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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Well that isn't nice if you call it personal. But I do get your point though.
  2. I think we all need to cut back and stop dissecting the trailer. The VF transformation looks tight though, it just magnetizes itself together. That's something new, oh boy Shoji Kawomari I'm loving the series already. But when he also brought redid some of the megaroad designs from Flashback, that was a praise towards the old school fans and by my guess he is not letting go of it yet. (Even though he did confirm it, it just feels like he isn't done with it.) Call it up with all the hype and what not, this series is going to be special. Edit: What is the name of the song in the trailer?
  3. Suddenly, life doesn't suck anymore. I'm just stunned right now, this looks real impressive, I think Shoji can finally grab the mainstream fanbase now. I say we have a So Cal Macross World meetup in release of the new series.
  4. I didn't think you understand me, I said Mari was hot not Reba. But yeah I would too.
  5. Anyone know what time this would be Pacific? I'm too lazy to check...
  6. Mari Ijima is so much better, and she is actually hot.
  7. And yet I have no monies to purchase them. T_T
  8. I know same here, after you get back you lose interest to continue playing and it just messes you up.
  9. I'm curious to know too, so I can hand all of you a whooping.
  10. Not to be of any bother or anything. But those 8800GTs are selling like hotcakes, I saw them available on Newegg around 2 today and just look atem.
  11. And Hikaru wasn't a cannon folder, was he?
  12. Firefox is your solution. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
  13. Are you using Firefox or Internet Explorer? If not, I definitely recommend you get the latest Firefox.
  14. Agreed. I'm surprised he didn't get shot down, and he didn't instead he was blown off.
  15. Anyone hear about the 8800GT? http://vr-zone.com/articles/Nvidia_Geforce...eview/5369.html $250 for that is impressive, real impressive. If it can outperform $300-500 cards for the price then I'm all over it. Just look at the benchmarks! I'm seriously considering to get 2 of these bad boys. (Comes out tomorrow/monday.)
  16. It'll cost you more to just get back the DS and those games, keep your investment and just hold off for another paycheck.
  17. Good online can make up for a shoddy single player, it would have a better and funner replay wouldn't it? Example: Halo 3
  18. Why can't the manufacturer just ship it to stores that are selling the product and promote it at the same time? Or are they just smart enough to assume that half the people that buy the products would forget about the promotion in the first place, I just hate it when companies do this. Like Circuit City for example, they got rebates all over the place and it literally took me 4 weeks to get a $20 rebate off my 4GB Travel Drive, might as well sell it the original rip off price instead...
  19. The what what? You haven't beat Zelda!?
  20. Why don't they just let people pick it on the spot at the store? Circuit City advertises it on their Ads and expects people to call and wait, I don't get it.
  21. Maybe because it's Microshaft and we'd probably never get a price cut. As for Heroes on HD-DVD...
  22. GT: Ryvann I'm also game for Halo 3.
  23. Cowboy Bebop and Escaflowne in high def, it's a dream come true. Now I seriously need to get a PS3 soon.
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