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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Havent been back in a while guys school is tieing me up *sigh*. We had more meetings and all we watched was Chrono Crusade..Why cant anyone listen to me at the club I feel like such a loner nobody likes old anime. Do ya think if I brought Macross Flashback will they understand, all Id probaly get is "I dont get it" "Thats weird" my personal favorite "What is that mecha" "That makes no sense" those are some I hear and some off the top of my head. No one answered if I should redirect a link to "I hate new anime thread" at thier forums? *sigh*
  2. I love you, you love me, homosexuality. 338636[/snapback] Umm that does not think what I think it means .... Well anyways we had another meeting today and we watched Samurai 7 and the bad part is that it was a free DVD from Funimation with 3 episodes...These people are either desperate or freeloaders , anyways I did become Forum Designer on the forums I'm at standby for the Naruto Skin all those losers want *sigh*. Ya guys dare me to redirect a link here, they will cry soo hardddd but I dont want to mean up to you guys. I'm then making a Macross Skin after the Naruto skin but Im on delay since I'm like the only kid at school that has Photoshop and everyone keeps begging me to lend them the CD, I let a friend borrow it for 2 days and I'm still waiting for it its been a week !!! Anyways I'm starting to think the President of the club got no taste or something since everyone is into new anime, should I also redirect the "Why I hate new anime" thread to them? Sorry for being evil guys I just cant help it, any thoughts?
  3. Sorry for so much delay here school has realy been tied up the past 3 weeks, ecxuse me please this realy cuts my time into Macross now . I hope you guys are right I want to show M+ OVA on the outside meetings since the ones at lunch are only 45 mins and it takes 15 mins for the retarded kids with no life to shut up . M+ should do the trick if not they are complete losers to think a 1994 with that kind of animation sucks(It doesnt suck) I swear I wish I can just take charge of the damn club and screw them all . Anyways if I showed DRYL alot of people would get pissed without getting the story and scream at me if the club turns out bad before the end of the year I'm quiting it since what kind of Anime club is it if they dont show old school anime ?
  4. Ok back to topic though, they are having a bring your own anime day soon. I was thinking of bringing Macross Plus since it has real nice animation and they would appreciate it alot. But I dunno what would happen if they went like and that what? I would be like kicked out or something I dunno..But since Macross Plus is too long for a meeting I was thinking of showing on a outisde meeting I just hope they like it . (Oh we watched Foolie Cooli today)
  5. Ishimaru


    Modeling is a difficult task and doing good in it is skill meaning you know how to use a computer I was thinking of becoming one but I dunno it sounds like alot of hardwork. Yes anything you do is hard but as you work it up your skill develops and makes it easier, modeling has many paths to work on mecha, planes, toys, people, and etc. You can be good in one group but doesnt mean you good in the other, taking other types doesnt make you cynical, dont be too fonding of your skills no one is perfect.
  6. I just got a gut feeling here that Sony has something up thier sleeves. Like Im not sure but ya think they are prepared to take on the Xbox 360 and top it off in sales? Maybe things can turn out diffrent ya never know, I just got a instinct that something is going to change...
  7. Sorry for double post.
  8. I feel like I should be slaped right now. But no answer about the Anime Club going into Macross any ideas to reply from my previous post?
  9. Hey hey so what everybody likes something corny JBO, I bet you still hug teddy bears. I had alot of emotion for Aries in FFVII why did she have to die *tear* . In advent children those tears got worse for me , and was left with so many questions about her...How did she appear at the end of the movie with Zack, where did the water come from? How was it under Aries' flowers, I feel strong connections but no answers.... Anyways what can I do to attract the Anime Club at school to watch Macross nothing seems to work for me, I feel hopeless that they still watch Bleach, Naruto, Hellsing, and etc. I still got the old Ingram Patlabor MG I accidently got from HLJ for free cause of late shipping, I built the kit successfuly but lost the medal, messed up the pilot, extending arm wouldnt go, lost the gun, and yah I did a pretty much bad job on it it was cheap for a MG $26 shipped if I remember correctly. And OMG why do they still play damm Yu-Gi-Man , they are wasting thier money on peices of paper ....
  10. Im a guy *sigh* just create a foney username you will see why the boards dont like old anime by just going throught the threads.
  11. Yah my older brother is in to Macross but only Macross II and Plus and got no taste for original Macross or anything...I cant believe my friend said I had bad taste of anime when I showed her DYRL, when I asked my other friends if they knew about Macross they said yes did they see it no, I asked if they ever wanted to watch it they said no. No one is intrested in it these days only blah blah Bleach, Hellsing, and Naruto. Nothing else at least execpt for Advent Children. I want to show them Macross Plus and show them what real animation is, but they dont get the story...Anyways heres the post I put on the forums of the Anime club: http://gawhsanimeclub.proboards49.com/inde...read=1129163303 Ugh I feel lonely to have taste of old anime at my school Im like the only person that has intrest in anime that rules, some other animes I like are Patlabor, Megaman(Hey its still good) , Wing Gundam, and others I know but cant remember. Oh and my friend at school was like your not Jenuis(as in smart etc) and was like what kind of name is that? OMG I got mad who does not know Max Jenius and where the hell you get Genius from??!!(a moment of silence) I just feel bad for these kids, I love old anime and their will hardly be a chance for me to like a new one. You guys should know at school I see seniors still playing Yu-Gi-Man, they get pissed at me when I ask why they play it. (the friend that I showed DYRL and said I had bad taste posted)
  12. This looks extremely detailed and smooth, you got skill how did you do this ya must have took a good class or something....But that is nice it looks more real life than CG I know this can turn out to be something great man, dont take full time to this but your progress is fast. Keep up the awesome work!
  13. Hey I feel lonely here at school Im like the only Macross fan represnitive at school, no one has intrest in Macross and the people that I know it dont like it . I shall be the MW representive at school well the only one.... Everyone seems to like Naruto, Bleach, and etc. No Macross it aint even mentioned, pffft has this ever happened to you? I have no one at school with any serious Macross intrest or in a club with Macross intrest . What do ya guys think?
  14. I recently watched AC today and oh my god it left me speechless those fight scenes were well coreographed. Its realy cool I loved every part even the Sephiroth between Cloud was awesome how Cloud just owned him with his sword spliting and just attacking Sephiroth. It left me with alot of questions though, who was that wolf, whats the water supposed to be from life stream? And all those scenes that have to do with Aries I dont get it, when he defeats Bahamut Aries image shows when Cloud goes through the sphere? The last part too when Aries and Zack leave the church, what the water supposed to be life stream? I dont get it when they leave the church where do they go and why how come they where thier? What about them though...Aries has alot to do in the story I know it, but Zack who killed him? What happened to Zack too.... I dont get any of this someone point out some answers the movie? Its just cool and sad .
  15. I will try give me some time.
  16. Sorry cant get a screenie my DVD drive is jammed. Anyways I saw it in Plus I just know I did it was like a 1 sec showing of it. I realy wonder if its the original Macross?
  17. I will try to get one today and post. Its realy intresting guys...
  18. I got a question...when I was watching Macross II and Plus I saw something intresting when songs where sang. On Macross II I got a clearer view of it, when Ishtar sings you see this ship looking like a kite with a birght pink backround. My brother said it was the original SDF-1 when first built but what is it? It looks like it but how does it clearly look I dont get the structure one bit...can someone help me this is real intresting and I would like everyone to know about it, any ideas? This is real intresting though....
  19. Calm down listen why is everyone pissed at MGREXX? He is saying bad stuff though is that the reason or something else anyways...Can we get back to topic? Whos getting the new Shadow Chronicles Comic coming out in 2 days?
  20. Ok dont get me wrong here but I hate Star Wars geeks or people obssessed with it...It makes me think omg do ya have a life? Im sorry if I offended anyone but its my opinion
  21. Does this have anything to do with an Offical Release of Macross DRYL Dubed? Cause if Reba West is doing it umm.....I dont got words to describe this . But ya think they will dub the movie?
  22. Hey I got a original tape recording of the first 4 episodes dubbed in English. I wonder one thing what channel it was on since I was like 8 years old when I saw it I think....But I still got the tape its quite old but still works is that what you are looking for? Im not sure if its an American Release but its in English and is dubbed nicely it was on some channel my sister recorded it on.
  23. Never heard of that file name...have ya tried using VLC?
  24. Yeah too bad the brother that stole and sold my Macross Plus crushed Super Robot Wars..Im going to get him some day .
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