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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Well we would never know unless someone tries it out.
  2. Take a look at the video mechwarrior posted a few times over. It may be confusing at first but you will get it. Look at part one if you have to. By any chance can someone list what the special triforce stone is used for in the sacred grove when you first enter the main area. Also where do I get the last two hidden skills? I found the one in the hidden village, but where is the other one?
  3. Yeah, didn't see it from their point of view. Kind of get it now, just Sunday was the worst day for me to come to the Con due to the massive AX events that day. I need to priortize next year for the Con.
  4. Well the producers never said anything about the Zelda series except that Miyamato said that OoT was the first in 1998 until the Minish Cap was released in 2005. That explains a lot as Anouma(I think I got that spelled wrong) said that OoT had two different come offs in the two different endings. So the producers did say something relating to a time line, the series is not complete yet so it is obvious that they would not release a time line until the series is done, which would be like never...
  5. But still the hand just rules. I mean its Dr. Stiles' signature pose, I know you like it.
  6. I love that part of the game. Its so funny but so cool, I wonder how his patients react when he sees him doing it in front of them. Anyways I beat Dr. Stiles' timeline, not the girl. I rented it, so it is a short game. By any chance can someone explain to me why there was like no ending to the game?
  7. Why not just make it on the last day of AX? That day is pretty much dead, and the only reason I couldn't come was because of the Yucaza(Blah did I spell that right?) concert, my friend told me to come cause she wanted me to and I couldn't say no , as before then she dragged me around the whole day. Wouldn't making it before the start of AX be better? I see because the day before its a preregistration day, so having it on that day wouldn't be much of a hassel since the lines move quick, and you can go back to the MWCon without anything to worry about since you got your badge, and you are set for the whole con so you don't have to wait in a 2 hour line the next day. I hope my opinions aren't pissing you off...I have been a hardcore Macross fan since I was 7, right now I'm 16. So considering how bad I wanted to come, I was serious.
  8. Well first it spoils all the fun. Then that fun goes away fast, simple as that, I lose interest in games that way. That would rock!
  9. Is it still on sale?
  10. Hey I'm only sourcing the damn page , its not like its going to happen.
  11. Source Somebody needs to walk up to these guys and give them a punch in the face.
  12. Not true. You never played Wind Waker did you? The intro itself describes Ocarina of Time which was 100 years before WW, Phantom of HourGlass is in the time period too. TP, Link's Tunic. "The" Legend of Zelda in Zelda II, which was the Zelda fallen asleep awhile back when a evil wizard casted a spell on her,etc. What do you mean there is no timeline? I'd like some proof of it, play Oracle of Seasons/Ages. I want some proof in your thinking that the story is ambigous. I'm not saying your wrong as it is your own opinion on the timeline, but I what just like to know
  13. Actually the reason why the call it the Legend of Zelda actually has a reason because "Zelda" is a legend....well kind of. Right before the whole series thing started Princess Zelda was known to know the way to the that special land that the goddess came from in which they created the Triforce. There are a ton of questions on why she knows this but the Royal Family Wizard casted a spell on her to fall asleep and in the process the wizard died. Why did he do it? Cause the wizard believed she knew how to get to that special land in which the goddess came from, but Zelda didn't know, or did she? But in Zelda II she was awakened by the power of the Triforce in which Link had to collect for through out Zelda II which is suppose to be from Time Line A after OoT when Link goes back to his time as a kid. Remember Zelda was still asleep, and they did not have all the Triforce pieces to wake her up, so by Zelda II Link managed to do it. I do don't know why Zelda II is ahead of OoT but Miyamoto said that OoT was the first of the series until The Minish Cap was released in 2005, about 6 years later when he announced that OoT was the first in the series. I haven't played Zelda II or Majora's Mask which started Time Line A, since Link had to flee (To Find the Pieces I think) to awaken Zelda (I'm not sure were she is) or was it to save Hyrule because Ganon was at war with the kingdom (And then won). So Hyrule was in despair,etc. Then I think it was a GB version of the game that Link is on a raft (And he lands on a island, fights his worst fear Ganondorf, not the real one, his fear.). Wakes up the island disappears and so on he makes it back to Hyrule later, thats when The Legend of Zelda begins, since Ganon won the war Hyrule's towns and villages were destroyed so people had to move up north. Then Zelda II begins with Link awakening Zelda, and then it goes on from their. I didn't realize I was typing a essay till now . So I'm going to sum it up and conclude more of my theories. Time Line B might have Zelda still asleep in it, I'm not sure because it was never mentioned. I'm suprised TP didn't show anything of the Ocarina either. So to change things around, TP could be way far off from OoT, why? Zelda didn't have her Ocarina like she did in the of OoT. Zelda never recognized Link with the sword or anything, so I assume this could be the awakened Zelda, since she never talks about the past or Ganon. And that sleeping (Might just be a fantasy thing) has deceased her aging since it could have been a effect from the spell that the wizard casted on her. Or a descendant of the Royal family which makes good sense too. The Temple of Time is a forest now, so its safe to assume if its like that, it has been awhile since OoT, and that the Master Sword is in its rightful place, but I don't get why Link didn't go back in time or something. (Hyrule was in danger at the time so couldn't a intervention from the sages have occurred when he pulled the blade?). My bet is that the sages gave up their powers to preserve the temple and the sword, as also they used it to seal Ganon, or they are long dead for some reason. On second thought yeah it does make sense since you did pass through a gate when Link striked the sword on the mounting, so it could have activated the gate to travel back in time to what the temple originally was. But the place lost my interest after you striked the sword again, I thought something cool was going to happen. Link is reincarnated with "The Hero of Time's" tunic, which makes perfect sense, since a Hero was needed, as Ganon found a way out of the realm in which the sages sealed him in. This would be the far most interesting theory of all, you know how the dudes at the Twilight World Entrance said that Ganon was chosen by the Goddesses because he had the seal? Well I assume thats the "Triforce of Power" that he carries and used to regain his strength. (I still don't get his aging). Link was reincarnated with the "Triforce of Courage" as Zelda has the "Triforce of Wisdom". You can notice it when Link turns into a wolf for the first time as the Twilight Creature was afraid of the power Link possessed, because he had "Courage" and the Twilight Creature couldn't stand up to him, even though he was armless. Zelda I'm still fussed up about, still doesn't make sense. Ganon is a easy guess, but how he got the Triforce piece back, and escaping the seal....MmMmm... So its safe to assume that TP does NOT start right after OoT, but its somehow related in that starts some time after. Didn't mean to type that much, again. I'm going to be waiting on GT till they come up with what they have their say on TP and its connection to the Zelda world. They may make it look complicated but with visual footage, I know what they mean. If anyone can help me out with some more useful information then post, or another question then go for it. I know a good amount of information on the Zelda world and games now so hopefully I can help out. We are still on topic so if your stuck in TP just say so too. I'm just still confused on the TP thing. My hands, ugh....
  14. I believe it continues from OoT in which Zelda sends of Link to go back to his own time. Because there are two timelines now. Hyrule A when Link goes back to being a kid when placing the Master Sword in place, and Hyrule B when Zelda is left off alone with sealed Ganon. So the tunic and everything is from Adult of OoT because "Hero of Time" adds in to "Hero's Tunic". So it makes excellent sense that the Link now is a reincarnation of Link. Or I could be wrong sense it does not make sense Ordon came out of nowhere in the series, but that is my best theory, and I believe it is correct. So to sum it up. Zelda from OoT: Zelda from TP Link from OoT: Not in TP, only a reincarnation like every other Zelda game. But I'm still confused how Faron Woods has the Sacred Grove existing in it witch is the Temple of Time. So I'm still confused on how they just made up Ordon village. Windwaker takes 100 years later after OoT in Hyrule B, so if you are going to play Wind Waker play OoT because its going to make alot of sense, and I recommend you look at the video Mechwarrior posted, it really changes everything. I'm still editing my theory, so keep asking question guys . I will answer them, and by that it will help improve my theory for how TP fits in the timeline.
  15. Ah..seriously I relied on my sense when I was frustrated with the game. I knew their was solution to the problem, it's always under your nose. Even with puzzles, just look around their is always a solution, you might have a item that you never used and it can be the solution or even a single action. I beated the game on Saturday or was it Sunday at 2:00AM, all I can say is its a long ending, and you will be suprised. One interesting thing if the facts up to now on GT(GameTrailers) are right, then the Zelda in the game is the Zelda from OoT as her adult form, when she sent off Link to go back to his time, which is real mind blowing... But they didn't finish TP so everything can change, I'm not sure of the facts myself, but I believe it's right. Some of the things in the game don't add up though for some reason. Anyone beat the game so I can actually spoil it?
  16. What you are saying is mostly irrational, those ships were torn apart for a reason. Don't you think that the ships have been worn out to a point if they were used in battle that maneuverability would be near impossible and that its firepower would be drain just about all of the ship's resources with minimal effect on the enemy? Putting it together wasn't their best idea, but they had no choice, they needed due to the fact that it might give a winning chance and minimal loss because of the fact that they all they had to do is build the frame of the whole ship (excluding the body), which costed them little resources due to the fact that the cannons were ready, and all that it needed was a better resource. But the old cannon was probably the reason the ship was handy in resources needed to provide to the cannons, at best they could have done a dozen more shots since thats what the whole ship is devoting its resources to. It may not make much sense but the writers of MacII thought to the best of their ability in what they can do for the design. It may not be the best , but it makes logical sense. Even if it was not part of the Mac series itself. They didn't ask for trouble when the cannon was distant, they expected to fire it from a distance hoping to take out all enemy casualties without any heavy losses but it failed. They though that a ton of firepower with the loss of maneuverability would gain easy victory without any heavy losses to men, but it never worked due to the large amount of overwhelming enemy forces. Think about it, would you rather have victory easily and not lose any men, or be desperate and try to round up all your resources evenly hoping that you can outdo the enemy. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. Wow.... That really fixed my head up on the story. I need to watch it a few more times since I kind of don't get if the Zelda from OoT is the one in TP since Link.....OH!!! Its her! Ganon was released no wonder!! I get it now...l.I think. Wow this is so interesting. I will add more later and take a look at more videos since I'm out of time. I need to go play some more Zelda games now. Wow thanks Mechwarrior seriously man. - Dean
  18. Well, don't have time to take a look at it now. But reading the comments I think you answered what I was looking for. Oh and it was some other village not Korikori village which was an actual village in OoT, it was Kikori Forest. Well have further opinion tomorrow, since I just found the old OoT Prima torn up strategy guide, going to have a good review over the game. Will post back later for my further opinions. Thanks Mechwarrior.
  19. A tip of advice because some of us could not come. Do not make this on Anime Expo or Comic Con days, seriously because I could not come. If it was not on those days then I would have been there this year. Just a recommendation to the people who planned the event. (No Offense) Where all the pics of the MWers? 1 isn't enough...
  20. As you guys might have heard this is no suprise. TSC DVD Release Date is Feb 6th. Our predictions were right. I bet they are going to hold it back even longer and then then fandom will be dead. Still another 2 months? I might forget about it this when the DVD gets released...
  21. Its ok man. You didn't know and you should not have blamed yourself for that. Keep checking every week I'm sure they are going to be getting stocks every now and then. By any chance has anyone played videos on the Wii via SD card? I can't for some reason the quicktime format .mov does not even play, I followed the manual but I'm still wacked off a bit. Anyone help me out and link me a program that would convert the files to be playable on the Wii. I tried like every format I can think of, but it won't play even though its detected. I just want to play some Macross on the big screen. Just found this on Youtube. Retarded Guy Smashes WiiMote I assume the guy is a idiot for throwing it that hard and posting on Youtube to show more of his stupidity.
  22. Yeah I agree on that. But the story is still missing something. After Plus it went empty(Excluding Zero), we don't even know what becomes of the SDF-1 on Earth... A Gundam Seed movie is coming out next year, there is only one way to compete with it.
  23. Still looked better though...
  24. 18 PS3s? That is a lot for a store, even after launch.
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