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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. I dunno if this is against the rules but....Argh my lousy 12 year old brother thinks hes aggressive and trys to act older than me and trash talks all the time at me . He makes me want to kill him, I swear little kids have the advantage over parents against teens.... And hes FAT and is bigger than his friends at 12 years old. OMG how can he be that freaken big!!! MAKES ME WANT TO JUST GET A GUN AND SHOOT HIM!! But hes my brother and I cant I GET SO FREAKEN PISSED AT HIM!!! Any one help me out on how to piss him off back badly ? Like real real bad make him cry I know I sound cruel but the kid gots no feelings for anyone but himself here causing trouble 24/7. Post what ya got to help me out here and post who pisses you off too. EDIT: Made a new half to the paragraph.
  2. Have ya guys even playeed FFVII fully? If you didnt none of the movie would make much sense to you...And besides its Squares first animated movie, the graphics are nearly RL, old characters come back, an intresting story. No one should be complaining as Square is working on multiple projects at the same time like Final Fantasy XII, Remake of FFVII, FFXI, and the other new FFVII games. Iam happy with what they have done and respect thier work. Im not saying ya guys are dumb and stupid for your thinking but should realy appreciate it, if ya do good then if ya dont think twice buddy.
  3. Sorry I cant order any . Momy said no and I dont got money, I feel that I dont need this kit if I was to have it for some reason . Im sorry about this ..
  4. Where can I find some pics of that valk in your sig? Looks pretty sweet. 327837[/snapback] Yah nice Valk ya got thier(Hes hijacking the thread). Welcome to Macross World . Any ways I like how that Valk turned out rarityraider.
  5. That looks damm good Jade . One thing ya should know ya posted that the Valkryie was a girl gaurding and patroling a satalitte station of some sort. So I dont want to to tell ya what to do but follow your own ideas of what it should be . Take your time with the diorama , I thought your Valk was going to turn out bad but hey look at it now : . Jade keep it up man .
  6. That is definitley nice keep it up it looks fantastic.
  7. Are you kidding? I see that go for $13 in my area .
  8. WOW . Give us a picture of the bridge that looks real nice.
  9. That would feaken own . I realy liked the how the managed to Mass Produce two copies of the SDF-1 in it, it sounded like the ship was headed toward Earth so I think it they were both built on the Moon base, kits like those would be nice. The Mecha showed in it is extremely nice, would be great to have. Why werent any produced though it sounds so good ?
  10. Yeah Im a anime fan but not hardcore anime Im lucky thier . Some people I see at conventions wear the most retarded thing that would never look good on them accept the Trigun brothers I saw they "owned"! Im big Macross fan so for Haloween I might dress up as Hikaru or Isamu, ya know to see if some one in my area heard of Macross. But OTAKU is errrrr .
  11. First of all nice Valk . Anime will never be immature because of too many people that like it. I think anime is art and drama put together with japanese drawings. So if some one says anime is immature or dumb what so ever they say just screw them(Not the bad way) . Most people that dont like anime are hard core metal or rock fans, gothic people, and much more. I hope I didnt I didnt offend anyone thier if I did Im sorry . But I'll grow up knowing that Anime will get better and liked more everyday.
  12. I though YUA is unpopular I only got like the first VHS tape of it the anime is ok I just dunno why I dont like it. But its good in ways. If you like 2 girls getting pissed at each other watch it. If you like to watch some nice stunts watch it. If you hate the police dont watch it. Hmmm why doesnt this make sense to me till now . Its worth your time downloading if you like what I said you like. So other than that *runs away and watches YUA*. Sadly Im on dial-up and cant download a series or anything .
  13. Which kit are ya doing exactly ya never posted it.
  14. I realy wish Macross II actualy had a production line. Its still Macross, and I realy would drool over a transformable Metal Siren toy and kit. And the only time you actualy see flagships are in Macross II, I realy want to see something about those ships that fire a dual partical beam, and those huge command ones. And the two mass produced SDF-1s we saw that was awesome. The Macross series should move out of the way give Macross II the spot light for a while. Im not saying I hate Macross but Im sorta tired of that part of Macross getting all the goods and everything which is nice, but something diffrent for a time bit would be nice for us.
  15. Dirrr its not your graphics card. Just cause your graphics card is nice doesnt mean your machine can run anything. You need at least more than 512 Ram 1 gig is recommended, a AMD Cpu around 2.4 GHZ and hgher is good since they are ment for games. So dont get pissed every party part of the Computer matters. A 6800 GT will last you a long time so keep it.
  16. I understand your point azrael thanks.
  17. I know this is out of topic sorta and Robotech is not wanted to be talked in the forums except Off Topic but Im sure it belongs here too. I got it from Macross Mecha Designs on the fiction of Robotech's side of the story when the the factory was gone. How did it disapear when it was right above Earth? And why cant they produce anymore Strike Valkryies? I dont get this . Errr and sorry for ignoring your post JBO .
  18. I only seen like 2 Macross II kits and that was the Super Valkryie and the Ishtar Model. I realy wanted to see the Metal Siren actualy put into a toy the Valkryie was nice it owned in Macross II. I'd also like to see some of the non-valkryies the blue ones shown in the Movie sorry I forgot names. The flagships would be nice to get put into kits and toys. And one more thing I dunno but those 2 Copies of the SDF-1 showed in Space in battle mode for like I dunno how long, but just devloping kits and toys of everything mentioned would be nice, Im tired of the VF class getting all the attention ...
  19. Power Stone was one of my favorite games. I used to play tat game 24/7 multiplayer. Phantasy Star Online was glitched and hacked like hell Id be level 20 and get like level 99 weapon useable at 20. But any ways DC was great and the graphics werent that bad at the time.
  20. That SDF-1 looks so real to me it looks like a RL one. Im amazed to the little and extra details you made to it you got skill man you got skill. Try to color, shade , detail, and etc for the GC just dont lose your touch, I love how this is going so far. A DRYL version of this will I dunno Im speechless if that ever happens go for DRYL and your the "man"!! Can ya get pics of the main gun open?
  21. No matter how many times I watch DYRL I never get tired of it. Its a freaken ANIME LEGEND a dub would be nice but original is always the best, if your going to dub get only Mari Ijima as Minmei, if its Reba West I aint watching it . But just watch DRYL..
  22. I like this SDF-1 real real good its the best one I seen since Wolfs, just give it that "Macross Life" and that GC will look real nice. What I ment was put all the detail you can into it and make it look like the SDF-1 in color, detail, etc ya know what I mean but all I can say is .
  23. That would be cool imagine your own mini flying YF-19 .
  24. Use lysol .
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