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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Nice... Could you turn these into big jpeg files? I went to go save myself a copy until I realized I was saving just one ship at a time. My favorite images here are these... That's some nice sharp line art that I don't think I've seen before. May I ask where you found it? Carl
  2. Oh I wish that were true... From what I've heard I believe there are still many Gakken protypes that were made and have yet to see the light of day. Just for starters I have yet to see the Red or Green Gakken Treads and I've also heard that in that same line they made a protype Shadow Legioss and a Shadow Tread. In addition to that I've heard about several prototype Inbit toys that never made it to market as well. I'm not 100% sure this stuff exists but I'm not ruling it out yet. I can still remember when I was about 99% sure the Gakken Treads didn't exist but I'm glad that 1% kept me looking. Carl
  3. I don't have Flash. I just captured all 40 frames and made my own gif. I guess you can't use this as an avatar here but maybe elsewhere. Enjoy, Carl P.S. Not sure why she's so slow. She's faster on my PC.
  4. Thanks, Carl
  5. Thanks... any screen caps (of the booster)? I believe I've seen one before but I'm unable to locate it now. Carl
  6. Has the Sc-27 Star Goose and booster ever appeard on film? I believe I saw it in the background of a screen capture of the Valk booster but after 30 minutes of scanning very old threads I can't find it. Here is what I'm talking about if a picture helps, Carl
  7. Well I'd sure like the missing parts to mine and I know the original kit supplier is still wanting his copy. I'd be willing to bet there are others. I understand how the toy could have killed some of the demand and probably undermine your motivation with this project but I personally don't think it killed as much demand as you think. I can certainly understand getting burned out on a project and taking a month or two away from it at times but if you posted some pics of progress even just every couple of months I don't think the current outcry would have sounded so negative. I hope you find the time and motivation to finish at least a few more kits and post pictures of them here. I think that would go a long way toward mending bridges. Anyone know just how many people paid into this project? To be honest I don't have a clue just how many people we are talking about. Carl
  8. As Melissa has already stated it wasn't my kit that got this project started but I was very much in favor of it getting started as at the time I didn't have an original. I too feel very bad about how all this has turned out and being a big supporter of the project going in I can't help but feel partially responsible. I already have a 95% complete kit from Ken, I believe I'm just missing directions, screws and barrels. That said it sure looks like Ken has done 99% of the work torward making this project a reality. It looks like Ken is willing to refund those who have already paid into the project but if he sees there is still interest in this project I really don't think it should take much more to complete a few kits. Carl
  9. Correct on all counts. Thanks for setting the record strait. Carl
  10. 1. Cool... and congrats... 2. Hmmm... 3. So just how does one get their name added to that list? Just dreaming here... Carl
  11. WOW!!! I saw the update on the main page and was curious who was updating things. I haven't kept up with this thread but this is very interesting info indeed. So many questions which are probably answered elsewhere in this thread but I don't have time to go digging for them now... 1. Graham, does this mean you are back in contact with Yamato? If so that is great news. If not where is all this inside info coming from? 2. Am I to assume you have this pre-production version? If not who? The pictures that aren't from Yamato's web site have to be coming from some where. 3. Anyone know how the place in Akihabara got a pre-production version? I'd understand if some of these question maybe couldn't be answered in public but they sure make me curious. Either way... its so good to see Macross World getting this kind of info again. Now if we could just get Shawn back... Carl
  12. Contact has been re-established. Thanks everyone, Carl
  13. Done... http://starshipmodeler.net/cgi-bin/phpBB2/...p=479226#479226
  14. Thanks... I'll give that a try. Carl
  15. I didn't want to post what I currently have as contact information but I see it's already on-line here: http://www.starshipbuilder.com/ubb/Forum10/HTML/000149.html Drop us an email at TrekFX@aol.com, give us a call at 603-595-7146, FAX to 603-595-9609, or mail orders and inquiries to our address below. Best wishes to all Starship Builders and have a safe, happy Holiday Season! Mike Emery and the crew at LightSheet Systems 319 Main Dunstable RD Nashua NH 03062 USA The phone number above was good less then 2 months ago. Carl
  16. Hello, I need some help. I was in the middle of a transaction with Mike Emery. He ran a company called Light Sheets in New Hampshire which I believe is now shut down and I also knew he was about to move. Well I tried calling him yesterday and his phone has been disconnected. The last time I talked to him was over a month ago and he had said he'd email me a new number before this one was shut down. I have an email address for him but he doesn't seem to be reading his email so maybe he's lost access to it during his move. Anyways, I desperately need to get in touch with him. I'm hoping someone here may know him personally or may have a current phone number for him. If so PLEASE PM me. He's rather well know in model/kit circles so I atleast think its likely some here know him. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Carl
  17. Unless I'm mistaken that's NOT a Mac Zero pic. Carl
  18. I don't have a PSP but I have seen other PSP wallpapers. The ones I saw before didn't have that template on them. So I'm curious... does that template actually serve some function? Carl
  19. Here is an image that shows the shapes of the doors a little better. Carl
  20. This isn't the best picture but it was the easiest for me to find. Carl
  21. I think I posted this in the thread you refered to but I'm not sure. That VF-1A looks just about perfect. The only thing I see that looks a little off is the rear landing gear bay doors. There should be 3 doors for each bay and it looks like yours only has 2 doors. I'll see if I can find a pic that'll show you want I'm talking about. Still I can't wait to see more, Carl
  22. Just for the record I'm still in for 1 launch vehicle if they ever get made. And captain... I sure hope the 1/32 Legioss project wasn't all negative in your mind. Its a real work of art I still hope to see finished someday... even if you just finish it for yourself. Happy Holidays, Carl
  23. This is all the related pics I could find on my hard drive at home... Some of these were taken at the Winter Wonder Fest in 2002. Some are saved pics from Yahoo Japan. And I think that other one is strait off IHP's old web site. Enjoy, Carl Vf11.bmp
  24. When it came out... maybe. I think you might have a hard time getting both kits for that price now. I think SHE only made 50 kits of the fast pack so it soulds like you've already got the hardest part to track down. I hope to build mine sometime... at the rate I'm going I'll have to be retired first though. Carl
  25. Arg... a few years ago something like that wouldn't get past me unnoticed. I just don't have the time to keep up any more. You didn't save the pictures or a link did you? I'd love to see it. I don't think IHP ever offered one kit that had both the fast packs AND the Full Armor parts so I assume this was a collection of 2 or 3 kits? Carl
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