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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Oh this news is awesome! April 2008 I cannot wait! Thanks again man.
  2. Looking at the third shot it seems as if they are near Jupiter, why are they near Jupiter?
  3. Be nice if there was a translation for that.
  4. Trying to get one of the 360's with HDMI and the new drive David? I wish I could find a way to get one. 360 went beserk when it didn't even load the textures properly for ME, gave me a disc read error, and just crashed. System still works like a charm most of the time though.
  5. I believe if you are playing as paragon you do get the options
  6. 1/72=1 1/100=1
  7. Its probably me but I'm so paranoid over making another character after my first one, even doubting what I picked for my first one. I felt I should have picked the default marine statues instead of picking the default character model with vanguard event though I beat the game. And now I'm playing through as Jane being a infiltrator, ugh this is so agonizing. And she is not even cute, should I just remake her character? (Some recommendations would be nice) I'm thinking of playing through marine with a custom and default character, then go custom with everything else. And even when selecting a difficulty setting I can't make the choice. Ack I'm not even sure of that either, how do you guys deal with these type of things? Edit: Almost double posted.
  8. Guys guys, ME just came out give it a break I doubt we'd see ME 2 for a good while. But I did start out with a Vanguard and my are they the most kick ass class ever. Is there ever going to be a update to fix the graphical hitches though?
  9. Played and beat both KOTOR 1 and 2. Both were really enjoyable. Edit: Grammar. *sigh*
  10. Just beat Mass Effect. I'm just wowed at this game, no game that I have ever owned gave such a strong impact on me, ever. The ending was just incredible too... This is a game I'm going to treasure for years to come, now I don't want to play it anymore. Thank you so much guys for recommending me this game.
  11. Recently got the game and I'm just wowed with it, even though my TV is crap the game looks quiet impressive. About four hours in, how much longer do I have? Gotta get some HD soon.
  12. Man now I really can't decide. Mass Effect, CoD 4 or Assassin's Creed. I'm going crazy over this decision to pick one. since thats all the monies I can put into games right now.
  13. This is like asking if you hate making money.
  14. Where did those green beans come from...?
  15. What the... Hows this even possible? lol
  16. Sony drops their prices, Nintendo doesnt. Only reason why the price of the GC is cause it lacked to create much competition at all. The regular DS is priced at $100, while the lite is at $130. The value of the regular DS should have went down, the model is really outdated. Hell even New Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing and those other games are still priced at $35 and Nintendo doesn't even bother to cut the price down a bit. And they have been out for the longest time.
  17. But honestly all we ever see is remakes and sequels from SE, I haven't seen one new thing come out of their pocket thats actually interesting...
  18. Where did you get these screen shots?
  19. My recommendation is to use VirtualDub or VirtualDub Mod but mod seems to have better compatibility and less crashes although features are gimped a little.. Not sure if it plays FLV files but it relies on your codec to work; it should be able to capture frames though. Hope that helps. Edit: Links
  20. Honeslty the DS has been out for about three years while and the only price cut there is about $30, and thats off the previous gen. Nintendo hardley ever issues any price cuts since they know their prices are more then reasonable. $250 for the Wii is a steal too, I see no reason to complain over that price either. By the time the Wii is $99 (Which would be like never) you would have wasted all the time and money invested in even considering the sytem, which would be a bigger loss then waiting for that price drop.
  21. LOL I'd like to see that.
  22. Thats not what metacritic is saying, even showed other reviews to compare But they are pretty fair, if it's any site to check up on game reviews it'd be them. Edit: Link refix.
  23. I like him cause he tends to have some of Roy's personalities. Acting drunk, picking on chicks, kicking ass without knowing what your doing. The choice is obvious.
  24. No no I'm good. Man I have the choice of either purchasing this or Assassin's Creed, not enough monies for both but they both look so eye candy.
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