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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. Thank you Valkyrie and Grayson72. I've got both of your excel sheets. I started on a Hasegawa sheet yesterday and with luck I might have something worth posting later today. Thanks again, Carl
  2. WOW!!! Very nice. Is this your first shot at something like this or do you have other instruction sets available? Very professional looking. Is it ok to ask how much publically or is that what the email address is for? Also I'm curious what a full set of all the pieces would cost at BrickLink. Has anyone figured that out? Do you have plans on doing any of the other Destroids? Carl
  3. Grayson72 and Valkyrie, Yes, I'd love to see what you have. Could you attach the excel sheets to a post here in this thread? If you'd rather email them to me you can use carlDOTnDOThoff@gmailDOTcom. Just replace the capital leters what what they imply. Thanks, Carl
  4. I don't have alot of free time either so I may be biting off more then I can chew. So for now, I want to limit the scope to the Hasegawa kits. I can start with HLJ for the normal releases but I don't think they have the event only releases and I'm not even sure what is meant by "lucky draw and price giveaway kits". As you can see my lack of free time has kept me a bit out of the loop. I think (as time permits) I'll start on an excel sheet that lists the kits. I'll have columns for kit name, model number, release date, type of release, pics if instructions, pic of box art, pics of parts, pics of completed kit release by Hasegawa, pics of completed kit submitted by fans, pics of decals, etc. And once I have that I'll post it here and you'll see what I need and you can let me know what I'm missing. I probably won't have time to work on this till next weekend but we'll see. Thanks, Carl
  5. Guys, I was just looking here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...wa/hasegawa.htm And was wondering if we could make this a complete list. I'd love for this to be a complete list of EVERY Macross kit Hasegawa has released. We could add the initial release date and for event only kits maybe we could add the event it was released at. What do you think? If it’s a limited release and there is any idea how limited I'd like to see that info as well. I understand the model section of MacrossWorld would be very hard to keep up to date with all the rare resin kits etc. that are out there but Hasegawa is a big company and I would think we should be able to keep this portion of it up to date at least. I haven't talked to Shawn in a while but maybe this is something I could talk him into showing me how to update. I just want to help keep MacrossWorld up to date and as models are my passion maybe this is something I could do to help. Time is very scarce these days but I don't think this is something that would be too hard to do. Is there a more complete list on-line someplace already? Any Hasegawa collectors out there keeping their own list up to date? If so let’s share it here. If you have any info [dates, pics, scans, etc.] please put them here and I'll give Shawn a call and see what I can do. If someone is already working on this please don't let me step on any toes. As I said, free time is scarce and I'm not able to keep up with the forums to the extent that I used to. It's just that I see posts like this one: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry499961 that in a few years no one will be able to find and new members won't even know to look for that I think would better benefit everyone if this type of info was saved in the model section. What do others think? Thanks, Carl
  6. Maybe this apprentice is familiar with the engine room on an ISD and all he did was use the force to flip the off switch. Gravity could have done all the rest of the work. In that sense Yoda LIFTING an X-Wing would have been harder. Just a thought... Carl
  7. I found some more info here: http://community-2.webtv.net/bobrady2/speedracermach5/ That I wanted to share. Here is a nice picture of the underside of the Club-M model: And here is another picture and some more info on the real Y2K car: Enjoy, Carl
  8. I agree... too many of the curves have really been flattened out. My favorite rendition of the Mach 5 in 3D is the Club-M model. Then again I'm also a fan of the 1997 remake of Speed Racer so I would have been happy to see this one used as the movie car too... Carl
  9. There is now a trailer for The Lost Tales posted here: http://www.babylon5.com Enjoy, Carl
  10. There is a picture of the Mach 5 for the upcoming movie in USAToday: http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2...eed-racer_N.htm Enjoy, Carl
  11. I just picked up UFO:Extraterrestrials last Friday. The last PC game I had the time or the desire to play all the way through was the original X-Com. So I can't really comment about how the game lives up to today's standards but so far I'm enjoying the game and if I can find the time hope to finish this one. Regarding the above... Everything is not flat. There is certainly use of different ground elevations in this game however it is hard to see at times. When you drive your tank around you can clearly see it going up and down hills. After you know there is a hill there you can see a shading effect that is intended to make it look like a hill. However from walking the troops around it is hard to notice as the shading effect is subtle and there is no obvious indication when they are walking up or down as there is with the tank like thing. Also so far I've had a few missions with 3 story buildings. If you click up from the 3rd story you can seen the top of the roof so the map I know has 4 levels atleast. I have yet to find a way to get anyone to the 4th level though. Maybe there is flying armor later on in the game. Also the buildings have these glowing spots that work like elevators. I have yet to come across a UFO that is more then one story but I'm sure they'd fit well in that setting. However why don't the human buildings make use of stairs? Or maybe even something that looked a bit more like real elevators? Now a question... I just built my third base. I have yet to figure out if there is a way to station troops at anything but my main base. Can they? If so how? I also currently can't build labs or shops at anything but my main base. Again... why? Am I doing something wrong?
  12. I'm not as sure about that. Look at the metal pin at the base of the jaw seen here: It looks like the lower part (what I called the jaw above) could be able to pivot down. Carl
  13. I thought FH had stabbed Sylar and thought Sylar had surived because he assumed Sylar had absorbed Claire's power. Thus leading to his message to CP. Are you saying FH never stabbed Sylar? Maybe I need to watch "Five Years Gone" again myself. Carl
  14. Questions about Generations... (1) In the future episode we saw that Claire was still alive. This meant that Sylar didn't have Claire's power and survived being stabbed by Hiro the 'first time'. So why should everyone expect him to die now, why the need to keep Sylar from getting Claire's power? (2) Peter should be able to fly on his own... even more so after Nathan showed up? Why would Peter let Nathan put himself in harms way like that when he shouldn't have had to. (3) I missed the first few minutes but I did see a credit for George Takei at the beginning. I don't remember seeing him in this episode (unless it was in the first few minutes). Since the name of the episode is Generations what do you want to bet that the lone samurai at the end is Hiro's dad? Carl
  15. What are the odds Aoshima releases the Beta/Tread before Toynami? Yes, I meant to leave CM's out of that question. Carl
  16. Here are two YouTube videos I just uploaded. The original closing credits: And the Englishing opening: Enjoy, Carl
  17. Well I've only seen one episode and I really really want to see more. There were 34 episides seen in Japan and the original Mach GoGoGo was released on DVD. I would think at some point this series would see a DVD release as well. Maybe it already was and I missed it... I would just really like to find out more. Carl
  18. I'm still looking for this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmBeLT5caGM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xrg59v0jrw Anyone know if this has been released to DVD in Japan yet? Also I once thought I saw an art book for this version of Mach GoGoGo on Yahoo Japan. Does anyone know if there is an official art book for this series and if so where one might be able to find it? Thanks, Carl
  19. In that forum I saw this: I haven't got the game yet but I think I may still give it a try. Is anyone here aware of where these mods are available at? Has anyone here tried them yet? How do they address some of the game's short comings? Thanks, Carl
  20. There is something I've been looking for off and on for a while now and this is as probably as good a place to ask as any... Anyways, years ago I remember seeing a small piece of line art for an early Tread design. It was much more organic looking and made me think of the booster for the Eager. Has anyone else seen this piece of line art? If you know the picture I'm refering to could you post it? Thanks, Carl
  21. I agree. The Retppu Eager is the best Eager available and shouldn't be near as hard to find as the WF kits. I do wish it came with the booster though. Carl
  22. Noel came through with the pictures... THANK YOU!!!! Carl
  23. There is an Inbit Eager booster kit and a Gurab kit out there. How decent they are is subject to opinion. I've got both but neither is built. So far I haven't found any decent pictures of either on line though I know there used to be several pictures floating around from the events they were released at. If anyone has any of these now please share. I'll try to locate my kits and post some pictures myself. I'll also point Noel here... he might have some pictures. Carl
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