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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Not sure if anyone caught this because I didn't bother to read the whole thread but did anyone notice how the story went out? Its almost played out exactly like ! Can probably guess out what happens next.
  2. I'm wondering if they are still going to do something with the Megaroad-01, because that would sure be interesting.
  3. I'm not noticing instability, I guess it can be unstable depending on the hardware your using.
  4. $100? Still not convincable enough, considering how expensive Sony TVs are its like they are taking off some of they money that you get ripped off from, or something like that.
  5. If anyone gets any extra limited edition copies let me know if your going to sell it!
  6. New 360 HDMI conversion kit for those that don't want to shell out for a new system: http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?cookie...uct%5Fid=802814 It even does 1080p, thats quiet impressive, I'm considering this now but I really want my 360 to shut up. Also Zero Punctuation's review of Mass Effect: http://www.overclock.net/video-game-news/2...ass-effect.html
  7. What the hell did you guys expect? Gangsters driving supped up cars and shooting each other with guns doing slow-mo action sequences ?
  8. Thanks, I went with #4.
  9. Ah, well thats just great, then whats the point of pointing out the 1080 option if its just going to blank out, attract buyers or something? I don't think I would need it anyways since I'm not that far away from my TV set. My local Best Buy had the 32HL67U available, it seemed pretty good, not sure maybe the BB dudes didn't tweak the settings correctly but it is worth what it is worth though. As for the manuals, I never knew they were even available online. I'll take a look, I was generally looking for more information beyond the specs that amazon or any other site provides. I'll check out the manual for the 32HL67U and so forth, if my budget expands I'll take a look at higher priced models.
  10. What is everyone's critique on this Toshiba? http://www.amazon.com/Toshiba-REGZA-32HL67...6906&sr=8-1 Some reviewers are mentioning that it does 1080p, and it says it on the website too: http://www.tacp.toshiba.com/televisions/lc...p?model=32hl67u I know its not it's native resolution, but why...?
  11. Not to mention their posts go in reverse, I don't get how that works.
  12. Well I called Fedex just now it seems like it was shipped to the wrong location and they are filing are pickup on the order to redirect back to Zionsville. They said if it wasn't retrievable I could file a claim, what would happen if it came back to that. So much for getting it back. I'm not going to go and buy another scratched copy of the game...
  13. Why the hell did Fedex ship my Halo 3 Limited Edition to Dallas in Colorado I thought it was going to Zionsville which is in another state... Did I just get screwed over?
  14. Ah, well I kinda knew that. But I'm not sure about purchasing a 1080p set though, the cheapest one I can find is the 32" Aquos which is the actual size I'm looking for to fit into my room. Not sure about it though, I don't want to blow 1.2k even though my 360 will look nice, my budget just does not fit it. Well thats just interesting, but aren't most 360 games coming out now utilizing 1080p? (Mass Effect for example) And why wouldn't sets be truly native to 720p, is it because they can downscale and upscale 480p, 1080i...? But yes David I hardly ever about any incompatibility issues with the 360 on HDTV sets, most are just compliments of how good it looks on it. The current sets I'm looking at is the Toshiba (Generally for price) and the Samsung, and the Aquos if I had the consideration and money. Any ideas, I know how nice 1080p would look with my 360, but it wouldn't make much of a difference with the other sets if I was only a few feet away. Sorry I'm not much of a expert on this, generally I don't want to buy when it comes to HD since it's something completely new to me and something that I have never experienced.
  15. I'm not trusting retail prices, I just use them as a reference to what I'm going to be buying online. But I'm seriously considering the Samsung, good quality and price. So if its only set on its native resolution I can't do anything about it? I'm setting up my 360 on it.
  16. Went to Frys to take a look at the TVs, and my are they noticeably the same. Sony seems to have the better quality on the much more expensive sets but Samsung looks pretty damn impressive, Sharp looked good too. Thing is, they are all out of my price range.
  17. Not sure if this is the right thread but I'm looking to get into the HD world of things. I'm thinking of buying a LCD monitor that supports HDMI and what not, any recommendations? People are telling the LCD monitors can do 1080p due to their resolution standards. Is this true?
  18. Whats up with his crotch?
  19. How did I miss this?
  20. They are pracitclly done with texturing, only issue at the moment is coding.
  21. Compared to other craptacular animes today, it looks pretty good to me.
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