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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Microsoft is at a point in which they are starting to make money for each console. Technology has improved over the past 2 years for the 360's and parts then have become inexpensive for Microsoft. And right now with 65nm coming out they will be losing some money since it is newer. Halo 3 is making up for all of the losses up to now which a profit can hopefully made soon. The Halo 3 edition is with out a doubt making money due to it's price since it's $50 less then the Elite. It's an obnoxious rip off but with the Halo hype what kind of kid wouldn't want it with the "fancy" Halo designs on it. As for the billions spent in the RROD repairs, I'm guessing thats just a way to compensate people to not abandon the system. But it's Microsoft thats barely a scratch...
  2. Ah... My bad I'm assuming the site you posted in the other thread was your site. Nice database by the way.
  3. Dude it was free man, I wouldn't complain if the disc was broken in half...
  4. October 3rd, 1982 - October 3rd, 2007 Today is the 25th Anniversary of Macross!! Lets make some waffles! It's been a great 25 years everyone! Edit: UN Spacy got to it before I did. *sigh*
  5. Very impressive database. On the note can you fix the links for the naval class ships? (SDF-1, Megaroad,etc) if it hasn't been mentioned before.
  6. I don't see the reason for switching over besides HDMI, I mean come on if your system works then it works. No reason to switch over for something new because of the hype or anything.
  7. Considering those screen shots were taking from a distance on some mid-quality camera in which no cameras where are aloud, what do you expect? Who knows maybe once we see some actual images there would be a change in opinion.
  8. Waah...? I'd just keep the Halo edition for looks, but the "Halo 3" signs on it are keeping me away from it. None the less it does look tight.
  9. Looks better then what HG put up.
  10. Well I'll be damned, I just got my 360 last Saturday. Oh well, as long as my system works I'm not complaining if it has 65nm or not.
  11. I'm not sure if the Mediacenter your talking about uses PCI Express, check on that to be sure your not wasting money on something you cant even use. If your looking to just play those regular everyday games like Half-Life 2, or your everyday MMO it should be more then good enough.
  12. Thats what I'm guessing, and then FFVII will receive the treatment. If it does go this way it'd be oblivious now.
  13. No its just MS being retarded for not fixing the flaw in the system in the first place, no system should have this many problems even for Halo 3 this was expected.
  14. I already had Legendary on preorder so its kinda pointless since I was offered the regular version of the game. As for the system it's one of the newer premiums before they added in HDMI. He'll replace it if anything goes wrong with it. I actually was searching up craiglist in hopes of finding someone to do a reasonable trade with me, and what ya know I found someone. But I'm guessing the guy was desperate he wanted to mod the system and I'm guessing he didn't want to shell out money for the Wii and just get rid of the 360 considering that he never used Live on his system. My only worry is the go around that Halo 3 has been red ringing people's systems.
  15. The day HG goes away is when the day Macross comes to the states.
  16. Check for any wire disconnections in the case, it happens to me a few times since the cables act lose. If not, then I guess you could replace the leds, double check though.
  17. Well it's official I trade my Wii, Zelda, and $30 for... 360 Premium w/Hard drive, GoW, 11 Xbox Classic Arcade games, 2 Xbox Live headsets, 2 Wireless controllers, and 1 wired madcatz controller. I'd say it's a pretty slick deal.
  18. Cowboy Bebop Escaflowne Gundam Wing Euraka 7 It's a four without macross.
  19. Seems like it should be in the other way around for DYRL instead.
  20. I'm thinking of trading my Wii for a Premium 360, is it worth it. Or something to ruin my chances of ever getting a Wii again..?
  21. I'm curious to know if any of you are going to Ani-Magic this year, since Mari is a guest of honor. It's going to be from Oct 5th-6th in Lancaster, Ca. Anyone planning on going, the web site is undetailed so theres nothing about how and where to find the Guest of Honor.
  22. I'm confused on what to say here, Macross II didn't have to mention Protoculture, and you know in DYRL terms that protoculture was "love" or something like that so it was morally implications. And really the whole macross series never had a strong mentioning of the two at, excluding Macross 7 and anything else. Theres more to it, clues are there to help us out. We never got straight answers now, why are you applying that we never got any evidence either...
  23. Wow never thought to take the idea from that point of view, I really never thought of it that way. Ideas?
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