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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. I mean my brothers (dead ghost) topic on mac+ vinyl sticker
  2. only if you help my topic
  3. Yeah. But all auction sites should just ban the issue, people that don't need the system will stop buying it for profits, make everyone else happy. I swear this is like WoW chinese farmers all over again, well kind of. Blizzard can stop chinese farming anytime, they have the power, but they don't want to since they know they would lose money. Nearly the same exact issue with this. Greed will enslave us all, and I know it.
  4. I'm really ticked off that most of the PS3s being sold are going on some auction site so people can rip people off. I find it real sad, why couldn't Ebay, Yahoo,etc be more stricter and ban the selling of launch before and after it comes out, because I know alot of people are losing their sanity because of this, and hell (no offense) I bet some of you jerks on Macross World are selling it to just to make some profit. Enjoy the system, its meant to be played not profited... Nice post on video though, I can see why it takes so long to make them. You would need Dell for this kind of job. Edit: As in Dell to help mass produce them, but I guess Sony can handle them selves.
  5. Uhh dude they don't take preorders ...those are the amount of systems they are going to have on launch day ready to sell. If they did then they would be loooong gone. It seems the information is accurate as the numbers are the same as PS3seeker.com So camping is a recommendation on Saturday, Friday would be a waste of time if you camped then.
  6. Well how hard was it to even manage your own money? Oh well, we should get back to topic I'm losing interest here. I called Best Buy and Target and asked how many shipments they are going to take and I got the same responses that they can't reveal that information....WTF? And the electronic section at Wal-Mart didn't even pickup my call. Is it because I'm in City of Industry? I need to know when to camp, I need some help guys, I dont want to camp too early or too late, so I need some advice.
  7. What enjoyment? Well at least you don't benefit in having a HDTV. I'm stuck on a lousy fat 20' flat screen TV in my room. Damnit I want the full experience, I can move my Wii to the 52' Non-HD TV, but thats no good since I have to move it back to my room when my dad is home. Explains my first reply, but damn it sucks to be a high school Junior with all this homework thrown at you and parents expecting As when your Chemistry teacher is a mean b!#$. (No more cursing? ) Oh well back to topic, I went with my mom today to try the Wii since she had driver's license. Played Excite Truck, and I must say, the controllers their are not taken care of well or its me, since the sensor was completly blocked it didn't respond to half my movements. Well at least its impressive, just seeing how such a small machine can pack so much power really impresses me. Now to just wait for launch day... By any chance what time do you guys recommend I camp the Saturday before launch day? I really need to know so I don't waste my whole day.
  8. Bump. Well my local EB has its Wii Kiosk setup. But you need to give them your driver's license for the remote. They have Excite Truck setup, but I know they have more than that. Damnit why do I have to be 16....
  9. I'm really looking foward to OaT on the list. I have not played that game in some time.
  10. I don't think you need to wait Hikuro. Last I heard Nintendo is above expectations in the systems, meaning every store will be recieving constant shipments of the Wii. Heck even stores the next day will get some in stock since they recieve their first shipment ahead of time. It would be your best to try and call your stores to see how much they are getting, since their is a good chance alot will be availalbe. GameCrazy, and GameStop/EB are limited on them since they did not want to repeat the same mistake they did with the 360. Shipments won't be low guys! But be smart and go to places where the majority of the town population does not go daily to, like the mall for example, or perhaps Wal-Mart, be smart in your purchase. Chances are you might not even have to camp out for it, well... maybe but I can not guarantee that, but with my local Target recieving 80, I'm damn confident I will get it on launch day, if the taxes don't kill the price.
  11. I have some doubts on that. Check: Wii Seeker Edit: They just added Best Buy. It might help out some of yah looking for a Wii on the release day, PS3 seeking is not that accurate, and this only works for Target. So I hope it helps ya out. On the plus side, I payed off my Zelda preorder since they were no longer taking anymore , and preordered FFIII and Castlevania with the Bundle they were including at my local EB games, not all stores will do them, but I'm near City of Industry so demand is real high over here right now with the Wii and PS3. 2nd Edit: Just found that my local Target is getting 81! (My Target, Linkie Might Not Work)They are updating the site contstantly so numbers will change, its good to be a Nintendo fan right now; chances of getting a Wii will be "ok" if you get to the store within opening hours.
  12. Want to hear a intresting fact on Zelda at E3? People were only aloud to play through the 1 dungeon they had setup for the TP demo; they played for 10 hours and did not even get through a third of the dungeon , thats how big the game is, and getting across Hyrule fields takes about 45 minutes, thats with using Epona, I expect this game to take people 90 hours and more. Nintendo took great advantage of the time they had for Twilight Princess, but what really pisses me off is that I think they lied on the release date for the game last time we expected it to come out so they can release it, which is pretty anal, they knew they were developing the Wii, they just did not want to tell us... But on the plus side, the game is going to rock.
  13. Wow...the dub was pretty good when looking at the trailer. Nice job. I can see Adobe is working for you pretty well, just a warning to not keep it on for long hours, like a whole day, since its going to keep on eating up virtual memory till you got none and crash your computer....Just a warning.
  14. I got some skills in that program, if you can get a copy of it I could help you out. Too much free time on my hands, send me a PM. My internet is down kind of though...
  15. Just some random advice. I recommend you guys go to Sears to get your Wii, since like nobody goes there, it would be your best bet since if their was a line, it would be small.
  16. Damn.... I was 22 out of 21. They squeezed an extra one in, the kid in front of me with the 1up Mushroom Hat started to jump up and down, I wish that kid alot of luck. But damnit! I was 22 out of 21!!! I know they get a ton more on launch day but do they have to kick me away... Ack at least I got my special preorder at hand, hopefully that won't fail. Oh just to let you guys know GameCrazy is going to be getting a ton of them on launch so thats my recommendation. Checking my area my bro said that they had 90 people preorder the PS3 (Seriously ) and 3 for the Wii. We were $#!* heads to not preorder it back March when we didn't have to wait in huge lines
  17. Do we have to camp for this preorder this time? I'm not going ruining my chances.
  18. Yeah just stopped by yesterday, and I got the same answer. I really doubted they would be doing preorders this late. Did they mention a limit on the amount they can take? My Toys R US seems empty so I hope my chances are not too bad.
  19. They were doing preorders back in March weren't they? I should have been smart and done it then.
  20. Wait for the R600 if you want something to last you. And trust me you will not survive on 80GB, with those several games you want to install and your OS, and depending on what games you install you would be down to 45-50GB already. Just wait and buy some parts the were previously high end this year. You won't be spending more than $1500.
  21. Ishimaru

    Graham's Sig

    Well if we found out, wouldn't Yamato get pissed Graham at spoiling the goods to us?
  22. Meh. I got a special preorder at GameCrazy so I'm not worried about that. Did not even put money down. I won't say how I got it worked out but... YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Sorry just felt like doing that. I'm going to have to come on time at launch day though so nobody takes it from me even though its on order for me since my reservation is cut to how long they can keep it in for me. I'd say for anyone that did not get a chance, your odds are good of getting one. This launch will be a whole lot bigger than the 360's, it would be 6 times bigger to be exact. Lets all drink till we die! Cheers! Edit: 500 posts, this cant get any better!
  23. I might go as a Axe Gang Member from Kung Fu Hustle.
  24. Ishimaru

    Graham's Sig

    Well he did say something Big. I guess its something Yamato never released before, my best guess would be the DYRL SDF-1.
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