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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. How can I drill out the shaft and implant a metal rod? Where do I get a metal rod to even fit the size perfectly?
  2. I recently got my VF-11B and damn I like it and hate . When I was holding the toy the leg fell off , I managed to super glue it back without a trace. I had trouble transforming to fighter than the other leg fell off in the outside end of the joint. Im super glueing but the crack shows . The toy itself is good but the legs just piss me off but I will get them fixed, should I add the decals? Any help would be fine I will post pics later once my mom's digital camera is working again well? Dean
  3. ROFL Not to mention your money won't be funding some criminal organization somewhere in Asia huh 330521[/snapback] Another good reason. PIRATE ROBO GO! WAREZ CANNON! FIRE! 330698[/snapback] Ok well now I know I got Bootlegs curse you dvd_animatio@yahoo.com and AnimeSource . If I had cable Id use torrent alll day but I dont got cable .
  4. Isn't the reason why we hate new anime is because we like old anime?
  5. Of course. Go kick his ass. Depends. Are you in the habit of doing anything that might result in the FBI kicking your door down? If you ARE, then you need to get rid of it. If you AREN'T, then keep it. No one cares. 330447[/snapback] Well I will take revenge instead of kicking ass since they suffer more and tend to go crazy over it since violence leads to more violence in my house but I got my ways . As for DYRL I might as well keep it now since its my only copy of DRYL my step-brother had an original VHS version of the movie imported but when he moved out he lost it among his stuff. Well at least Im aware of originals only work on Regions 2/3 and that bootlegs tend to work on all regions, Im suprised Frank & Sons isnt shut down since loads of bootlegs are being sold thier . The link I posted above had a Macross DRYL for $80 my best bet is that thats a original release of it still in stock at that on-line store. Hey JBO have ya ever bought a bootleg before ?
  6. How about FF8 Bahamut? It became a GF and later you battle some other creature near the end of the game called Tiamat similar to Bahamut, since you can get Bahamut from Tiamat if you missed it earlier. But I havent seen FF:AC yet but saw the Bahamut fight against all the characters in the trailer a little. The battle scenes are so freaken sweet I want to see it .
  7. JBO gots a point thier, thier can be nickname and a code name the YF-21's nickname would be the Eagle One and the code name would be Alpha One so the nicknames can be changed any time as the characters in Macross Plus would call the YF-19..anyways I give the credit to JBO. One thing when I let my friend(a girl) borrow Macross DRYL I thought she would like it since she sings very well and loves japanese pop. She came back after the weakened and went and said "You have bad taste for anime" I was like ...Man is DRYL losing its touch for people liking new new anime cause she watches Bleach and stuff. Sorry if this was a little off-topic but why does my friend hate Macross?
  8. Because it's the same movie and you can't get the official release for a reasonable price until they do another print run? And that you aren't hurting sales of the "real thing" because there's no new stock of real things to hurt sales of. 330234[/snapback] The Macross Plus had the original casing with Isamu in his cockpit looking up and the back has a filmstip of patterns repeating I think, I didnt see any Manga signs or anything but it has ensligh subs and the subs seemed "ok" but I saw dvd_animation@yahoo.com a few times and when I like go to scene selections and play it it shows the dog fight scene going fast like fast foward. The case seemed real and so did the DVDs but I think the DVDs are bootlegs. So did ya think I should still be pissed that my brother stole it and sold it to some retailer for some price I dunno and that hes hiding it from me? As for Macross DRYL do ya think its fine to keep it as a bootleg since original ones are quite hard to find. Do ya recomend a site selling Macross DVDs at a reasonably cheap price. Cause Im tired of bootlegs... I found these links to Macross DVDs I think these are for real and non-bootleg just look at thier prices. Macross DVDs Macross Plus Macross II And this one too Macross DVD Set On Ebay I know the Macross Series for sure not bootleg but what about the other ones? Dean
  9. Why did I buy a Macross DRYL bootleg for $15 stupid stupid me why did I buy? Oh well thanks for the heads up on the bootleg. Someone stole my $30 2 disc Macross Plus DVD set wasnt bootleg(japanese dub) and sold it a while ago too bad my only theory on who took it and sold it is my mean @$$ brother. One question what about the loads of Macross Zero DVDs on eBay how do we know that they aint bootleg since they keep using the same picture? Dean
  10. Ishimaru

    VF-X & VF-X2

    The game intro is pretty nice just that the backround music is a bit corny but Im happy some of it is in english. Any ways I havent got the 20th Anniversary DVD since the ones I see are bootlegs.
  11. You were joking? *sigh* A Max Scuplt would be nice though, I also agree with EXOs idea of one blue stripe and a stipe down the middle in the red.
  12. Finding a women like that is rare, if you find some one hot and you play with toys and everything...well ya know the story.
  13. *gasp* Im sorry to cut into your conversation here why ya dumping that suit if ya wasted money and its leather?I see too much good fan work these days this is one of the best ones in progress Iv seen before ya can probaly sell it on ebay maybe but I hope your next suit turns out better than the first. Sorry to cut into the conversation, Sorry if I pissed ya off EXO or VF-1James . But why is the conversation private anyways? Well keep up the good work . Off Topic:They should have a feature in this forum where you can invite a certain members into it and others cant see it or access it.
  14. Ya got pics of the costume in work? If its not rude to ask?
  15. Yeah its cool man, not to go off topic but I can get a Worker's Permit when Im 14 and above correct? It would make everything easier for me to buy kits and toys. Since I dont pay for the bills or anything I can just buy buy buy...but If I went tooo far trouble for me . But back to topic, that is so freaken cool to see those B-24s, Spitfires, P-47 Tunderbolt, and CF-18s go doing a formation above your house that sounsd pretttty damm cool. Any ways back to topic...what was the topic ? Sean your REX is amazing knowing that you made it from scratch build, you must be very skilled I bet but nice job though it looks just like it .
  16. 3 years ago? I shall slap my friend . Maybe I didnt get him correctly. I think the project would have been bad since they are making loads of FF games coming out and not puting a FFVII remake would just kill it I bet.
  17. I think Snake is a bit old in MGS:4 first he has alot of white hair and that tells us hes been chasing Ray for a while now , what I dont get from MGS:2 is "The Patriots" they talk about them alot in it but we dont get them exaclty they sound so real though as if it was in RL, maybe MGS:4 will solve the answers to MGS:2. Kojima seemed intrested in MGS:2 then MGS:3 but I think he gave up on Acid since I didnt like t he Card style of it who knows we might find out when it comes out if Kojima actualy put some real effort cause hes been working on alot of projects I hope this one wont turn out bad Im not saying his other games suck I just hope it will be better than MGS: 2 and MGS:3 since MGS:3 was real cool surviving the Rain forest and everything.
  18. The action in the game was a little lousy when ya go against Garden vs. Garden you dont do much but fight craptactular monsters .
  19. Welcome to ouch town, population YOU 329328[/snapback] Errr yah I was just saying that because.... like an expression that I would want one like I ummm would like the kit. But Viceland burning me hehehe yah...
  20. But can you imagine a FF8 movie? I mean Advent Children was started in production last year, with the technology now and later a FF8 Movie and Remake would be awesome, but back to topic dont spoil the movie for me..since I want to know what happened to Sephiroth and know whos the guy with the white cape in wheel chair.
  21. A FF8 Remake would own!! I hope they add voices to each character that would be cool if they put text again I wouldnt buy it.
  22. If that REX was on Production Id so buy it.
  23. Yeah, the HK bootleg is out. They were playing it at Frank and Sons. 328534[/snapback] Wow you go to Frank and Sons too. The AnimeSource ones are bootlegs, I cant belive I bought a AnimeSource DRYL... Dont buy DVDs from Frank & Sons check whats in it first, no tag or if the disc is thier only and the cover has a weird print dont buy it. They are having a FF8 Movie I never heard of this and I love FF8 , what is it exactly?
  24. I agree. The title of this thread has "Close me" written all over it. Oh, and by the way. Grow up. How old are you anyway? Getting intimidated by a 12 year-old. And a fat one at that, according to you. If you want to look for some way to harrass your brother, go on over to the forums at AnimeNation and bitch to the other teenagers. I'm sure one of those chuckleheads over there will be glad to help you. Geez... 328815[/snapback] Well isnt this in the "Off Topic Forum?" Since it does say it and no other forum fits the category. I realy wanted to post since he was realy realy blowing me off. But this is a Off-topic forum isnt it? Sorry if I pissed anyone off though he realy just kills me...I'm 15 by the way.
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