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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Wow didnt expect too many posts from you guys . I basicly watched Robotech before I got intrested in Macross my older brothers are fans but no more since they grew out of it. But they tell me to keep going as a fan and I will. I dont have a big collection or even a small collection of Robotech or Macross models, toys, and etc. I realy wish I had the money for a collection but at my age its realy not possible. But thier was one thing Im realy happy for....if any one atteneded the Robotech Proprective Panel at AX I managed to get something part of my memory and that was a signed New Generations DVD Collection by the whole cast I was....its undescribable just a great feeling and its nice to know I have something like that in my small little collection will always bring me that great feeling(It was funny Reba West signed a very small signature ) I thank you guys so much and I also thank Agent ONE for standing up for me knowing that he is a Robotech fan himself....I will be making a huge post of pictures I took at AX yah I know its been like 2 months but hey dont blame me that I cant develop film ... but yah.
  2. I dunno if ya guys like Robotech and Macross at the same time to think Robotech is crap and everything. But what exactly do you think of Macross and Robotech and do you even like either of them or both. I still like Robotech on how a new series is being created and its pretty nice, but I still love Macross and yah...So what do ya guys think?
  3. Oh I see...this saves you alot of money. Any place I can find this special region disk?
  4. Eh how we supposed to order and how much time do we have to make a deposite here?
  5. the wut wut
  6. Holy crap Is that yours?? Thats quite nie Jade just a little comment I noticed at the top left pic that the landing gear looked a little crooked. But that looks real nice I'd like to see the final finish with the Valk it looks real great!
  7. Then I would go with option #2 and have the other companie produce the kit with decals and etc. I know its going to take time to produce the kits Im patient though my not skilled at modeling so this will give me time to buff up and learn more, doesnt mean Im going to build the kit the second I get it. Maybe after a year or two I'll start building it(Better keep it somewhere safe). But ya didnt answer the question on the discount if we can get more people for a bigger discount...
  8. kk dont get pissed man Im just trying to make it easy here for everyone . Should we go with the company that produces metal parts since the landing gear might break from pressure and weight since it could be a possibilitie after a whike. Sorry if I pissed ya off Viceland ...
  9. Wow talk about detail your putting all your work into it. Nice to see the landing gear worked up, sanded, and etc.
  10. Eh you added me to the list twice...Logan is my old username remove it please . Can we get more orders though wuts the maximum discount on the kit? Ok a new update for the list if jorawar_b hasnt done it here it is: 1. 2x Jorawar_b 2. 2x Viceland 3. 2x JoLe727 4. 1x THOR 5. 1x totallyrobot 6. 1x godane79 7. 1x yman1437 8. 1x godane79 9. 1x Dean 10. 1x Viceland 11. 1x Ranger565 Ok the total amount of kits is 14 and the total amount of people ordering the kit is 11 ok well I think we are doing good so far. jorawar_b well it matter how many people are ordering the kits or the amount of kits being ordered counting to the amount of 15. Can we go for more maybe and a bigger discount on this?
  11. All right might as welll move the thread .
  12. Ishimaru

    VF-X & VF-X2

    You should just get CD Image Burning Program and just burn it to a CD. Or just use a PS emulator since they read CD Images just check if Macs work with it. That option never seems to work for me either is the game glitched or something?
  13. Sorry ok list is updated. Who ever wants the diecast kit please post here in this thread when you can, the more the cheaper the better and the easier(I think )
  14. Hmmmm.....Dont have it ordered yet jorwar the more people the better. Ask Henry whats the biggest discount he can offer with the max amount of people. The more the better..My payment is going to be delayed a little due to the fact my Mom said no a couple times on the kit going for $250 I need a cheaper cheaper price to convince my mom to buy it with my money yah Im a momas boy so what but its my only chance of getting the kit . Wish me luck and give me some tips here to help convince my mom to buy it guys if you can please . Anyways the list is updated now. We only have 9 kits total not 10 we need more people please post if ya going to order so we can add ya to list.
  15. So your the dude that outbidded me Oh well its a VF-17 repainted for sure.
  16. Ishimaru

    VF-X & VF-X2

    The game is still fun, it may lack the graphics and everything but the gameplay just buys it out. Play this game while ya all can you dont want to sell it.
  17. o.O I want to see it pics pics but lets not change the topic though. I understand what ya guys mean though. I want the kit before its too rare to even get Hobbyfan was one of choices and so was E2034. I dont care if its production or original I just need that kit before its harder to find and I cant afford to waste $700 or more for it . Thats way out of my range in my bank account and that takes out my whole savings. So lets start from here. Who ever wants the kit post here and jorwar and me can think something out like a discount or something. So far heres list from before lets finish it: 1. 2x. Jorawar_b 2. 2x.Viceland 3. 1x. THOR 4. 1x. totallyrobot 5. 1x. godane79 6. 1x. yman1437 7. 1x. godane79 8. 1x. Dean 9. 1x.Viceland Total Kits = 10 1/48 VF-1S Strike Valkryie Ultimate Detail Kit Post if your intrested in buying the kit.
  18. Yah I saw Valks on eBay but $350 is he nuts or something!! Id pay maybe $250 max but $350 is tooo much Valk outa change the price if he wants some1 like mee to buy it(Im for real though). We could do the 15 people thing but we realy need 15 people and we realy need a cheap price . Ask them if they are willing to do it and see if the price is cheaper than Hobbyfan.. And actually get these damm kits
  19. O thanks didnt catch that.
  20. What kind of VF is this??I only managed to play it once in VFX-2 and looks alot like the VF-1S. But why have this Valkryies available in VFX-2 way after its been used in the series?And how come thiers no info about it..
  21. The kit alot of us have been looking and hardly most of us get thier hands on . Any news on the kit me, jorwar, and the other people have been waiting for a while to get this kit. ..Whats with the hold up I know that the kits are now hard to find I just want one of my own . Any news or details on it besides knowing the Hobbyfan is sold out and dunno if they are restocking. Just does anyone know any news about this kit being distributed and availability.
  22. Wow! But the Armoured VF-IJ 1/200 isnt too bad for starters is it its sorta easy for me.
  23. Rex from MGS1 OMG that is going to look nice Sorry for if HWR MKII hijacked the thread again Jade but you can get this thread back if ya showed us more of your VF-1
  24. Ishimaru

    VF-X & VF-X2

    Oh you dont have to make a copy of it. I played VFX-2 the gameplay is very fun and the only thing that itches me is the graphics. If this game was integerated into today's graphics it can be one the best Macross games out thier I managed to get myself an Orignial copy of VFX-2 its not a copy or anything since the CD itself has a sepcial CD cover that any games hardly have. The VFX-2 symbol is like carved on it can you can feel it. By that I know its an Original copie.
  25. I'm too young being 15 sucks
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