm not as eager to jump to that conclusion. If Valk009 friend is who I think he is and there aren't many people that can make a claim like this: I know one indirectly through a member here and I think this may be the same guy. If I recall correctly he was here on the forums once himself but I haven't heard from him directly in a very long time. Anyways if this is who I think it is he's an honest and trust worthy guy. Granted that might be a big if. I'm aware of that. But again if this is who I think he is he's been collecting kits for 20+ years. Valk009 said his friend got these at the the first or second JAF CON event so that would have been some time ago. Again not always true. I have many event only kits that are just in a bag. Of my older kits I have L-Trans-R kits in bags, all the old IHP kits came in bags. It's just recently IHP (now Liquid Stone) has been using boxes. And I've seen many current kits in bags as well. Here is a non-BW one. Long story short I'm inclined to believe Valk009's friend. I trust Noel too so I was trying to understand how both could be true. Maybe BW was much more slack in those days. I just don't know but I'm not ready to call anyone a liar just yet. Thanks, Carl
  13. But the auction says these originally sold at a Japan JAF CON animation convention. If that's the case and I think it is... you can't even set up a booth at the con unless you've paid the licensing fees for your kits can you? Samurai_M you've sold kits at CONs in Japan before haven't you? If so you know far more about this topic then I do. Can one really just take BW stickers off other kits and put them on theirs and sell them at these CONs? Carl
  14. WOW!!! I wouldn't have guessed that. I see the BigWest sticker on the bags. Why would BigWest approve resin recasts of the older models? Interesting... Carl
  15. Well as I wasn't looking for this or even aware of this back in March I'm sure I could have easily missed it. However the fact that no one seems to know anything about it now does have me thinking it's been delayed or cancelled. If it has I'll live but I'm curious as to how I can find out for sure. Does BanDai have a web site were one could inquire about something like this? Thanks, Carl
  16. The one's NB4M mentioned are much older and made by Ertl. The ones I'm looking for are made by BanDai and according to Action-HQ should have come out in March of 2005. I wouldn't call that old at all. The thing is that page at Action-HQ was last updated Feburary 17, 2005 so I don't know if they've been released at all to be honest. That's what I'm trying to find out. Carl
  17. Thanks NB4M. I've already got the Ertl ones. That's part of the reason why I'm wanting the BanDai ones. I'd like to be able to compare them. However aside from that Action-HQ page I haven't seen that BanDai set I'm after any where? I'd be happy if I could just confirm that it exists. If someone here has it or has seen it please let me know. I've even searched Yahoo Japan for it... http://search.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search?...cale=0jp&mode=2 So far no luck. I'm really starting to think BanDai cancelled it for some reason. Thanks, Carl
  18. Hello, My first thought was the best place to ask a Batmobile question would be on the Batmobile forum. Yes there is such a place and I did... http://www.chickslovethecar.com/replies.as...=656&txtSearch= However no one there seem to know the answer to my question so I thought I'd give you guys a shot. Back in June I won this set on eBay. I've seen it on eBay a fair bit since. There is one set up now for example. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6971884578 ://http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...tem=6971884578 Later I spotted this set at Action-HQ. So I tried to order it... http://www.action-hq.com/cgi-bin/action-hq/oth002213.html I've never seen this second set on eBay and didn't know about it till I saw it at Action-HQ. However I've just been told Action-HQ does not have this item in stock and that they can not order it any more. Anyone know where else I might be able to find this item? Since the Action-HQ page still shows it as "Pre-Order" does anyone know if BanDai actually released this item? I'd like to get it to go with the other set I got so any help would be greatly appreciated. While looking on my own I've found a few other places selling the Bandai set I already have. http://store.yahoo.com/showcasetoys/ba4disetbja.html http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN922913 And I know HLJ doesn't take out of stock items off their web page and I still can't find the other Bandai set there. Was it an Action-HQ exclusive or something? Thanks, Carl
  19. That link is great. Thanks. However that really isn't the possible tracks from various orbits. Those are all tracks from STS-114's orbit (singular). It shows what I mean by the various windows. On pass 217 or 218 they could have landed at KSC (Flordia). On pass 218 or 219 they could have landed at NOR (White Sands). On pass 219 or 220 they could have landed at EDW (CA). This morning they gave the first two shots to Flordia. They landed on pass 219. Had the weather been bad at Edwards on that pass they COULDN'T have decided to try White Sands next as the ONLY site they could have landed at on pass 220 would have been Edwards. If they had missed pass 220 they would have had to wait another 24 hours. And on pass 233 they would have been able to try for Flordia again. But again I'm back to my first question ALL those deorbit paths show the shuttle coming in from the south (flying north). I'd like to know why they can't land while the shuttle is flying south. If they could, they'd double the number of possible landing windows. My question about orbits went back to flight STS-113 that fell aboart over TX. Both of these approaches... show the shuttle flying south of TX. What put STS-113 as far north as it was? Was it's orbit much different from STS-114? I'm guessing it was but I don't know that. Carl
  20. I agree with and understand all of that but the last statement. The wait was because of weather, correct. The reason it was a 24-hour wait is because there is only a window of opportunity in the shuttles orbit where it can land at Flordia (or Edwards, or White Sands). If it missed that opportunity say due to bad weather it must wait for the Earth to make a complete revolution below it before that window returns and that revolution takes 24 hours. For example you couldn't land at Flordia if the orbit looked like this. You have to wait till the next time it looks like this (or atleast closer to this). Atleast that is the way it was presented on the news this morning. However my question came from the fact that the orbit passes over Flordia TWICE a day, not just once a day. Something like 9 or 10 hours after the first pass the second pass would look like this. But to my knowledge they've never come in from that direction. Why? Is there a reason they have to come into the atmosphere flying north? Still curious, Carl
  21. Yes, they landed at Edwards. Carl
  22. I watched the landing this morning and you guessed it. I've got another question. You guys have been very informative so far so I thought I'd try you again. This relates to the animation that was shown that shows the orbit of the shuttle at 57 degrees in relation to the equator and explained why there was a small window where the shuttle could actually land in Flordia. The Earth is rotating under the orbit and one must wait for Flordia to rotate under the orbit. Actually this is two questions... (1) Am I correct to assume this orbit was significantly different then the last shuttle orbit? From the animations that were shown it sure didn't look like the shuttle would have flown over Texas on the way into Flordia this time. (2) All the landing windows that were shown were from the part of the orbit where the shuttle is gaining latitude (i.e. heading away from the equator). However Flordia would later rotate under the part of the orbit where the shuttle would be losing latitude. They cut the animation just short of this part put you could see it coming. So on Monday when they missed their opportunity why did they have to wait a full 24 hours? From the animation it looked to me as if Flordia would have been crossing the orbit again in something like 8 or 10 hours just that the orbiter would have been traveling south on that part of the orbit instead of north. Was there a reason they wanted to land in the dark or some reason they don't want to enter the atmosphere while traveling south in their orbit? Just curious again, Carl
  23. Ok... after watching the news this morning I was struck with a second question. It was stated they didn't want to land the shuttle at Edwards this morning partly because if there is a September launch Discovery would have been the Shuttle set aside for a rescue mission if one were needed. This implied that if the Shuttle were to land at Edwards there wouldn't be any chance of a September launch. Why Discovery? We have more then two flyable shuttles don't we? Is there some reason I'm missing that Endeavour couldn't be set aside as the rescue shuttle for Atlantis? I hate it when the obvious questions go unanswered. Just curious, Carl
  24. I certainly agree on all points. Its a big step and it's certainly a step in the right direction. However it's also just one step of many that will be needed. I can't wait to see Rutan's next step. Carl
  25. If I recall correctly ALL Shuttle missions have gone WITH the rotation of the Earth. Its a "free" boost at list off and lets you get to orbit with less energy. However on re-entry the Shuttle is going so fast that you are going to be coming into a head wind regardless. I certainly don't believe there are any Mach 20+ winds in the upper atmosphere. I certainly can't imagine the Shuttle entering the atmosphere and having a tail wind push her back up into orbit. Yes, but you need ALL that forward momentum to STAY in orbit. If all of it were converted to upward momentum you'd go strait up till all of it was converted to potential energy and after that you'd FALL straid back down again. And I'm quite sure that climb and fall would take less then 90 minutes. See above... the Shuttle would come down into a head wind regardless of the direction of its orbit. The re-entry problem would be no different if the Earth wasn't rotating at all. I'm quite sure the Shuttle doesn't have enough energy on board to break orbit and I'm also quite sure nothing in the upper atmosphere would be able to give it that much energy. Carl
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