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Everything posted by DrunkenMaster2

  1. Wow has it been 10 years already? I remember reading about it and I put my preorder ASAP when they had it. Then they kept on delaying it, because they wanted to start over and make it better, I was like take your time. Thank you Animeigo, now they need to release it on bluray.
  2. WOW!!!!!!!! Awesome job!! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the finish product!
  3. The ending to Grave of the Fireflies, can only watch the movie once.
  4. Noooooooooo more stuff to buy
  5. Anybody wants to play me, my PS ID is macross08
  6. DrunkenMaster2 = macross08 I play alot of Street Fighter 4 so if you want a good match hit me up.
  7. Wow looks good I may have to try that marker technique, good job, I'm liking what i'm seeing!!!!
  8. I have three airbrushes 1 Paasche and 2 Iwata, I use my Iwata more then my Paasche. I highly recommand Iwata easy to clean and made of steel parts.
  9. I like using Tamiya, found it easier to clean up, been meaning to try out Mr. Color, is it worth it?
  10. So true they need real "stands", but hey it's only HG figures so you can do so much.
  11. I have this set and yes Michel/Mikhail is far the worst figure in this set. Alto looks ok but we already have a alto need different characters, where's my grace figure? Only 2 worth getting is ranka and sheryl you can put them together to make it look like the CD cover. The new stands do look horrible wish they stuck with the clear stand.
  12. WOW !!!!!!!!! That's Frakking awesome!!!!!!!!
  13. Of course everybody knows this set, because it just came out. Macross F HGIF vol. 1 Macross F HGIF vol. 2 (release in March) Then this set which will be release this month, which has klan klan.
  14. Thanks for all the kind words everybody Well finally finish. Only thing I had a rough time finding a way to glue it to the steel rod, finally I found a glue that works, I used epoxy glue, works great!! Sorry for bad pics I'll post better ones later.
  15. Crap!!! More stuff to buy
  16. I only order 1 box, and got 4 Alto and 2 Sheryl blue dress, still need the other 4. I'm happy with the figures, the quality is pretty good, but still happy with them!!
  17. Me, I like to use a circular motion, only because it bends better, I found out that if you go back and forth you leave lines on the kit, so when you paint you can see it and the lines pop up like a sore thumb. If you paint after you use a circular motion you don't see anything.
  18. That'll be great!! I like to see a Macross Club, if you see me in "home" I'm "Macross08".
  19. Anybody have "Home" yet? It's pretty cool, I got an invite.
  20. Very cool!!! I'll be watching this step-by-step. I still don't know if I'm going to buy this kit, I'll wait and see if it's worth it.
  21. What?! A rerelease of Macross CMS part 1? http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65249
  22. Finally finish the strike pack. Added the boosters and panel the lines for the UN Spacy. Next update should be the finish kit!!!
  23. Started the applying the decals. As you can see I painted Tamiya Smoke for burnt effects. Came out pretty good, can't wait to see what it looks like when I put it all together.
  24. Well back, here you can see I painted the boosters. Again I used Alclad Steel for the base, then use Alclad Jet Exhaust for exhaust marks.
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