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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. So if the PS3 is backwards compatible then would imported PS2 games work? If so 1up for Sony.
  2. Ishimaru

    Graham's Sig

    Well Graham is going to have tell us sooner or later.
  3. Damn... I really want to get this system but my mom is ticked off that I recently got a Onyx with MY OWN MONEY! Getting a job so I'm hoping that my bro at GameCrazy can talk to the manager if I can't preorder it at EB/GameStop.
  4. How did you get a preorder early? I thought they are not taking any till tomorrow morning.
  5. Hmm... Will this sell out as fast as the PS3 preoders within the first 10 minutes the store opens? Why does it say they have limited supply though? I thought the Wii was going to have a large shipment to the U.S.
  6. Well Nintendo bought me out. Thier customer service is very friendly and great. Going to get my DS lite replaced due to product damage. I didn't bother reading the last few pages but I heard something of using the DS communicating with the Wii vice versa. One example would be Zelda: Four Swords with the GBA GC, but I think it would go further than that. I'm definitely going to try and get one whenever I got the money. Twilight Princess and Brawl is a must, last Zelda game that I played was Ocarina of Time and that was one of the greatest game I have ever played, hoping Twilight Princess won't kill it for me in terms of usage of the controller and store won't ruin it for me. Brawl is basicly the same reason why everyone else loves it. mikeszekely I hate to ask but why did you leave Gamestop?
  7. I dont know man, I feel something is in the production. Its just that we don't know. Something big is going to happen next year, I can feel it would have something to do with AX07. I know a few people that staff for AX so I'm going to try my best. Shoji deserves some recognition, HG better not spoil it. But anyways Happy Birthday Macross!
  8. I was being sarcastic.
  9. Anybody got some intense non-acted light saber fight videos? I saw some at AX06 right when I walked outside with 2 pairs fighting, I must say they were crazy, I thought there FX sabers would be break but damn it is durable.
  10. I say we all grab some pitchforks, go to his house, and... Yeah, I'm just saying we should do what he did to us and get back at him.
  11. I'm just promoting just her fansub. Do not remove the / at the end of the link it ruins the whole linkage. link removed
  12. Just promoting a anime, for a friend. But it has caught my intrest in a weird way. Just take a click link removed guys. The first one Shiawase is done by a real life friend of mine. She is in the project of fansubing it, I find it real neat. Release for first Sub will be on October 6th this month. Shiawase's group will have it done on the 9th, I suggest waiting for hers since its going to be all nice,etc. So stay tuned or whatever...
  13. Dude I really am pissed at the first video, nobody had respect for her when singing, what blew it for me was the girl walking by waving a fan at herself. I was not going to go to Nisei week, but damnit if I knew Mari Ijima was going I would have made a stronger effort in going. I just feel so bad for her singing such a awesome song and no one recoginizing her at all, she was trying to make a effor and no one cared. I was suprised she remembered those lyrics though.
  14. How come the arms are not out?
  15. Ya might want to check out his other thread Here. But yes I bet he is using a language translator, but hey look at what he is trying to do. But their is some doub I feel he isnt since he would take awhile to register to the foruns.
  16. That is awesome, you are putting every little peice of detail you get on to it.
  17. Yeah, but you can not beat the nice gameplay and graphics of the game. It is just astonishing.
  18. He is asking for Macross artwork that has no copyright issue with Bigwest,etc. So he can produce a site for it for the 25th Anniversary of Macross. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think thats what he asking for.
  19. If you put it in a developers point of view...? I feel that Sony is pushing technology to its limits, I think the PS3 is a bit pricey. But with the technology it contains I suppose its worth it. Those screenies look awesome though, just imagine Macross on it. But I feel Sony is just trying to put as much effort into the PS3 so they do not have to develop a next gen console in 5 years while the PS3 is still ahead of its time, which is smart but at the cost of the consumer its stupid.
  20. Nice. I adore that SDF cell, how much did ya pay for it? I lost my pictures for at from the panel at AX05.
  21. Game Crazy, GameStop, and EB in my area have been taking preorders for the game since as far back since E3 this year. Their are going to be defects when it is released though, but my previous experiences with Nintendo has been quite good; got me a Onyx DS lite when it was released. I heard rumors of a StarWars game taking advantage of the Wii Controller, anyone heard of it?
  22. Are ya considering tournaments before AX? We should have a party or tournament of some sort when TSC gets out and play it, just for the fun of it. So then we can warm up for the tournament at AX, I have no gameplay experience with this game at all. Just some ideas, it would be fun though.
  23. I played till I hit a Levl 30 with my Tauren Shaman. Played a little on alliance servers and have some character their. But I gave up due to how much the game wastes your life, I'm currently a Nintendo person right now, and it seems pretty good. Might go back on before Burning Crusade is released. By any chance is anyone on Chromagus or Destromath? Exuse me if I mispelled the names.
  24. Hot dam thats the best looking figure I have seen, its just un holy how you sculpted it, any plans on doing a recast.
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